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This research aimed to know the relationship between psychological social conflict and depression among Damascus University students whether existing any significant differences between the means of psychological social conflict and depression degree s with respect to male and female, Science and Literate Students. The sample of the research consisted of (350) students both sexes, (165) male and (185) female students. The researcher used psychological social conflict and (BDI-II) scales. Validity and reliability of both tools were concluded. The results revealed that, there was a significant positive correlation between Psychological and social conflict and depression. The results also revealed that significant differences were observed between the means of psychological social conflict and depression between male and female students for the female. Also it showed that is no significant differences between the means of psychological social conflict and depression among Science and Literate Students
The research aims to studying the relationship the depression to self esteem in second grade secondary in Homas, and to study the differences in depression in the research variables(sex, specialization), and to study the differences in self esteem i n the research variables(sex, specialization). students from the second grade secondary. and it was used the following tools: 1 - a measure –Blal Alkhateeb- 2 - Beck measure of depression, after that she has tested reliability, It was followed the descriptive analytical method.
Depression is considered to be one of the most common mental disorders among the elderly, especially among those with chronic physical diseases in particular Diabetes. Therefore research problem was defined by the following question: What is the r elationship between diabetes and depression in the elderly?, and have dealt with the research sample "elderly" residents in Dar Al-saadah and Al-karamah in Damascus. Research sample has reached the number of 40 of the elderly and consisted of 40 examined individuals aged over 60 years old. The researcher used the Depression Scale for the Elderly D.E.S in her current study which contains 80 phrases to measure the level of depression in the elderly. The study has revealed that the potential incidence with depression and the intensity of its symptoms increase when an elderly is diabetic compared with non-diabetic and vice versa, it also revealed that females have recorded higher levels of depression on the depression scale compared with males, it also showed that whenever there is a lower educational level among diabetics elderly the rate of the incidence with depression increases.
The present study aimed to identify the correlation between selfdiscrepancies and social anxiety and depression among a sample of students from the University of Damascus, in addition to knowledge of the differences between males and females. The sample consisted of (230) students from the college of education and science (94) males and (136) females. The tools that were used were: Higgins`s self -discrepancies Questionnaire (HSDQ), a scale of social anxiety by the researcher, and Back`s Depression Inventory. The researcher has to verify validity and reliability of the tools on the exploratory sample.
This study aimed to assessing the relationship between locus of control and depression among breast cancer patients. The study was carried out in the chemical and radiational treatment center in Tishreen University Hospital – Latakia, Data collecte d from15/12/2015 to 15/2/2016.The sample comprised of 100 breast cancer patients. Three tools was been used, the first tool (Demographic and Clinical Data Sheet) was been filling by the researcher, then all patients which participated in the study was asked to answer on the second tool (Rotter's Locus of control Scale) and the third tool (Beck Inventory Scale II). This study found that there was significant statistical relation between locus of controltype and depression degree among breast cancer patients, more than half of breast cancer patients was had depression, and was had external locus of control. So it is recommended study theeffect of training program to modify locus of control type on the incidence average of depression among breast cancer patients.
Pregnancy is a stressful physiological period, where some women may suffer from some degree of anxiety. Our aim is to study the prevalence of anxiety among pregnant women attending routine antenatal care clinics. Methodology: This was a cross sectio nal study for pregnant women coming for their routine antenatal care at Jordan University Hospital, during the period from October 1st to 27th, 2019.They were interviewed while waiting for their turn by a trained 6th year medical student using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder -7 (GAD-7) questionnaire. Results: A total of 200 women were interviewed with a mean age of 30 ± 5.3years, ranges between (18 and 45years). Their gravidity mean was 3.3±2.9 (ranges from 0-22) and their mean parity was 1.6 ± 1.4. 59 women (29.5%) had previous history of miscarriage. Number of miscarriages ranged from 1 to 12 with a mean of 2.5 ± 3.3.In our study, 66 (33.0%) women had moderate and 42 (21.0%) had severe symptoms. For women with history of previous miscarriages, there was no significant correlation with anxiety, except for those with recurrent miscarriages (p-value= 0.019). Conclusions: Recurrent miscarriage can affect women's psychological well-being; with an increase in the possibility of experiencing anxiety. Implementing mental health assessment in antenatal care has long-lasting benefits for both mother and infant.

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