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Achievement motivation is one of the important aspects of the human motivation system, as it determines the extent of the individual’s pursuit and perseverance in order to achieve and attain success. The level of achievement motivation is affected by several factors, including the locus of control, which is the individual's belief about his abilities to control the events and situations he is exposed to. This research aimed to identify achievement motivation and locus of control's level and to determine the relationship between them among faculty nursing students in Tishreen University and identify the variance in achievement motivation and locus of control's level according to sex and educational year. 200 students who were selected from the all four academic years by available sampling. The achievement motivation scale, which was prepared by Tarek Al-masri (2020) has been used. Locus of control scale (1966) also has been used; this scale has been translated into Arabic by Alaa Al -den kafafi in 1982. The most important results are (78.5%) have high achievement motivation level, and (68%) have external locus of control. We have discovered a negative statistic relationship between achievement motivation and locus of control, where the level of achievement motivation increases when the level of external locus of control decrease. Also, it was found no statistically significant differences in achievement motivation and locus of control's level according to sex and educational year.
This study aims is to analyze the effect of spatial accuracy of the control points on the images geometric correction accuracy, and this is done by applying tests on the same image (IKONOS), where polynomial transformations were applied using sets of control points, each with absolute accuracy different from the other. These points were extrapolated from a 1/1000 topographic map and from a georeferenced MOMS satellite image with geometric accuracy of 2m and measured by GPS. The study showed that it is possible to obtain the most accurate geometric correction by using control points with absolute accuracy close to the spatial resolution of the image. It also showed that the use of more precise control points would not ameliorate the accuracy of the geometric correction, because the measurement of these points on the image is limited by its spatial resolution.
The present study aims to identify the nature of virtual relationships and their distinctive characteristics, and to identify the reasons behind the rush of large numbers of people to join the virtual society and to engage in various economic, soci al, emotional and financial relations, establishing a parallel situation of common relations in the real community. The research also seeks to explore whether values as rules and guidelines for behavior and social relationships in the living societies play the same role in the virtual society? Is the voluntary resort to the virtual society is a voluntary withdrawal from the real society, or merely a transient leap? The researcher mainly used the comparative and historical analysis method, to answer the research questions which formed the research problem, and the results of the basic and secondary assumptions and their validation , and the desired goals. The comparative method is common in research and social studies that seek to reveal similarities and differences regarding specific phenomena that are already forming or have already been formed. This is fully applicable to our current study. The historical approach serves in returning to the distant or near past to identify the techniques of communication and social networking and put all this in the right context according to the requirements of the research and its necessities and purpose.
The theory of exceptional circumstances has emerged to enable the administrative control authorities to face the difficult crises and to provide them with the powers that allow them to take the measures required by the situation at the maximum spe ed, even if they contravene the ordinary laws, in order to preserve the objectives of the administration The defect that led to the disturbance of the general facility. The role of administrative control in the face of exceptional circumstances is of great importance. The legislator often extends these powers by constitutional provisions, such as those relating to the necessity regulations or special laws, such as emergency law and martial law .
The Research aims to know the relationship between the scholastic control and social control, from the teacher's points, and showing the deferens between them accordance to variables ( sex - years of experience and scientific certificate). The Re search adopt the description-analysis ,and used the questioner to collection the dates .The questioner contents( 24) article in tow axis(-the scholastic control and social control) The questioner gave to sample, randomly-accidental , from ( 178) teachers the second episode of education basic at Damascus City ,year (2014-2015) .
This study aimed to assessing the relationship between locus of control and depression among breast cancer patients. The study was carried out in the chemical and radiational treatment center in Tishreen University Hospital – Latakia, Data collecte d from15/12/2015 to 15/2/2016.The sample comprised of 100 breast cancer patients. Three tools was been used, the first tool (Demographic and Clinical Data Sheet) was been filling by the researcher, then all patients which participated in the study was asked to answer on the second tool (Rotter's Locus of control Scale) and the third tool (Beck Inventory Scale II). This study found that there was significant statistical relation between locus of controltype and depression degree among breast cancer patients, more than half of breast cancer patients was had depression, and was had external locus of control. So it is recommended study theeffect of training program to modify locus of control type on the incidence average of depression among breast cancer patients.
