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We observe a severe under-reporting of the different kinds of errors that Natural Language Generation systems make. This is a problem, because mistakes are an important indicator of where systems should still be improved. If authors only report overa ll performance metrics, the research community is left in the dark about the specific weaknesses that are exhibited by state-of-the-art' research. Next to quantifying the extent of error under-reporting, this position paper provides recommendations for error identification, analysis and reporting.
In this shared task, we seek the participating teams to investigate the factors influencing the quality of the code-mixed text generation systems. We synthetically generate code-mixed Hinglish sentences using two distinct approaches and employ human annotators to rate the generation quality. We propose two subtasks, quality rating prediction and annotators' disagreement prediction of the synthetic Hinglish dataset. The proposed subtasks will put forward the reasoning and explanation of the factors influencing the quality and human perception of the code-mixed text.
In this paper, we describe our system for the shared task on Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic in the English Language. Our proposed architecture consists of a multi-output classification model for the seven tasks, with a task-wise multi-head attention layer for inter-task information aggregation. This was built on top of the Bidirectional Encoder Representations obtained from the RoBERTa Transformer. We were able to achieve a mean F1 score of 0.891 on the test data, leading us to the second position on the test-set leaderboard.
Morphological analysis (MA) and lexical normalization (LN) are both important tasks for Japanese user-generated text (UGT). To evaluate and compare different MA/LN systems, we have constructed a publicly available Japanese UGT corpus. Our corpus comp rises 929 sentences annotated with morphological and normalization information, along with category information we classified for frequent UGT-specific phenomena. Experiments on the corpus demonstrated the low performance of existing MA/LN methods for non-general words and non-standard forms, indicating that the corpus would be a challenging benchmark for further research on UGT.
This research aimed at determining the reality of the partnership between Russia and the European Union during the period 2000-2019, the extent of the relationship of GDP to foreign trade and the degree of economic openness. The descriptive and analy tical approach has been relied on in the analysis of Russia's tools and policy towards trade exchange and partnership with the European Union. Where the data of GDP, exports and imports, and the trade balance was relied upon to calculate the average annual increase, the average growth rate and the degree of economic exposure. The most important conclusions were Russia’s endeavor to build a partnership with the European Union based on joint cooperation and dealing with issues of security and common neighborhood, promoting and diversifying trade exchanges, and that the Russian economy is not exposed to the European economy. The most important recommendations were represented in the necessity of Russia diversifying its exports to European markets and not relying solely on the export of oil and natural gas.
The war on Syria has severely damaged the stock of physical and human capital. This study evaluates the implications of the war on economic growth in Syria by comparing the factors affecting economic growth before and during the crisis, perhaps the m ost prominent of which are the lack of funding, the high unemployment rate, and the decrease in the exchange rate of the Syrian Pound, as an indicator of high prices and economic inflation, which resulted in the purchasing power of those with limited income, and aggravated the suffering of the population, the main source of power for the economy The Syrian people are the source of the wealth of Syrian society, and the poverty circle has expanded to include 83% of them in 2014 Syria was classified as a fast-growing country before the crisis, but its growth rate declined during the crisis to reach (- 22.5) in 2013. The study concluded that relying on loans as a source of financing is inappropriate and does not match the sustainable debt limit and hinders economic growth in the medium and long term. This research discusses the ability of the Syrian pound to regain its purchasing power, and reached several conclusions, the most prominent of which is that the Syrian pound can regain its purchasing power and its position as soon as the production wheel in the commodity sector begins, and inflation can decline. For this purpose, this research paper proposes adopting a development strategy that takes into account the current reality, the declared international war on Syria, and the brutal siege imposed on its people, taking advantage of the experiences of other countries that have gone through more difficult circumstances than the ones that Syria is going through, and those countries were able to achieve stable and Sustainable economic development.
The objective of the present study is to determine the determinants of Syrian foreign trade according to the gravity model from a geographical point of view. The model estimates the effects of external market sizes, geographical distances between countries, GDP, the impact of cultural differences or their similarity, Syria's relative institutions in foreign trade, and on the basis of the results chart the future plan and the appropriate proposals to increase the potential places of Syrian exports.
يركز البحث على تقييم استراتيجية استهداف معدل نمو عرض النقد في سورية و مدى تأثيرها و علاقتها بمعدل نمو الناتج القومي الإجمالي في الفترة ما بين أعوام 2000-2010م, و في سبيل ذلك يستعرض البحث مفهوم عرض النقد في الأدبيات الاقتصادية, و وسائل استهداف معدل نموه عبر أدوات و سياسات البنك المركزي, و مرتكزات استراتيجية استهداف عرض النقد, وصولاً إلى استعراض التجربة السورية لاستهداف معدل نمو عرض النقد ضمن الخطتين الخمسيتين خلال الفترة 2000 - 2010 م, و ذلك باستخدام الجداول و البيانات و المؤشرات المنشورة عبر البنك المركزي و المجموعة الإحصائية السورية و باستخدام البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS.

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