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In this research I studied structural concepts , and how to move into the Arabic cultural field. I defined these concepts, and the most important people who founded it and contributed to its construction as a structural approach . Then I traced the ways that brought it to the modern Arabic criticism .And the role of competency in the process of vulnerability and influence. Perhaps the practical steps I have taken has made the structural approach take its obvious features in our Arabic criticism. This research is presented in detail by the structural critic Kamal Abu Dib , through his structural applications. And because it is impossible to take note of all structural aspects that resembled the archipelago to look up from the top, I tried to study structuralism as a way of thinking and literary criticism. In particular ,structuralism seeks to discover the relationship between the literary system ( the text ) and the culture , that the text part of it.
This paper deals with conversational implicature in discourse. It aims at investigating the degree of pragmatic awareness as far as implicature is concerned in third-year students of English at Albaath University.
Al-Andalucia Magamat book was not far away from the variety of life scenes intheir society.But,by their intelligent awareness they could select some of their problems and re-organise them in artistic picture,trying seriously to find suitions.they con ceived by their deep sight how to react sensibly with their fact,when they wanted to depict a phenomenon.They used certain tools to depict the corruption describing the state,the complaint,the sarcasm,the humour and Al-Makdi type.This study aims to throw thelight on these tools which Al-Makdi writers and the Andalucians used to direct their critical arrows towards all that caused their psychological pressure.This study also depends on descriptionand analysis as a method to achieve this aim.
Al-Wahidi is one of the greatest syntactic critics who have explained al-Mutanabbi's Anthology. His explanation contains concepts, and syntactic and critical opinions that deserve study and scrutiny. Al-Mutanabbi's poetry stands as a fertile domain f or syntractic criticism as is apparent in the critical arena over his poetry. Through his syntactic judgement, al-Wahidi attempts to support a doctrine, oppose some point of view, elaborate on what violates a proposed principle, or uncover a certain problematic issue somewhere in al-Mutanabbi's poetry; specially when disagreement among critics' opinions appears, and dissimilarity among their doctrines and approaches materialises. Poetry was and is still one significant source to formulate the syntactic structure, even if it witnessed some unstability due to narrators' uncertainties, and imprecision of transference. So, narratives and narrators of poetry have varied, which has consequently created an obvious phenomenon that requires research, and study of the effect that may have on the syntactic rules. This is because syntax is one fundamental aspect of the culture of those interested in the literatry exegeses. This study comes to focus on one essential aspect of syntactic criticism that is already applied to al-Mutanabbi's poetry.
This paper deals with the poetic necessity of Qudamah Ben Jaafar, he begins by explaining the term necessary, and then he displays the emergence of Arabic grammar and its motives; he also refers to the Arabic criticism which was subjective without depending on standards, until the beginning of blogging era and development of science; it has being influenced by other cultures, particularly Greek philosophy. The most affected person, put foundations and controls for criticism he was Qudamah Ben Jaafar, who wrote a book called (criticism of poetry) which pointed to the failure of his predecessors who launched judgments on the poetry and limited their attention to the rhyme, strange and meanings, and neglected the difference between good and bad poetry, he put limits to the poetry, and clarified its pillars, and explained the reasons of the good and bad quality of poetry, and judged defects on the poems in which their content are disturbed (pronunciation, weight, rhyme, meaning), and these defects included damages and so on.
This study is based on the monitoring attempt based on combining three fields of knowledge are: philosophy, history, literature, reflected this attempt in the biography of science is the science of the history of ideas, and this is science culminatio n of the evolution of the two fields the first two; philosophy evolved Mbagesha of (metaphysics), to ( theory of knowledge); also resulted in other sciences as a science meeting, and Ethics. As history has maintained relative stability in terms of subject matter, identify the actions of human beings and their curricula, until the appearance of the philosophy of history taught ideal motives and Supreme underlying structures behind human. The third field any literature has remained a laboratory for each development, it is the scene of test philosophy forest, and specifically different research methods included in the field who is also the document adopted by historians in their studies and their work in the course of nations and their actions . The Mathol study presented is another type of philosophy, literary, which to this type of approach substantive literature to Atjal Thread literary purpose as much Matjal ideas - the constituent units of this topic purpose, and therefore taught literature and the same thought in the dynamics and evolution and change, being studied in more Msarha inclusive diversity in literature, and are in the process of typing another kind of history is the history of an individual separate from the history Bashklah unwavering: metaphysician (divine), and material (ground)
As one on of the sciences of the Arabic Language, this research concentrates on the morphological criticism to al-Mutanabbi's poetry by a few ancient Arab critics who were not grammarians. The introduction presents the significance, aim and methodolo gy of the research, then follows the talk of the aspects of the morphological criticism to al-Mutanabbi's poetry through highlighting the beginnings of the morphological and syntactic criticism. Building on this, it mentions the morphologically-criticized line of verse, records the criticism, and assesses this criticism based on the principles of syntax, morphology and the statements of the eloquent Arabs. Eventually, this research addresses the characteristics of this criticism, pointing out that such criticism carries heavy bias against Abu Tayyeb al-Mutanabbi. It neither utters the truth, nor is sincere; but tends to be envious and offensive, being follower of al-Basra school of syntax and morphology, and considering its opponents mistaken and faulty. It then mentions the important results is ends up with.
The research addressed a critical analytical study of the moral basis of scientific knowledge from the viewpoint of the contemporary philosopher of science Karl popper, throughout his opinion on the fact that scientific knowledge is incomplete when not based on cognitive approach and moral content which protect it from slipping and error, stressing the close relationship and the strong correlation between knowledge and ethics, which if deviated affected the standards of science as a whole. Results showed that knowledge, generally, is everyone's right to possess, threr resides the truth, and to reach this truth there must be many methodologies, says popper, the most important of which is the critical approach and rational dialog, by which we realize that the human makes mistakes and, consequently, his knowledge may be wrong, and to access the real scientific knowledge the skeptical approach should be followed in which the premise is tested in different ways. Popper pointed out that the insightful human recipient can exercise these logical operations, and the insightful human is naturaly forgivable non- fanatic, open to criticism, non-monopolistic of knowledge and therefore the basis of knowledge is purely ethical, without which knowledge loses its meaning and credibility.
The study was built on pursuing opinions of some contemporary researchers , then samples of the old critics' attitudes were displayed , it is two parts . The first part included two different trends of texts one of them is that on which the contem porary researchers have relied in an attempt to prove the old critics were fanatic and the other displayed several criticism texts of each old critic showing their positive critical attitudes towards the innovated poetry. The second part includes critical texts representing the critics' opinions from the end of the second century of Hegira until termination the dealing with the innovation in the Abbaside poetry issue.

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