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إن واقع السلوك الإنساني قديم قدم حرية الإنسان, لكن الوعي الفلسفي (الرسمي) بهذا السلوك حديث يرجع إلى أواخر القرن الثامن العشر, وقد نجم عن نجاح فلسفة( نيتشه ), بعد أن استعار مفهوم القيمة من الاقتصاديين, أن غدا هذا المفهوم ذائعا في دنيا التأمل الفلسفي و عامة المثقفين. إن فلسفة القيمة مستقلة عن كل فلسفة غيرها, وهي فلسفة شاملة تهم الإنسان أياً كان وأينما كان لأنها تهتم بالقضايا الأساسية التي مازال يطرحها على نفسه, ويحاول الإجابة عنها لعله يجد في ذلك نورا يهديه في مسيرة حياته. فهي تهتم بالموضوعات التي تهتم بها الفلسفة عموماً, ولكن من وجهة نظر قيمية, وتحاول أن تبرز المعنى العميق لهذا الوجود الذي لا يسرنا حتى يصير أجمل في عيوننا وأجلى لعقولنا. وتبعاً لذلك فالاهتمام بها اهتمام بموضوع يتصدر الفكر الفلسفي. إذا كان الكثيرون قد توهموا أن الأخلاق لا تزيد عن كونها مجرد نداء الواجب أو (ما ينبغي أن يكون) وكأن كل مهمة الاخلاق أن تصدر بعض الأوامر والنواهي, وأن تضع بعض القواعد أو الوصايا, فإن من واجبنا أن نقول أن الأخلاق الفلسفية هي تعلمنا كيف نحكم, إنها توجِّه انتباهنا نحو العنصر الإبداعي في الإنسان, فتتحداه طالبةً إليه أن يلاحظ ويحدس ويتكهن بما يجب أن يحدث, إنها تدعوه إلى التصرُّف في كلِّ مناسبةٍ وفقاً لما يستدعيه الموقف الخاص, بحيث يجيء تصرُّفه سلوكاً أصيلاً جديداً ومبتكراً. من خلال هذا البحث عن فلسفة القيم سأسعى للإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية: إشكالية البحث:  ما علاقة القيم بالوجود؟  هل الشر موجود؟ وهل يجب أن نبغضه؟
The study aimed to identify the impact of social networking on the values and behaviors among university "Face book" Students sites model " To achieve the objectives of the study were a number of questions as follows: 1- What are the main qualitat ive characteristics of the members of the study sample? 2- What are the habits and patterns of use of university students to the social networking site "Face book 3- What are the main pros and cons of using university students to site "Face book"? 4- Do you use the site "Face book" and exposure to its contents helps university students to link the values? 5- Does it help the site "Face book" university students to overcome some of the negative behaviors. And to answer the questions of the study was the use of a questionnaire included several axes, according to the objectives of the study, and the study included all students enrolled in the University of Damascus community in the year 2016 Aldrase2015.
هدفت الدراسة إلى تعرف مدى توافر القيم التربوية في قصص الأطفال الموجهة إلـى المرحلة العمرية (5-8 سنوات) للمؤلفة مريم خير بك و هي بعنوان "سلسلة البـشائر الصغيرة" التي تم نشرها من قِبل دار البشائر عام 1992م. تكونت العينة من 12 قصة انطلقت أحداثها من ا لطبيعة المحيطة بالطفل و البيئة التي يعيش فيها. تم استخدام تحليل المحتوى في تحليل القصص الأثنتي عشرة، حيث عدت الجملة وحدة التحليل الأساسية، ثم صنفت في محاور وفق قائمة القيم المستخدمة في هـذا البحـث و هو مقياس القيم (كنعان، 1995).
