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Aspects of Agricultural Policy in Syria from the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century to the Late Sixties of the Twentieth Century

معالم السياسة الزراعية في سورية من بداية القرن السادس عشر و حتى آواخر ستينيات القرن العشرين

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 Publication date 2010
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Taliah Al Sayyah

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Agricultural policy can be defined as the collection of procedures, laws, regulations regarding the agricultural field issued by ruling authorities in a country. The nature of the development of the agricultural issue in Syria during the past five centuries has an important influence on forming and shaping Syrian modern economic history, for Syria’s current image is one of the results of its history and not a product of its present day. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of agricultural policy by means of a scientific approach which credits this policy where it has succeeded and reveals its defects in order to correct them. Today, the issue of food security is at stake and can only be dealt with by scientific approaches.

References used
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Architects at the nineteenth century began to quote from the past architecture models and use them until they reached a modern architecture that has become a way to the face conditions and solve recent problems, At the beginning of the twentieth ce ntury, architects do no longer quote, but rather they contribute to shape the environment, so they dealt with the definition of functional theory, that accompanied the emergence of modern architecture, coupled with the name of the French architect Le Corbusier. Early twenties appeared clearly in the design of interior spaces of official buildings in the city of Damascus, and highlighted the similarities and differences among them. Therefore we study the influence of this theory on the Architectural spaces of the total volume of the building, considered a significant impact in highlighting the needs of these buildings in the rehabilitation process, and we specified the requirements that meet the comfort and utility to take advantage of the characteristics of the architectural features of different spaces, in addition we study the functional relations for these buildings, then select the new architectural elements that have emerged and study the possibility of its optimal position. All this work was within the framework of contributing to the functional design of internal spaces for the official buildings to keep pace with modern requirements and regulations of modern management for such buildings.
The country Elam, one of the neighboring powers of Mesopotamia, and one of the areas of tension often, also had a significant Dorssayas in that experienced Mesopotamia of events, at least as important as the commercial and economic role, a role of RPR that fluctuate between war and peace over the years, and will deliver search more light on the side of the activity of the kings of the Assyrians a hundred and fifty years ago, it was characterized as a military richest in the history of Mesopotamia, in order to provide focused information on the relationship between Assyria and Elam, during the study period.
The syntax is the spirit of language , the core of its movement, it is living heart. And it is way of interpretation which is a pure mental manner . Taken by Arab Grammarians, so they gave it great effort in order to interpret the syntactic and morp hological bases . The following research considers the most important views of the old and modern syntax-specialists as starting point of studying the syntax – interpretations at two levels : the first Level contains concept and approach, It monitors the concept of reasoning in as, and the implications at rules of this term, the statement its motive which is based language in use . and the second level is referential . It demands its elements and the views of Arab syntax in it , and it clears its rules which was established tell the six migration century .
The Linguistic Anthropology process many problematic thoughts , this problematic are all related with the arrangement which we can study language by its reveal. So, as we well see this essay is arguing in methods , ideas and theories which discuss t he language matter and linguistic phenomenon as its formation in the philosophical and scientific field, and if we could get to an arrangement overrule the Linguistic relation as its independence of talking man , and we will try to expose the structuralism and other linguistic turns in the twentieth century ,and its methods , and the social historical order which had stand in the face of the dominance the imperialism thinking , which distort the linguistic phenomena and distance this phenomena of society .
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