نزل القرآن الكريم لإصلاح الإنسان و المجتمع، حيث بينت آيات القرآن الكريم ما يُمَكِّن الأسرة، و يجعلها أساساً لحضارة الامة عند انتظامها، و لا ريب أن الأسرة هي النواة الأولى لهذا الاصلاح، و لها حقوقها و أهميتها و واجباتها ترتبط بحياة الإنسان في سائر أحواله، و قد عنيت الشريعة الإسلامية ببيان هذه الحقوق بياناً مفصلاً كما اهتمت بتنظيمها تنظيماً دقيقاً يواكب كل مرحلة من مراحل الإنسان في حياته، ليكون جديراً لتحقيق الحكمة الإلهية من وجوده و بقائه في الدنيا إلى أجل محدد، و قد تؤدى هذه الحقوق بسهولة و يسر و قد لا تؤدى، لهذا جاء البحث ليكشف عما جاءت به آيات التمكين الأسري من أحكامٍ و معانٍ، قد تبنى المشرع لهذه الاحكام و ذلك بإصدار القانون رقم /10/ المتعلق بإنشاء محاكم الأسرة، جاء ذلك تتويجاً لعمل جماعي مكثف بدأ بمبادرة من المجلسين القوميين للمرأة و الطفولة و الأمومة و الجمعيات الأهلية المهتمة بقضايا الأسرة المصرية، و انتهاءً بصدور هذا القانون بكل ما يحمله من مزايا و رعايةً منه لمصالح الناس جميعاً، و تيسيراً لسبل التقاضي.
The koran came down to earth in order to reform the human relations and the society.
The koranic verses have proved that the organized family is the core and the fundament of
the civilization of nations. This study will uncover the texts and the rules mentioned in the
koranic verses, which have been subsequently used by the legislator as the base of the law
number 10 to create the family courts. The intensive cooperation between the national
committees of woman, infancy and maternity and the civil associations, known to care
about the Egyptian family, lead to create this law with all the advantages which consider
the best interests of people, to facilitate them and to give them the means to demand
References used
WESTERMARCK, E.A. Short history of marriage and the family. Macmillan, London, 1926, 4-5
YOUNG, K.; MACK, R.W. Sociology and social life. 3rd, N.Y American back Company, 1966, 32
BURGESS, E.W.; LOCKE, H.J. The Family. American Book Company. New York,1959, 8
No doubt, rights of the family members, have been regulated by Islam, but some
scholars discussed the topic from different view point to the inherents of Islamic
teachings that led him to odd results.
So we discussed here two of the important topi
This study aims to high light the effort of the Jordan legislator in order to developed
the Administrative Judiciary Law and defeat all the challenges for the advancement of law,
especially after the constitutional amendment in Jordan during 2011 .
The discount for pre-trial detention of the sentence period is a fair
idea because it prevents looting freedom sentenced for a longer
period of time set by virtue of a conviction, but this idea becomes
more fairer if a person commits more than one
In Confirmation of the principle of the Highness of the Constitution and its
maintenance, the constitutional legislator granted_ in the Constitution of 2012_ the
Supreme Constitutional Court Jurisdiction to monitor the constitutionality of laws
nationality legal system that does not concern only the state but rather a means to
determine the population element where and is for human tool set for the distribution of
individuals internationally between states and political units, is consider