The present study aims to identify the nature of virtual relationships and their distinctive characteristics, and to identify the reasons behind the rush of large numbers of people to join the virtual society and to engage in various economic, soci al, emotional and financial relations, establishing a parallel situation of common relations in the real community. The research also seeks to explore whether values as rules and guidelines for behavior and social relationships in the living societies play the same role in the virtual society? Is the voluntary resort to the virtual society is a voluntary withdrawal from the real society, or merely a transient leap? The researcher mainly used the comparative and historical analysis method, to answer the research questions which formed the research problem, and the results of the basic and secondary assumptions and their validation , and the desired goals. The comparative method is common in research and social studies that seek to reveal similarities and differences regarding specific phenomena that are already forming or have already been formed. This is fully applicable to our current study. The historical approach serves in returning to the distant or near past to identify the techniques of communication and social networking and put all this in the right context according to the requirements of the research and its necessities and purpose.
The research aimed to identify the degree of practicing Management by Values of the Secondary Schools Managers in Lattakia City from the Teachers' point of view in their Schools. The research also aimed to study the differences significance between the average points of the research sample of the Secondary Schools Managers according to the following variables: (sex, scientific and educational qualification, years of experience), and to achieve the objectives of this research, a questionnaire was built, consisted of (56) has been applied on a sample of (403) teachers, during the academic year of (2017 - 2018), also the current research used Descriptive analytical method and to approve the questionnaire validity, it was showed to a jury of (7) of specialized adjudicators in this domain. Its constancy was assured by applying it on a pilot sample consisted of (82) teachers, in Lattakia City through Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.952), and (0.473) at Spearman-Brown. The final results showed that the degree of practicing Management by Values of the Secondary Schools Managers in Lattakia City the from Teachers' point of view, came middle rated , the result also showed no statistically significance differences in the degree of practicing Management by Values of the Secondary Schools Managers in Lattakia City of the sample members' point of view, according to the variables (sex, and scientific and educational qualification), While there were statistically significance differences due to the Variable experience, in favor of teachers with experience of more than (10) years. The research provided some suggestions such as preparing training programs to train Secondary Schools Managers on Management by Values, also conducting other researches about applying Management by Values theory at Schools.
The poetic consciousness of the pre-Islamic period is full of various images of the "hero" whose heroship exceeds the idea of chivalry further up to an extensive richness denoted by the the lexicon of "heroicism", as well as by the poetic capturing of the heroic acts. Thus, a heroic poetry has emerged to be an example followed by many poets later to assimilate those heroic values. Generally speaking, the poet of the pre-islamic period is one of the tribe heroes adapting values of heroship which have always characterised the pre islamic community. Accordingly, the concept of the " war hero" has formed the the poetic consciousness in terms of bravery and strength. So well does the "peace hero" as having been the social hero representing the values of genorosity, good neighbor, and helping the needy. There are also many other values which can't be separated in many poems, especially when connected with collective pride that is often represented by heroes carrying the tribal fanaticism.
The present study seeks to identify the nature of the relationship between social reality and consciousness from a perspective that we call interactive, and to examine their contribution to the social character of the other. In particular, consider ation of the relationship between reality and consciousness has often taken a unilateral character in the discussions about it, whether among sociologists in particular, or among the scholars in social sciences in general, where the focus was on the identification of the pre-existing of consciousness or the existence. In so far as the difference in responses has enriched sociology with opinions and theories to the extent that it has left a profound impact on the point of view of the assessment of what is the primary and what is marginal in the relationship between consciousness and social existence. Apart from these unilateral and sharp estimates, the present study attempts to clarify the relationship between social consciousness and social existence through what can be called the picture of reality in the minds of social actors as embodied by the reality of the relationship between values and reality because values constitute an important aspect of consciousness and, at the same time, directing people's relations and
This study aimed to identify the degree of management practice values in the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University from the point of view of the members of the teaching staff. It also aimed to find out the significance of differences b etween the mean scores of the evaluations of the members of the teaching staff in the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University to practice for management by values at level(α ≤ 0.05), which are attributed to the study variables (gender, academic grade). For achieving the study aims, the researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method, Where the study population consists of faculty members in the Faculty of Physical Education in Tishreen University and their number (24) member, while the sample of the study amounted to (20) members. Among the most important results is that the degree of practicing management by values ​​in the Faculty of Physical Education from the viewpoint of faculty members is located at the intermediate level. The statistical data was processed by using the statistical program (SPSS).

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