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The impact of gross domestic product in stock prices (Applied Study on the Egyptian Capital Market)

أثر الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في أسعار الأسهم (دراسة تطبيقية على سوق المال المصري)

1901   2   36   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study aimed to determine the relationship between stock prices and GDP at the level of the Egyptian economy. By applying a time series extending from 2001 to 2015.

References used
Al-Da'eef, Hussein, 2016- Athar al Aoamal alAktasadia fi Tatorat Asaar alAshoam fi Dool Majlas alTaaun alKhlagia ou Amkaneat alsteafad mnh fi Syria. Rasalt majster manshora, Jameat Damashq, Koleat alQtassad, safh 220
Hassany, Abaad al-Rassak ou Akhroun, 2014- Athar al- Moutaqrat Aktassadya al-Koulia fi Asaar al- Ashoam: Halat al-Ouliat al-Moutahada, Majalt Jamaat Damashaq ll-Aloum Aktassadya ou al- Kanouniaa, al-Mouglad 30, al- Adaad 2, Safha 43-65
Deeb, Sherine Dergham, 2012 – Daras haol tather alMatkerat alAktasadia all Asaar alAshoam (daras tatbeaqia). Rasalt majster qer manshora, Jameat Damashq, Koleat alQtassad, safh 196
rate research

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This paper aims to examine the relationship between stock prices and macroeconomic variables in the United States using quarterly data for the period 1988 to 2012. We dentify five macroeconomic variables ( i.e, gross domestic product, inflation, r eal money supply, Treasury bill rate, and oil prices) that researchers have linked to stock prices. We then examine the relationship between these macroeconomic variables and the S&P500 by estimating cointegration system using Johansen technique. Moreover, this paper will use Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to test the short run relationships. Also, we use variance decomposition technique to understand which macroeconomic variable have more explantory power of the variation in the S&P500.
This paper tests the relationship between economic growth and human development using annual data from Syria for the period 1970-2000. This period is chosen for two reasons; firstly because of its political and economic homogeneity which is conduc tive to arrive at accurate results and secondly because the significant changes in the Syrian government's policies in the fields of education and health like the opining for the first time of private universities and open learning programs and the involvement of the private sector in providing health services and health insurance.
This study aimed to know the impact of the new information content of the independent external auditor's report on the stock prices of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange, with the information it contains, which was prepared in accor dance with the new and revised international auditing standards issued in 2015. this study included studying the content of the auditing reports published for a sample of joint stock companies listed on the Damascus securities Exchange in order to certify the results of their business for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, and on the basis of which the companies were classified according to the content of the audit reports into three groups (companies that received reports Clean audit - companies got clean audit reports with Emphasis paragraphs - companies got conservative audit reports). then the study relied on studying the average share prices before and after the issuance of the new audit report in order to find out the investors ’reaction to the information published in the audit report, and the study concluded that there is an impact of the new informational content of the report on auditing the stock prices of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange. The companies obtaining a clean audit report that affects the stock prices positively. As for the companies obtaining a conservative audit report, they affect the stock prices negatively. As for the Emphasis paragraphs, they do not affect the stock prices due to the method of reporting these paragraphs.
This study aims at developing an econometric model based on VAR (Vectorial AutoRegressive) models to predict the gross domestic product GDP in Syria as well as the gross fixed capital formation GFCF, it also aims at studying the effect relationship between them.
This research highlight the business activities and the role of small and mediumsized enterprises SME's in the national economy, and expectancy role of this sector is increasing economic activity, securing jobs and increasing gross domestic product GDP in general. It also focuses on the most important characteristics and features of the sector of SME's in Syria. In addition to review of the main weaknesses facing the national economy in general and this sector, in particular, which contributed to the derivation of many suggestions contribute to the advancement and development of business environment and SME's and to the promotion and support its role in national economy.

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