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The stock markets are considered the essential motives of the economic growth in any country because of its importance in transforming negative savings (compactness) to a positive savings which benefit both the local economy and the capital's owner; it has also the ability to obligate who has some money surplus (chunky) by turning it from its rigid or stagnated state to the investment market. The researcher based on the essential hypothesis of efficiency and effectiveness of Damascus stock market in attracting investment; using the descriptive analytical method to collect data, and a questionnaire as a tool for measurement, where distributed to a group of workers in financial brokerage companies, a group of workers in the financial institutions and a group of investors within the Syrian Stock market, in order to see their opinions to check the research hypotheses and look to the future situation. Among the most important results, Damascus stock market is contributing in the attraction of investment by attracting the foreign and Arabic capitals, the compilation of sterile national savings, and thus increase the market liquidity and leads to provide liquidity to investors, which make them able to create new projects or expand the existing ones.
This research aims to introduce the species of insurance located in the Syrian market, and compare them in terms of return and risk resulting from each of them, in addition to trying to develop a model to measure the size of the development of the insurance sector in the Syrian market, using multivariate equations. Where the study showed that there is a difference between the types of insurance in terms of the size of the return and risk resulting from it has been shown that most types of insurance have an average profit, excluding motor insurance Complementary and mandatory, in addition to the most common types of insurance profitability is pension insurance, where profit per pound per 0.9991 followed by insurance against theft and transport insurance. Conversely study showed that the average profit of the fire is 0.6252 per SP one, but the risk in this type of insurance is very high risk where the standard deviation of about 2.06264, and followed in terms of high-risk insurance hulls of ships where the standard deviation for securing ships .81732. With regard to the following types: life insurance and pension insurance and engineering insurance of civil liability and personal insurance are all enjoying a good profit and the average rate risk is acceptable. The study recommended that insurance firms should carry out a study and the reality of insurance in the Syrian market in terms of the size of the risks and value of insurance premiums, especially life insurance types where there are no actuarial studies specialist, in addition to giving fire insurance and compulsory motor vehicle further study and development of many of the controls of would reduce the size of the dangers that it contains two types of insurance.
Maalulla town has a high religious, historic and cultural position internationally and it is one of the Syrian mountain towns which is located on the eastern slops of the eastern cliffs mountain and the western cliffs mountains of the first Qalamo on mountain range. Due to such a geographical site, strict conditions were set on the town's building plans especially because of the several geo-morphological hazards which threaten the town such as the spreading of rocky masses in the higher sections of slops in addition to other factors which contribute in identifying such hazards levels such as the distances between the rocky masses and houses, economical and service constructions, their size and number in addition to their morphologic characteristics, moving and resisting forces, slops shapes, distribution of sections, fractures and cracks system which affect the degree of Qusta front cliff stability through their distribution and directions, in addition to all geological, topographic, climate and geo-morphologic states of the area.
This study aims to shed the light on the threats that facing the commercial banks dealing with the Documentary Credits, and the affect of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600) in reducing these threats.

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