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Islamic Banking is considered an important subject that researchers and economists are interested in nowadays. Studying economic development finance, identifying and overcoming its obstacles are one of the important issues that help pave the way to e conomic development. To that end, the researcher seeks to define Islamic Banks, identify the difficulties which they face in Syria, and make proposals. The study shows that there are many obstacles facing the Islamic Banks in Syria, and presents a number of suggestions which might contribute to overcome these hindrances and accelerate the achievement of economic development in Syria.
The study was built on pursuing opinions of some contemporary researchers , then samples of the old critics' attitudes were displayed , it is two parts . The first part included two different trends of texts one of them is that on which the contem porary researchers have relied in an attempt to prove the old critics were fanatic and the other displayed several criticism texts of each old critic showing their positive critical attitudes towards the innovated poetry. The second part includes critical texts representing the critics' opinions from the end of the second century of Hegira until termination the dealing with the innovation in the Abbaside poetry issue.
This paper aims to examine William Beckford's Vathek (1786) in terms of the major impacts that have helped him to compose such a novel. The three main factors that influenced Beckford are: his experience during his residence at Fonthill Abbey; his interest and readings in translations of the Arabian tales, The Arabian Nights; and his combination of fantasy with the soberly sensual grace of Eastern imagery. Despite the fact that Vathek is an eccentric short novel, it is based on a realistic protagonist, Al-Wathek (A.D.815-846), the 9th Caliph of Abassid dynasty, known for his love of food, and his knowledge in music, poetry, astronomy and logic.
حلل الباحث واقع التمكين السياسي للمرأة العربية وصولاً إلى استراتيجية فعالة تتمحور حول كيفية جعل حركة المرأة السياسية جزءاً لا يتجزأ من حركة المجتمع، بحيث تأتي معبرة عن إفراز طبيعي لتطور المجتمع، إذ إن ممارسة المرأة دورها في حياة المجتمع ضرورة وطنية و قومية و إنسانية.
The research purpose is to study the issue of Al Quds in Nezar Kabane poetry to light the position of Al-Quds poem in his thought and art. The paper also discusses many opinions for different researchers who didn't talk about the poem itself directly to enrich the research and distinct the value of the poem which specifically talks about Al –Quds.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعريف أو التذكير بهذه القواعد في ضوء ما استقرت عليه العلاقات الدولية في بداية الألف الثالثة للميلاد، و محاولة تحليل الأحداث التي تمر بها المنطقة من وجهة نظر القانون الدولي لتثبيت الوقائع و تحديد الانتهاكات المرتكبة بحقنا نحن شعوب هذه المنطقة.
يرتكز البحث على موضوع التجارة الخارجية السورية، خلال الفترة ١٩٩٣-١٩٩٩ نظراً لخصوصيتها في الحياة الاقتصادية السورية، التي شهدت خلالها مرحلة من الركود الاقتصادي، قلما عرفها الاقتصاد السوري على هذا النحو منذ مطلع السبعينيات من القرن الماضي.
تتميز البطالة في سورية، باعتبارها دولة تنتمي للعالم الثالث، بأوضاع سلبية خاصة، تتمثل في ازدياد مشكلة البطالة و توسعها بشكل مطرد و خطير، و تزامن ذلك مع صعوبة إيجاد حل واضح في الأفق المنظور.إذ من المؤكد أن الفجوة بين العرض من قوة العمل و الطلب عليها تزداد يوماً بعد يوم.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا