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This research aims to determine the relationship between external scrutiny and the administrative reform process in the Syrian Telecom Company (Lattakia branch). To achieve this objective, the researcher used a hypothetical-deductive approach to form ulate the hypotheses. (55) questionnaires were distributed to the employees that are under study. (54) questionnaires were retrieved and (49) were valid for analysis. a statistical study was conducted to reveal this relationship. The researcher used the correlation coefficient (Person). The study concluded that there is a significant relationship between external scrutiny mechanism and the management reform process in the Syrian Telecommunications Company, Lattakia branch. This study also reached a set of recommendations and proposals, which would contribute positively in improving the administrative reform
Due to the prominent place composition holds in teaching French to non-native speakers, this article examines the effectiveness of formative evaluation in improving the writing skills of second year students in the department of French language. I n addition, by showing the difference in the scoring results between the students who followed the formative evaluation and those who didn’t, this article aims to illustrate the impact of distributing copies of the grading scale to students during the training period.
This research aims to identify the relationship of the institutional culture efficient and effective administrative reform process in the public sector institutions. Where it was introduced the concept of institutional culture and the concept of a dministrative reform of the efficiency and effectiveness angle, and then we dealt with the reflection of these concepts on the ground in a number of the Syrian public institutions.The main results of this research is the existence of a relationship between corporate culture and the effectiveness and efficiency of the administrative reform. Also shows a difference between the averages of the opinions of the respondents about the institutional culture in their impact on the effectiveness of the administrative reform, while there are no significant differences between the averages of the opinions of individual differences sample about institutional culture in their impact on the efficiency of the administrative reform.
In the present time, political parties play a fundamental and significant role in the process of building a democratic system, as they have a vital role in education and democracy, and they act as a bridge that connects the community with the poli tical system .The body of political parties has become one of the practical and institutional guarantees for democratic practices through its contribution to development and political modernization, activating the political participation process, guiding the public opinion and following the government's work, and here emerges the significant role that could be played by the new Syrian political parties Law issued by legislative Decree No.(100) for the year 2011, in reinforcing the foundations of democratic political life in Syria, extending the horizon of political participation and making the way for a real party and political pluralism that can be demonstrated in the ballot boxes. Played by the new Syrian political parties Law issued by legislative Decree No. (100) for the year 2011, in reinforcing the foundations of democratic political life in Syria, extending the horizon of political participation and making the way for a real party and political pluralism that can be demonstrated in the ballot boxes.
The increasing reliance on network systems in day-to-day activities requires that they provide available and reliable services. Jgroup provides available service through creating multiple replicas of the same service on multiple devices. Jgroup ach ieves reliable service by maintaining the shared state between the replicas and coordinating their activities through Remote Method Invocation. Unlike Jgroup, JavaGroups uses message passing to implement coordination between the replicas. In this paper, we compare Jgroup and JavaGroups for different Group Method Invocation modes. These modes are Anycast and Multicast in Jgroup, GET_FIRST and GET_ALL in JavaGroups. This paper also improves the performance of ARM (Autonomous Replication Management) which is embedded with Jgroup (Jgroup/ARM) for supporting fault tolerance, through finding a new solution to handle group failure where all remaining replicas fail in rapid succession. In this new solution, only one replica (the group leader) issues renew events (IamAlive) periodically, instead of sending it by every replica in the group, with taking the same period to discover group failure by Replication Manager. Results of Comparison show that JavaGroups is faster than Jgroup when a single replica is used, whereas Jgroup outperforms JavaGroups with increasing number of replicas. The invocation delay in JavaGroups increases noticeably with increasing the size of array passed into the invoked method which make JavaGroups unsuitable for applications which require exchanging big sizes of data and use large number of servers, whereas Jgroup is suitable for that. Results show that the new proposal reduces the number of renew events to 37.5% at most, and Jgroup/ARM takes approximately the same period of time to discover group failure as in Meling solution.
دور البرنامج الإنمائي للأمم المتحدة في الإصلاح الإداري في سوريا: تم أخذ عينة مكونة من مائة وخمسين مفردة من القيادات في المستويات الإدارية والعليا والإشرافية
Agricultural policy can be defined as the collection of procedures, laws, regulations regarding the agricultural field issued by ruling authorities in a country. The nature of the development of the agricultural issue in Syria during the past five ce nturies has an important influence on forming and shaping Syrian modern economic history, for Syria’s current image is one of the results of its history and not a product of its present day. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of agricultural policy by means of a scientific approach which credits this policy where it has succeeded and reveals its defects in order to correct them. Today, the issue of food security is at stake and can only be dealt with by scientific approaches.
Till today surgeons have hardly tried there best to find the ideal surgical method that can perfectly correct the cleft lip deformity. The aim of this research was to perform anthropometric study for unilateral cleft lip surgical repair by using t wo commonly-used surgical methods: Millard and Pfeifer.
بهدف البحث إلى التعريف بواقع الاقتصاد السوري في نهاية القرن العشرين و بداية القرن الحادي و العشرين، إذ عانى و يعاني هذا الاقتصاد من ركود شديد تعود أسبابه لظروف خارجية و داخلية، هذه الظروف أدت إلى تباطؤ النمو الاقتصادي، بنسب أقل مما يفترض أن يكون لمواجهة معدلات النمو السكاني.
قام العديد من دول العالم المتقدمة و النامية بتنفيذ خطط إصلاح إداري لأجهزتها الحكومية بهدف تحسين نوعية الخدمات المقدمة للمواطن و ضبط أعداد العاملين لديها و نفقاتهم. و اتبعت في ذلك خطط إصلاح شمولية أو جزئية و بدرجات متفاوتة من النجاح نظرًا للصعوبات التي تواجهها هذه البرامج و من ضمنها معارضة الموظفين خوفًا على وظائفهم أو إلغاء امتيازاتهم أو تقليصها. و على الرغم من الصعوبات التي تواجه تنفيذ هذه البرامج ، خاصة في الدول النامية ، إلا أن ضرورتها تزداد لاسيما في ظل التغيرات الدولية التي بدأت بالظهور منذ عام 1980 نتيجة زيادة مديونية هذه الدول و مطالبة مؤسسات الإقراض الدولية لها بإعادة هيكلة اقتصادها، و إعادة النظر في جهازها الحكومي و أعداد العاملين فيه.

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