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Morphological Criticism To al-Muhanabbi's Poetry By the Ancient Arab Critics

النقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي لدى النقاد العرب القدماء

2291   1   44   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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As one on of the sciences of the Arabic Language, this research concentrates on the morphological criticism to al-Mutanabbi's poetry by a few ancient Arab critics who were not grammarians. The introduction presents the significance, aim and methodology of the research, then follows the talk of the aspects of the morphological criticism to al-Mutanabbi's poetry through highlighting the beginnings of the morphological and syntactic criticism. Building on this, it mentions the morphologically-criticized line of verse, records the criticism, and assesses this criticism based on the principles of syntax, morphology and the statements of the eloquent Arabs. Eventually, this research addresses the characteristics of this criticism, pointing out that such criticism carries heavy bias against Abu Tayyeb al-Mutanabbi. It neither utters the truth, nor is sincere; but tends to be envious and offensive, being follower of al-Basra school of syntax and morphology, and considering its opponents mistaken and faulty. It then mentions the important results is ends up with.

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Research summary
يتناول هذا البحث النقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي من قبل النقاد العرب القدماء الذين لم يكونوا من النحاة. يبدأ البحث بمقدمة تشرح أهمية الموضوع وأهدافه ومنهجه. ثم يستعرض البحث بدايات النقد النحوي والصرفي، ويذكر الأبيات التي تعرضت للنقد الصرفي، ويحلل النقد الموجه إليها استناداً إلى أحكام النحو والصرف وكلام العرب الفصحاء. يوضح البحث أن النقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي كان متحيزاً وغير موضوعي، حيث كان وراءه الحسد والخصومة والتعصب لمذهب البصرة في النحو والصرف. يختتم البحث بذكر أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها، ومنها أن النقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي كان بعيداً عن الموضوعية والدقة، وأن المتنبي كان شاعراً وعالماً بالعربية وناقداً بارعاً، وأن النقد الموجه إليه لم يقلل من شأنه بل زاده إشراقاً وبهاءً.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من الجهد الكبير الذي بذله الباحث في تحليل النقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن أن تكون موضع نقد. أولاً، يمكن القول أن الباحث قد ركز بشكل كبير على الجانب السلبي للنقاد القدماء دون إعطاء وزن كافٍ للأسباب التي دفعتهم إلى هذا النقد. ثانياً، كان من الممكن تضمين المزيد من الأمثلة والشواهد التي تدعم وجهة نظر الباحث بشكل أكثر تفصيلاً. ثالثاً، يمكن أن يكون هناك بعض التحيز في تحليل الباحث للنقد الموجه للمتنبي، حيث يبدو أنه يميل إلى الدفاع عنه بشكل كبير دون النظر بموضوعية إلى النقد الموجه إليه. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن أن يتناول البحث تأثير هذا النقد على تطور الشعر العربي بشكل أوسع وأشمل.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من البحث؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من البحث هو تقويم النقد الصرفي الذي تناول شعر المتنبي وتبيين مدى دقته وموضوعيته.

  2. ما هي المنهجية التي اعتمدها الباحث في هذا البحث؟

    اعتمد الباحث على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، حيث قام باستقراء الأبيات المنقودة من الناحية الصرفية وتحليل النقد الموجه إليها استناداً إلى أحكام النحو والصرف وكلام العرب الفصحاء.

  3. ما هي السمات الرئيسية للنقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي كما وردت في البحث؟

    السمات الرئيسية للنقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي تشمل التشدد في تطبيق أحكام النحو والصرف، التعصب لأحد المذهبين النحويين، الاستقراء الناقص، وضعف بعض النقاد في العربية، والخصومة والحسد تجاه المتنبي.

  4. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصل إليها البحث؟

    النتائج الرئيسية تشمل أن النقد الصرفي لشعر المتنبي كان بعيداً عن الموضوعية والدقة، وأن المتنبي كان شاعراً وعالماً بالعربية وناقداً بارعاً، وأن النقد الموجه إليه لم يقلل من شأنه بل زاده إشراقاً وبهاءً.