The research aimed to identify the level of self-efficacy and types of classroom discipline and the relationship between them for the students teachers in the College of Education at Tartous University. Using the descriptive method to validate the research hypotheses, the sampling consisted of (76) male and female students of the Faculty of Education for the year 2015/2016, a questionnaire of Self-efficacy (Slimon, 2004) was used and along with a questionnaire of the types of classroom discipline(Alharahsheh and alkhawaldeh, 2009) after verifying the validity and reliability, and a statistical program for educational and psychological (spss) was used. The research found the following results: the students teachers had a high level of self-efficacy, as the value of mean reached (3.882) with a standard deviation of (0.541) The classroom discipline types had the following order: The indicative type at first (3.850), then the reprimand type(3.276) and the punitive type came at least (2.910). There is also an extrusive positive correlation between the level of self-efficacy and types of classroom discipline. The Self-efficacy was affected by variable of sex but wasn't affected by variable of secondary certificate. And the type of classroom discipline wasn’t affected by variables: sex, and secondary certificate. The researcher concludes a number of suggestions like: training students teachers on the positive classroom discipline skills, and raise their level of self-efficacy, conducting more studies about the subject.
The current research aims to study the relationship between OCD and locus of control and get to know the differences between those with internal and external adjustment on obsessive-compulsive disorder between males and females scale, the differen ces for each of the variables of research "obsessive-compulsive disorder and locus of control" between males and females through a sample of (110) male and female from Baath University students through application of the Arab gauge of obsessive-compulsive disorder scale and Rutter scale ( locus of control) after checking the appropriate psychometric Features to research sample and research concluded that there is a fundamental link between OCD and locus of control among a sample search and differences in favor of those with external adjustment in the presence of a high degree of obsessive compulsive disorder they have, in addition to the differences between males and females in their scores on obsessive-compulsive disorder in favor of females scale where received the highest grades, and the existence of differences between males and females in the control center in favor of females, where the grade is moving toward adopting and thirdparty control. these results were discussed in the light of Previous studies literature and cultural and social frameworks for community research.
The geometric correction of remote sensing images becomes a key issue in production and updating digital maps, multisource data integration, management and analysis for many geomatic applications. 2D polynomial functions are the most prevalent to achieve this correction. Previous researches have shown that the application of 2D polynomials is conditioned by the planarity of the terrain and the uniform distribution of ground control points, but did not explicitly discuss the criteria for evaluating the success or failure of their application. In this study, we will try to give some of these criteria and to develop some old analog cartographic rules to suit the nature of the digital satellite images. In this research, we discussed mathematical foundation for evaluating the precision of control points- based geometric correction of satellite images. We have also tested the effect of the topography of the imaged scene on this accuracy. The test has been carried out by the use of satellite images extracted from Google Earth. These images cover some areas in the city of Latakia in Syria. Also, control points have been extracted from Google Earth and transformed into the Syrian stereographic coordinates system. Results demonstrated that the second degree 2D polynomial is very suitable for plan small scenes with uniform distribution of the control points over the entire scene.
The research aims at disclosing the relationship between the existential concept and the internal-external locus of control for the teachers of basic education in the city of Homs. The research community consists of basic education teachers in Hom s city during the second semester of the academic year 2014 – 2015. The research sample is formed of 352 male and female teachers selected randomly from Homs city schools. The researcher used the test of existential concept as well as Rotter’s Scale of Internal-External Locus of Control. The research tools have been limited to Syrian society. Moreover, the validity and reliability of the tools have been verified prior to practical application of the research.

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