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universities Algeria Oran 1 University

Oran 1 University


University of Oran (Arabic: جامعة وهران‎, French: Université d'Oran), or Es Sénia University (Arabic: جامعة السانية), is a university located in western Algeria in the wilaya of Oran. It was established in November 1961 as part of the University of Algiers. On April 13, 1965 it was made a separate campus, and on December 20, 1967 it became an independent university. It was the first university established after the independence of Algeria

country : Algeria

establish date : 1967 BC

university kind : public

global ranking : 3695 (according to webometrics - July 2018 Bulletin)

number of students : 1000

The total number of research : 1 (View research within the Academia service)

  +213797085602   +213797085602   [email protected]

Recent Publications

- Translation and theory of text types was published in field Translation


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