References used
التذكرة الحمدونية , لابن حمدون , تحقيق إحسان عباس , دار صادر , بيروت , ط1 , 1966م
تسهيل الفوائد و تكميل المقاصد , لابن مالك , تحقيق محمد كامل بركات , دار الكتاب العربي , 1387ه
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Al-Wahidi is one of the greatest syntactic critics who have explained al-Mutanabbi's Anthology. His explanation contains concepts, and syntactic and critical opinions that deserve study and scrutiny. Al-Mutanabbi's poetry stands as a fertile domain f or syntractic criticism as is apparent in the critical arena over his poetry. Through his syntactic judgement, al-Wahidi attempts to support a doctrine, oppose some point of view, elaborate on what violates a proposed principle, or uncover a certain problematic issue somewhere in al-Mutanabbi's poetry; specially when disagreement among critics' opinions appears, and dissimilarity among their doctrines and approaches materialises. Poetry was and is still one significant source to formulate the syntactic structure, even if it witnessed some unstability due to narrators' uncertainties, and imprecision of transference. So, narratives and narrators of poetry have varied, which has consequently created an obvious phenomenon that requires research, and study of the effect that may have on the syntactic rules. This is because syntax is one fundamental aspect of the culture of those interested in the literatry exegeses. This study comes to focus on one essential aspect of syntactic criticism that is already applied to al-Mutanabbi's poetry.
Al-Mutanabbi, as we all know, is a poet who filled the world with poetry providing a tale and reflecting the sublimity of creation and art.He is still like a torrential spring from which scholars drinkn to quench the thierdt of their pens in search of his creative works, trying to reveal the secret of that creation which involves inventive psychological feelings that made him form his poetry with wonderful aesthetic artistry, something which, gave Arabic a particular dealing with the word use which, perhaps, is almost unique to Al- Mutanabbi so that this creation which remained constanly with him till he became famous for it as if it had been his identification card he held. No sooner does ascholar read that language than he sees Al-Mutanabbi's ID Card which has later became the ID card of Arabic poetry, affecting its advance and restrationcreativey, aristically and intellectually throughout ages and history.
The study was built on pursuing opinions of some contemporary researchers , then samples of the old critics' attitudes were displayed , it is two parts . The first part included two different trends of texts one of them is that on which the contem porary researchers have relied in an attempt to prove the old critics were fanatic and the other displayed several criticism texts of each old critic showing their positive critical attitudes towards the innovated poetry. The second part includes critical texts representing the critics' opinions from the end of the second century of Hegira until termination the dealing with the innovation in the Abbaside poetry issue.
The aim of this research is to study the concept of history and evolution for “IbnKhaldun” through a systematic illustration of the meaning of history. Therefore, we present this research in order to reach the philosophy of history for “IbnKhaldun” and to highlight the importance of this philosopher as one of the founders of the philosophy of history as his conception of history makes him close to contemporary philosophers. This perception is crystallized to history on rejecting the “empiricalconcept” radically. Therefore, we find that the history of “IbnKhaldun” is not a narrative of news, but it is an explanation of eventsin which we can build it a new science. The concept of progress that was crystallized in the eighteenth century has signs in the introduction of IbnKhaldun in which he presented a methodology for studying history in its interior movement and not in appearance. In addition, the problematic questions that raised by “IbnKhaldun” opened horizons for knowledge and development such as: What is the relationship between historical knowledge and historical writing? Is it possible for history to be part of science? This research also points to the errors of historians, which occur for many complex reasons that might be psychological, social, political and cultural. The errors also may happen because of a lack in knowledge about the laws of nature.
I will study in this research Shehab Al- Khafaji Morphologically، in order to shed light on his role in this field، including hisreviews and guidance in his book called (Enayat AlkadywakifayatAr- Rady).
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