لقد قسمنا البحث إلى فقرتين أساسيتين، ُتعنى الفقرة الأولى من البحث بالكشف عن
طبيعة العلاقة بين المنهج و النص، من جهة التقديم و التأخير، فميزنا بين ثلاثة آراء
أساسية في تاريخ الفلسفة، و هي:
- الرأي الأول يذهب أصحابه إلى الاعتقاد بتأخر المنهج عن النسق
- أما الرأي الثاني فيذهب أصحابه إلى الاعتقاد بأسبقية المنهج على النسق
- و يذهب الرأي الثالث إلى القول بالتوحيد و الدمج بين المنهج و النسق
عملنا على تحليل هذه الآراء و مناقشتها، و حاولنا الكشف عن سلبياتها، و عرضنا
رأينا بهذا الخصوص.
أما الفقرة الثانية، فُتعنى بتحليل كيفية قراءة النص الفلسفي، و ميزنا فيها بين
نوعين من القراءة:
- القراءة التفسيرية المغلقة
والقراءة التأويلية المفتوحة
The article has been split into two main parts; the first concerns
illustrating the nature of the relation between method and text and which
one is prior to another. We discriminated three main opinions in the
history of philosophy, which are:
• The first opinion is adopted by those who prioritize System to
• While the second opinion believers tend to prioritize method to
• The third opinion favors merging and unifying method and
We worked on analyzing and discussing these opinions, and tried
exposing their disadvantages, and expressed our opinions in this
The second part of the article is concerned with analyzing how to
read a philosophy text, in which we discriminated two types of readings:
• A closed interpretational reading.
• And a hermeneutical open reading.
References used
أحمد برقاوي، الأنا، دمشق، 2005
أحمد برقاوي،"الذات والتأويل"، بحث مقدم في سيمينار قسم الفلسفة – جامعة .2012/3/ دمشق الذي انعقد بتاريخ
آرثر لفجوي، سلسلة الوجود الكبرى، ترجمة ماجد فخري، دار الكتاب . العربي: بيروت، 1964
أرسطو، الميتافيزيقا، موسكو، 1976
This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical
system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of
the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability
of the references related to the su
It is important for any science –including Human Geography- to
follow the scientific development and to keep up with other sciences, to
develop the elements of scientific research system, the most prominent
ones of which are: Approach, and Method.
This research aims at studying types of PV Systems and their applications in many practical
fields. It also aims at looking into all the components and technical specifications of the
equipment. That's what serves these systems' design and implemen
There were many legal frameworks and engineering conditions of the construction systems
in Arab countries. They were developed depending on the importance of the urban boom,
taking into account the priorities of the cities in their strategies, whic
The study included 49 cases of clubfoot in 30 patient between 2008-2013 , 21 male (70%) , 9 female ( 30 % )
The female to male ratio was 1 : 2.3 .
The patients were treated by two methods :
the traditional method with success rate 54%.
the ponseti method with success ratio 83% .
the most complication after treatment in the two methods was forefoot adductor .