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The goal of the current research know the degree of the exercise of basic education teachers performing competencies from the point of view of the managers of the first schools in the city of Latakia. To achieve the goal of the search designed rese archer identify composed of (37) distributed on 6 competencies. The researcher used the descriptive approach analytical work, the research sample consisted of (39), teachers of schools in the first episode. The research found the following results: the degree of the exercise of basic education teachers competencies implementation of the lesson, calendar and promote learning, the use of educational materials, the teaching methods and the design of educational activities, were medium. . While the exercise of questions classroom instruction, management were high-grade. In addition, the study indicated that there was no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the sample due to the gender variable and variable experience The existence of statistically significant differences between the average scores of the sample on the questionnaire of competencies attributed to the variable of the academic qualification (secondary, university, and deepening educational qualification) for the benefit of the managers of the university certificate and deepen the educational qualification.
This research seeks to shed light on the important issue of social service issues, namely how the scientific and professional proper handling of social intervention and solving some of the social problems that you may encounter individuals or famil ies, or reduce the severity of these problems as much as possible through the so-called (general practice in modern social service) where is the general practice in the social service of the newest specialized programs currently in place in developed countries, which seeks to train researchers or specialists meetings in possession of solving the social problem skills, according to a holistic approach fits the capabilities available, and addresses the needs of the beneficiaries (the owners of the problems) . This paper introduced a practical model and realistic about the social problem on the individual and household level , and shows the stages of social intervention from the perspective of general practice and the development of social intervention plan suits the studied case, aimed at solving or alleviating the problems of this family . Use this search phases of modern social intervention currently applied in developed countries was the most important of search results that it has been most of the problems faced by the family that has been studied exceeded , so the general practice are suitable to solve family problems working mechanism .
The study aimed to investigate the degree of social studies teachers’ practice of map skills in the upper elementary stage at UNRWA schools in Jordan. The study sample consisted of (72) teachers; (32) male teachers comprising (44%) and (40) female teachers comprising (56%). For the purpose of conducting the study the researcher developed a survey questionnaire consisting of (55) items distributed among seven domains as follows: (selecting the right map, displaying the map, presenting the map, understanding the map, using the map in assessment, protecting the map from damage and directing the map).
This study aimed at identifying the extent to which Principals' practise their supervising tasks as perceived teachers in Jordan educational directorate. The population of the study comprised (3200) male / female teachers. The sample of the study comprised (201) male / female teachers. The researcher developed a questionnaire which consisted of (4) domains and (36) items to develop Principals' practices. The validity and reliability were calculated. To answer questions of the study, means, standard deviation and a three way ANOVA were used. The results of the study showed that the order of the questionnaire according to the means developed social relations, planning teachers professional development, and curricula development.
شهدت دمشق في القرنين الثاني عشر و الثالث عشر الميلاديين (ق 7 ،6 ه) نهضة شملت جميع نواحي الحياة العسكرية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية و الثقافية و العلمية. و من مظاهر هذه النهضة نشاط عمراني جاءت بداياته متزامنة مع رغبة صادقة و فهم عميق لقيمة العلم و أهميته في بناء صرح الدولة، و قد ساعد هذا النشاط على ازدهار الحياة العلمية. و قد تظاهر هذا النشاط ببناء المدارس و المشافي في مدن بلاد الشام، و كان أهم هذه المشافي البيمارستان الذي بناه نور الدين زنكي في دمشق فكان له بذلك شرف البدء بهذه المرحلة.
بهدف البحث إلى التعريف بواقع الاقتصاد السوري في نهاية القرن العشرين و بداية القرن الحادي و العشرين، إذ عانى و يعاني هذا الاقتصاد من ركود شديد تعود أسبابه لظروف خارجية و داخلية، هذه الظروف أدت إلى تباطؤ النمو الاقتصادي، بنسب أقل مما يفترض أن يكون لمواجهة معدلات النمو السكاني.

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