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Although met cognition and goal orientation are still considered some of the new structures in the search for students achievements in academic attitudes and the school semester, it is important for all students, as well as for all educators. The aim of the present research is to find out the relationship between met cognition, students' goal orientation (mastery orientation / performance orientation) and scholastic achievements for these students, and to study met cognition as a feature in the individual in relation to students goal orientation, their scholastic achievements, and to identify the relationship between met cognition and, scholastic achievement. All of this is done to benefit from the results in drawing the attention of those in charge of the educational process in this area. The present study has concluded that there is a statically significant correlation between met cognition and students goal orientation of secondary school students, and a statically significant relationship between met cognition and scholastic achievements of these students. The study ends up with some conclusions and recommendations for research.
Appeared movements defending the rights of the consumer as a result of negligence and shortcomings in for consumer rights, which include protecting consumers from fraudulent practices and deception marketing and exploitation of its need for goods and services, and the damage and the risk of physical, moral, suffered by the consumer paid to the emergence of movements of consumer protection, came the movement to protect consumer to act as consumer awareness and protection from fraud and deception and neglect catalog. And represents a consumer protection associations social action organized by the consumer, in order to embody the right to listen to these consumers, and ensure the recovery of their rights that have been damage by the other parties (producers, marketers, distributors) in the process of exchange, causing them to lack of satisfaction to their needs and desires. Was reached by searching mainly to the existence of fundamental differences with significant between the demographic variables of the sample and the process of creating awareness among consumers. As to reach a significant influence statistically significant between the role of consumer protection association and the process of creating awareness among consumers.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى تطوير المادة التعليمية في الجامعات السورية، من خلال مناقشة مفردات مقرر الثقافة القومية، الذي يدرّس حاليّاً لطلاب السنة الأولى في كلياّت الجامعات الحكومية و معاهدها، و ذلك من خلال معرفة مقدار ارتباط هذا المقرر بالوضع الاجتماعي و الس ياسي و محاولة تبيان النتائج المرجوة من تدريسه، أضف إلى ذلك محاولة البحث في العقبات التي يصطدم بها تدريس مفردات المقرر من خلال قبول الطلاب له و استيعابهم لمادته، و محاولة الوصول إلى الأهداف التي يسعى إليها، و التي يمكن أن تتحقق لا على أساس دراسة مفردات مقرر الثقافة القومية كأمر واقع و اعتباره مقرراً ثانوياً هامشياً مقحماً في العملية التعليمية الهدف منه هو الدعاية السياسية، و إنما الهدف الذي يسعى إليه هو إعداد جيل ذي شخصية متكاملة، و متوازنة يسْتَوعِب معطيات العلم و التطور الحضاري، واعٍ، متفاعلٍ مع بيئته الاجتماعية، و الأهم من هذا و ذاك أن يكون مقتنعاً بالقومية العربية مؤمناً بأهداف أمّته العربية واعياً لأبعاد الصراع القومي المصيري ضد أعداء الأمة في داخل القطر و خارجه، مرجحاً الولاء للوطن في مواجهة الولاءات الأخرى المتعددة، التي منها الإقليمية، و الطائفية و العشائرية و الاثنية مدركاً للمؤامرة التي تستهدف القطر العربي السوري سياسياً و اجتماعياً و اقتصادياً متصدياً للإرهاب الذي يضرب بالمنطقة العربية.
The presence of place had a distinctive position in the stream of consciousness that made it able to show and rise the humanbeing's problems precisely and frankly from many different views. Probably. The most important problem is making the emotion al relationship eminent and this what relates the human being to the place and the effect of that on turning the relation of the human being with the place into a mutual one that made the perception of the place nourish the emotion and vice versa and within this concept, that mutual relationship has uncovered the depth of the gap between two worlds which neither of them belongs to the other and they are the inner world and the outer one clearing the self-crisis in its searching for domestic place or in its wish to escape from frightful place to a safer one and because the awareness has no limits in the pre-speaking levels, the confused human thoughts and intelligence have accompanied his constant searching for the place and his dream in achieving his belonging goal.
Awareness in one of the most important factors for the study of heritage, so as to find the optimal formula of its comprehensive aspects of scientific, philosophical, social, political and economic levels, i.e. the ideological and cognitive levels (philosophical). These two levels have a large role in determining the central point adopted in determining the development of theme of heritage, which forms the most important problems of the current era.
This paper discusses the nature of Intersubjectivity in the dialectic master and slave of the German philosopher Hegel. Intersubjectivity is an important philosophical subject; it occupies an important place in the humanities in general, such as ps ychology, sociology, etc. Although the term "Intersubjectivity" is a contemporary term, that is not new, so we can say that we will follow it from Descartes's famous phrase, "I think if I exist." To be the beginning of a range of questions and treatments and philosophical research, Singles and individualism. The importance of this research is that it is a philosophical study of the structure, its concept and its implications in Hegel's philosophy, as a basic law for understanding the nature of the relationship between the selves and its role in the process of consciousness. This is evident in the German philosopher Hegel through his famous "master and slave" argument. This study seeks to understand the nature of others in Hegel, and to show the levels of the relationship between the ego and the other by focusing on the study of the dialectic of the master and the slave, and the role of feminism in the concept of freedom in an attempt to understand the true meaning of consciousness from the philosophy of Hegelian.
This research aims to identify the relative importance of television advertising without other types of advertising, and that’s for the Syrian consumers of electronic products in Homs. Besides how it affects their purchasing behavior by identifyin g the role of television advertising of acceptable quality to Syrian consumers in restricting their awareness of the advertised goods, then leading to be paid attention. This research had included three independent variables that include awareness, interest, and the ads quality. A study of the affect of these variables had been made on the dependent variable which is the purchasing behavior of the Syrian consumer. After data analysis through statistical analysis program SPSS.
The poetic consciousness of the pre-Islamic period is full of various images of the "hero" whose heroship exceeds the idea of chivalry further up to an extensive richness denoted by the the lexicon of "heroicism", as well as by the poetic capturing of the heroic acts. Thus, a heroic poetry has emerged to be an example followed by many poets later to assimilate those heroic values. Generally speaking, the poet of the pre-islamic period is one of the tribe heroes adapting values of heroship which have always characterised the pre islamic community. Accordingly, the concept of the " war hero" has formed the the poetic consciousness in terms of bravery and strength. So well does the "peace hero" as having been the social hero representing the values of genorosity, good neighbor, and helping the needy. There are also many other values which can't be separated in many poems, especially when connected with collective pride that is often represented by heroes carrying the tribal fanaticism.

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