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الفعل المبني للمجهول في اللغة العربية (أهميته ـ مصطلحاته ـ أغراضه)

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 Publication date 2004
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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أسرار النحو لشمس الدين أحمد بن سليمان المعروف بابن كمال باشا، تحقيق الدكتور أحمد حسن حامد نابلس 2002 م
أشتات مجتمعات في اللغة والأدب، لعباس محمودالعقاد - القاهرة (الطبعة السادسة).
الإعراب عن قواعد الإعراب، لابن هشام، تحقيق علي فودة نيل الرياض 1985 م.
rate research

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تخضع اللغة العربية كغيرها من اللغات الحية لقانون التطور الذي يفترض أن يطـال المجالات اللغوية جميعها، التركيبية منها و الصرفية و الصوتية و المعجمية و الدلالية. يتناول هذا البحث أحد مظاهر التطور النظمي للغة العربية الفصحى، ألا و هو تركيـب المبنـي حيث يكون الفاعل الحقيقي معلوماً.
Knowing the vowels in the Hebrew language is one of the most important obstacles faced by learners of the Hebrew language, because of the complexity compared to their counterparts in the Arabic language. I have worked hard, in my research, on simplifying them, as far as possible, for the Arab recipients through comparing them to their counterparts in the Arabic language. This research may show us that most Vowels in Hebrew have similar counterparts in Arabic, but Arab linguist did not allocate an independent vowel for each case as Hebrew linguists did, which suggests to the neophyte that the number of the symbols of vowels in Hebrew is larger than the number of those in Arabic.
This research aims to focus on the changes that happen to a Hebraic word when adding extensions. We discovered that adding those extensions affects the rhythm changes, the voice order changes, deleting and moving it, and sometimes return it to its base, also adding the extensions plays a role in changing the meaning. We done all this work by comparing with the Arabic language, so the worth of this work become greater, because the two languages belongs to the same language family.
Francisco Pizarro is a Spanish military commander and a pioneer for a number of South American countries. He was born in Tropilo, a southwestern Spanish. He did not have wealth or money. Raised the peasantry, and lived illiterate illiterate. He began his career militarily in Italy and then in India in 1502, then settled in Panama and worked in cattle breeding, earning a bit of wealth. Pizarro sought adventure, chose to try his luck and was captain after 50, and collaborated with another adventurer Diego d'Almagro in 1524 to try to discover the kingdoms of the South in America, especially that the success of Cortez in Mexico restored the hope of finding empires in South American.
The objectiv of this paper is to study the relationship between certain ring R and endomorphism rings of free modules over R. Specifically, the basic problem is to describe ring R, which for it endomorphism ring of all free R-module, is a generali zed right Baer ring, right I1-ring. Call a ring R is a generalized right Baer ring if any right annihilator contains a non-zero idempotent. We call a ring R is right I1-ring if the right annihilator of any element of R contains a non-zero idempotent. This text is showing that each right ideal of a ring R contains a projective right ideal if the endomorphism ring of any free R-module is a right I1-ring. And shown over a ring R, the endomorphism ring of any free R-module is a generalized right Baer ring if and only if endomorphism ring of any free R-module is an I1-ring.
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