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Constant changes occur to the family requirements of housing with the flowing of time, and these changes are due to the number of its members, their needs , the standard of living the economic conditions , or as a result of increasing technical dev elopments. This implies facing house requirements and applying changes in the number of the house rooms, or the functions of these rooms. So the family either tends to change its house to fit its needs, and that exhausts it socially and financially. They made adapt their house with the family constant needs, and here comes the importance of achieving flexibility as the best economic solution that reduces the value of the house, of it, by providing the efficiency of the best use of the whole spaces. In addition, the role of flexibility is to respond to the social stability of families by the best use of the whole time age of their houses. This research handles the concept of design flexibility as one of the most economic housing standards in the thesis of the most important architects , and goes through steps of applying it in the house functionally and structurally in the designing phase by effective interaction between the designer and the user side by side.
Software Defined Radios (SDR) are highly configurable hardware and software platforms that enable the implementation of the rapidly expanding 3G and 4G digital wireless communication infrastructures. Many sophisticated signal processing tasks are performed in a SDR platform, for example: channel estimation, equalisation, forward error correction, adaptive antennas, rake receiving, modulation, advanced compression algorithms, and vocoding.
في هذا البحث تم تصميم برنامج خوارزمية تشفير وتنفيذه للبيانات المنقولـة عبـر شـبكة حاسوبية حيث كُتب البرنامج بلغة C . و صممت هذه الخوارزمية لتكون معقدة و ذات سـرية مرتفعة، حيث استخدمت خليطاً من خوارزميات التشفير المتناظرة و غير المتناظرة بالإضافة إ لى وضع خوارزمية خاصة لتوليد مفتاح التشفير توليداً معقداً و عشوائياً و هذا ما جعل أيـة بيانات منقولة عبر الشبكة و كذلك مفاتيح التشفير المتبادلة بين أطراف الشبكة عصية بشكل كبير جداً على أية محاولة لكشفها و معرفة محتواها. و هكذا نكون قد أمنّا السـرية و الأمـن للبيانات المنقولة عبر أي شبكة تستخدم هذه الخوارزمية.
يعد وجود التكلسات الميكروية العنقودية في صور الماموغرام أحد المؤشرات المبكرة لمرض سرطان الثدي. تظهر التكلسات على شكل جزيئات لامعة مختلفة الأشكال و الأحجام و قد توضعت على الخلفية الشعاعية لنسيج الثدي. يتّبع الطبيب مرحلتين في أثناء تحديد هذه الآفة: ١ - الكشف عن وجود تكلسات ميكروية في صورة الماموغرام، ثم ٢ - فحص كيفية توزع هذه التكلسات. طورت خوارزمية من أجل الكشف الآلي بحيث تُشابه طريقة الطبيب في تحديد آفات التكلسات الميكروية العنقودية. تُنفّذ الخوارزمية مبادئ فصل التراكيب ذات الطاقة العالية و مبادئ تحليل التوزع البنيوية.
The paper begins with an introduction that describes the concept and importance of power system security. The mathematical model is built depending on both the linear load flow technique and the sensitivity factors for line and generation outages. The algorithm has been designed so that a power system of arbitrary bus number and voltage levels can be studied. This algorithm has been programmed in Borland Pascal in interactive mode, and the developed program has been tested on several test systems. The Program has been used for security assessment of a part of the Syrian 230 kV network. The obtained results have shown the validity and effectiveness of the program in spite of using linear models. It is worth saying that the developed program is the first one for security assessment in Syria so far.
The Seismic design for nuclear facilities has been subject of complex analysis of the type usually performed for nuclear power plants. For the purpose of ensuring seismic safety for nuclear facilities with limited radioactive inventory, a simplifi ed approach was adopted by the IAEA safety guides with emphasis on appropriate construction and detailing principles rather than sophisticated dynamic analysis. This work presents the equivalent static approach, with an application for a frame element, a dynamic analysis is also achieved using a computer program (DRAIN – 2DX) with real (time – history earthquake) for the purpose of comparison, the results lead to some observations and notes which have to be taken into account for the seismic safety design.
إن بعض أجهزة قياس الغزارة التي تعتمد في عملها على قياس تواتر الدوامات التي تتشكل خلف حاجز مغمور في السائل تكون كثيرة الدقة عندما يتم قياس تواترها عن طريق قياس عدد الدوامات التي تؤثر في صفيحة مستوية متوضعة ضمن السياج المتشكل خلف الحاجز. و بذلك نستط يع اعتماد عدد ستروهال جديد ثابت مستقل ليس له علاقة بنسبة التضـايق و لقـد درست الخصائص المميزة لهذا الجهاز في الحالتين: الجريان المستمر و الجريان غير المسـتمر و هـذا الجهاز يستخدم كجهاز قياس عددي.
The increasingly growth of population led to an increase in the number of different industrial plants and to arise in their productive capacity which led to the formation of large quantities of waste products in their gas, liquid and solid forms. These waste products led , in turn , to pollute the air , water and soil. This pollution endangers the whole environment. In this paper we studied one of the aspects of waterpollution used in chemical fertilizers factories and the ways of treatment stations designing and the great role played by these stations in diminishing the great damage caused to rivers , lakes , seas and water –store. This has positively a good effect on environment and economy in general. It is necessary to operate the used-water treatment stations and recycling this water after purifying and refining it within the closed-circuit system effectively and by using modern computerized techniques concerning design , operation and investment. This study is of four chapters and a list of references. The first chapter includes a short glimpse about the treatment stations and their main lines concerning design and distribution. The second chapter is about the sections of the phosphate fertilizers factories and about the acidic water resulting from these sections. The third chapter gives a glimpse about the treatment of polluted water in the phosphate fertilizers factory. The fourth chapter includes the practical section with some designs and results. Finally , a list of the arabic and foreign references.
Building a photovoltaic system is the process of designing, selecting and calculating the ratings of the equipment’s employed in the system. This process depends on a variety of factors such as geographical location, solar irradiation, and load re quirements. this paper presents a practical way to calculate the elements and components of the Stand-Alone PV energy system, And procedure an economic analysis for the system, will allow GUI designed by MATLAB knowledge of these components depending on the efficiency of the Inverter, power solar panels and capacity of batteries in local market, taking into account the climatic factors and hours of solar radiation in the system installation area, as well as the cost of the system and the payback time.
The research aims to highlight the design elements of the climate of the store, and drew attention to the need for attention to shops climate design commensurate with the event and occasion. According to the search results that the variables in th e design of the climate of the store, such as music, colors, lighting, has a positive impact on the consumer to stimulate the purchase (impulsive consumer purchase), but the design of the climate of stores in the city of Damascus are not according to accurate study of the suggestions and desires of consumers and characteristics of the consumer, and looking consumer Syrian marketing for an enjoyable experience, especially on special occasions, and this experience circulating among consumers during the event period.

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