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Literary criticism and history of ideas Search in the curricula of philosophy literary

النقد الأدبي وتاريخ الأفكار بحث في مناهج الفلسفة الأدبية

1845   4   36   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study is based on the monitoring attempt based on combining three fields of knowledge are: philosophy, history, literature, reflected this attempt in the biography of science is the science of the history of ideas, and this is science culmination of the evolution of the two fields the first two; philosophy evolved Mbagesha of (metaphysics), to ( theory of knowledge); also resulted in other sciences as a science meeting, and Ethics. As history has maintained relative stability in terms of subject matter, identify the actions of human beings and their curricula, until the appearance of the philosophy of history taught ideal motives and Supreme underlying structures behind human. The third field any literature has remained a laboratory for each development, it is the scene of test philosophy forest, and specifically different research methods included in the field who is also the document adopted by historians in their studies and their work in the course of nations and their actions . The Mathol study presented is another type of philosophy, literary, which to this type of approach substantive literature to Atjal Thread literary purpose as much Matjal ideas - the constituent units of this topic purpose, and therefore taught literature and the same thought in the dynamics and evolution and change, being studied in more Msarha inclusive diversity in literature, and are in the process of typing another kind of history is the history of an individual separate from the history Bashklah unwavering: metaphysician (divine), and material (ground)

References used
أدونيس، الأعمال الشعرية، أغاني مهيار الدمشقي وقصائد أخرى، أدونيس، دار المدى،سوريا، دمشق، 1996 م.
أدونيس ، الثابت والمتحول، ج 3، صدمة الحداثة ،دار الساقي، بيروت، لبنان.
أدونيس، الصوفية والسوريالية، دار الساقي،بيروت، ط 2، سنة 1995 م.
أحمد عطية موسى، القاموس السياسي، دار النهضة العربية، ط 3، القاهرة 1968
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This research highlights two main approaches that are used in the most distinguished literary books in the Hijri third century: The first one is digression. This approach is based on the spontaneous transferring of the readers from a subject or idea to another without a logical connection. This approach may include a hint of confusion and a lack of methodicalness. It may also hide denotations, intentions and viewpoints that could not be made explicit. Al-Jahez (255 Hijri) is the most prominent representative of the approach in his two books (Al-Hayawan) and (Al-Bayan and Altabyeen), Al-Jahez is truly considered the real founder of digression. The second one is the approach of categorization and classification that is based on arranging the cognitive, homogeneous vocabulary and putting them within one chapter with a specific title. In his book (Uyoun Al-akhbar), Ibn Qutaibah is considered the first to begin this method by dividing his book into categories. Each of these categories include a set of partly homogeneous news. This is because he does not want to completely break away from the tradition of digression used by his predecessors. Ibn Qutaibah's work was a leading stage in the field of categorizing and classification. As for the book (Al–Kamel) by Al–Mubarred; in spite of dividing this book to chapters, it does not hold the essence of categorization, and the division was just formal.
Translation forms a scientific, artistic and procedural house that receives texts whose language and culture are peculiar. It probes them and explores their unique ideas and treasures to quench its thirst for it is a science and an end by itself. I t has its bases, its factors, importance and tools, and it tries to quench others when it becomes a bridge between different nations and cultures and their various ways of thinking. From this perspective, the title is a kind of analysis, of what the subtitle is: the essence of translation, and the comparative literary research so that both will be the object of our study in continuation of previous studies whose echo could be seen by the reader directly or indirectly of for being similar.
Under the general rule in the proof of legal actions in the Syrian law on evidence in writing, shall not be proof of testimony only within the limits of quantitative quorum for the certificate as stipulated Syrian Evidence Act. However, evidence of proof the law has been passed to testify if required commitment exceeded the value of proven quantitative quorum of the certificate; if a literary mind if found without written guide. This study aims to indicate what the literary inhibitor; and by clarifying cases of literary inhibitor, which allows proof of testimony, also aims to demonstrate the power of the judiciary to appreciate the literary inhibitor, and the consequences of proven literary inhibitor and how to prove.
The paper reports the results of a translationese study of literary texts based on translated and non-translated Russian. We aim to find out if translations deviate from non-translated literary texts, and if the established differences can be attribu ted to typological relations between source and target languages. We expect that literary translations from typologically distant languages should exhibit more translationese, and the fingerprints of individual source languages (and their families) are traceable in translations. We explore linguistic properties that distinguish non-translated Russian literature from translations into Russian. Our results show that non-translated fiction is different from translations to the degree that these two language varieties can be automatically classified. As expected, language typology is reflected in translations of literary texts. We identified features that point to linguistic specificity of Russian non-translated literature and to shining-through effects. Some of translationese features cut across all language pairs, while others are characteristic of literary translations from languages belonging to specific language families.
The objective of the research to learn the skills of historical thinking contained in a history book second row literary secondary, adopted search the descriptive approach, the researcher used list tool thinking skills to historical composed of,5 the skills of Chairperson, and 26 subskill distributed on five skills of the Chairperson. That included a sample search all the contents of the Student book of the substance of the history of the second grade literary secondary issued by the Ministry of Education in the Syrian Arab Republic, entitled to: (the history of the modern world and contemporary).
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