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In the light of the circumstances in the contemporary world of privatization, this research aims to study the effect of the privatization on the technical efficiency of container terminal using Stochastic Frontier Analysis, the study has applied on t he most important Mediterranean container terminals. The results concluded that the technical efficiency rate was 76.17%. The full private ownership of container terminals does not reflect the high levels of technical efficiency. The full public ownership of container terminals also did not reflect the high levels of technical efficiency, but it is the best of the private sector. However, the technical efficiency of public container terminal can be improved with participation of the private sector, and advised partnership between the public sector and the private sector with rate of 38.5% according to the results of research.
This research deals with the relationship between the empowerment of workers and the quality of work life in the telecommunication sector in Syria. The objectives of this study are to determine the nature of the relationship between the empowermen t of workers and the quality of work life, and to determine the best form of empowerment of employees required to achieve the quality of work life in the organizations under study. The most important result of the study was that there is a significant relationship between the empowerment of employees’ variables including, delegation of authority, participation of workers in decision-making, participation of workers in the ownership, encouragement of workers and the appreciation of their ideas and suggestions, and the quality of work life in the concerned organizations. The study also indicates that the appreciation of achievement is the most variable of employee empowerment linked to the quality of work life, followed by participation of workers in the property, and then the delegation of authority. The study shows that the family life of the individual was far from the concern of the companies under study. Moreover, noting that most companies have a strategy for the delegation of authority and there is a limited participation of the employees in decision making, healthcare insurance program was not implemented properly despite the fact that the wages and compensation system is fair.
تناولت هذه الدراسة بحث تأثير عوامل النجاح و الإخفاق و دراستها في إدارة التموين الطبي في إطار تحليلي للقيام بدورها الحيوي في تأمين الموارد و المستلزمات الطبية اللازمة للمؤسسة الصحية أياً كانت طبيعتها (قطاع عام أو خاص أو مشترك) بالاستناد إلى محددات الخ دمات الصحية من أجل تشغيلها بكفاءة و فعالية. و توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة نتائج من أهمها أن غالبية المستشفيات في عينة البحث أظهروا عدم معرفة تطبيق الأساليب العلمية للإمداد و التخزين، و أيضاً، غياب نظام توريد عقلاني في ظل عدم توفر نظام معلومات لوجستي ملائم.
The study aimed to look at the reality of the application of information and communication technology in small and medium enterprises in Syria, and stand on the most important requirements for effective use of this technology is effective. The stu dy sample included an administrative 96 in a number of small and medium enterprises in the cities of Latakia and Tartous during the first half of 2015 represented. the most prominent results of the study that the most important requirements for activating the use of technology in institutions under consideration is the availability of qualified trained and reduce the cost of the use of technology and the development of the necessary infrastructure, In addition to the type of activity, which plays an important role in the extent of the use of technology.
هدف البحث إلى استخدام نموذج خلايا التكلفة كأداة لتحليل التكاليف في المنشآت النسيجية السورية بهدف تحقيق الخفض التكاليفي الذي يعد إحدى الميزات التنافسية المهمة في المنظمات. و قد كانت الإشارة إلى مشكلة البحث من خلال السؤال الآتي: هل يشكل نموذج خلايا الت كلفة المقترح أداة لتخفيض التكاليف بما يسهم في تعزيز الميزات التنافسية في المنشآت النسيجية السورية ؟ أما منهج البحث فهو المنهج التطبيقي من خلال تطبيق النموذج المقترح على إحدى المنشآت النسيجية السورية العامة، و هي شركة المغازل و المناسج في مدينة دمشق لتحليل تكاليفها و الحصول على معلومات تكاليفية تفيد في معرفة نقاط الضعف و نقاط القوة فيها بهدف تعزيز الميزات التنافسية. و قد خلص البحث إلى عدد من الاستنتاجات من تطبيق نموذج خلايا التكلفة المقترح، من خلال تحديد هيكل واضح و تفصيلي للتكاليف في المنشأة موضوع الدراسة في كل من نشاطات الإمدادات الداخلة و نشاطات الإنتاج و نشاطات الإمدادات الخارجة و النشاطات التسويقية و خلايا التكلفة المقترنة بهذه النشاطات، و تحديد الأهمية النسبية لكل منها و إمكانيات تخفيضها بهدف تعزيز الميزات التنافسية للمنشأة من خلال إستراتيجية القيادة التكاليفية، فضلاً عن مجموعة أخرى من النتائج و المقترحات.
The aim of the research is to measuring the employees trends and direction toward a new way of adjusting the performance instead of the extent to which, as well as the extent to which this new way could possibility depend on instead of the existing way now. In order to achieve the adjectives of the research study a questionnaire of (56) questions components has been designed covering the main subjects and fields of the research variables, the number of individuals of this random sample examined research (174). Besides, the resaerchen used the study method of the descriptive analyzing study where be mode a comprehensive survey to all responses acquired end in the meantime used the (SPSS.V 15) program for analyzing and dealing with the inquiries concerned.
This study aims to identify the factors related to the client and influencing the decision of granting micro-credit in the private lending institutions operating in the province of Lattakia (Private banks and microfinance institutions)، and order of these factors according to their importance for these institutions، Has been followed premise entrance deductive in this study. The research concluded that these institutions focus on personal client primarily client then the capital of the second class، then the guarantees provided by the client third place، as the results showed that the economic and political conditions and practical experience for the customer influence the decision to grant credit is relatively weak degree، and there omission social worker by these institutions.
The research security service, one of the key issues that contribute to the construction of the purchase decision at the client, and enhance customer satisfaction and building long-term relationship with him, including contributing to the achievem ent of customer loyalty. Where was identified the substance of the security service, objectives and its role in influencing customer satisfaction, and to identify the companies and entities that provide security service, as identified on the concept of customer satisfaction and the factors affecting it, has been reached in the search to a strong influence between the availability of insurance service provided by the companies and enhance satisfaction, our customers. And the existence of a significant effect between the security service provided by the companies and enhance customer satisfaction.
This paper aimed to analyze the variables of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Theory of Reasoned Action as the most widely used theories in research on entrepreneurial intentions. A sample (n=406) students from Private and Public Secto r Syrian Universities was analyzed using SPSS. Results indicate that the percentage of students who prefer to start an entrepreneurial venture is higher than that of those who prefer to work for the Private or Public Sector upon graduation. Results provide strong support for the intentions of students to start an entrepreneurial venture in addition to the assumption that variables such as ; attitude towards entrepreneurship, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control affect intentions.
As a result of the shortage of traditional energy sources, the world and advanced countries particularly have started conducting the researches and studies to find or create other energy sources different to those in use nowadays. Recently, those countries were involved in this process have managed gradually to accomplish a turning point in the globe history by achieving such a prominent goal in reaching a different new form of energy is called the "Renewal Green energy sources" that can secure the sufficient energy without being worried of getting demolished by the time. Simultaneously, contributes considerably in protecting the global environment. These sources are: Geothermal energy, solar energy, Oceans energy, Wind energy, Water energy, Biomass energy Being an essential part of the world, Syria will inevitably suffer in the future from the lack of energy problem eventually.

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