تؤكد الدراسات بأن مصادر الطاقة التقليدية ستنضب في الأجل القريب. لذا، فقد بدأ العالم - و خاصة الدول المتقدمة – بإجراء البحوث و الدراسات للعثور على مصادر أخرى للطاقة غير المصادر المستخدمة حالياً. و نتيجة لتلك البحوث فقد توصلت تلك الدول للاعتماد التدريجي لمصادر جديدة للطاقة سميت بمصادر الطاقة المتجددة الخضراء التي تؤمن الطاقة دون الخشية من نضوب مصادرها، و تساهم في حماية البيئة في آن واحد. و تندرج هذه المصادر فيما يلي: طاقة الحرارة الجوفية، الطاقة الشمسية، طاقة المحيطات، طاقة الرياح، الطاقة المائية، طاقة الكتلة الحيوية.
As a result of the shortage of traditional energy sources, the world and
advanced countries particularly have started conducting the researches and studies
to find or create other energy sources different to those in use nowadays.
Recently, those countries were involved in this process have managed gradually
to accomplish a turning point in the globe history by achieving such a prominent
goal in reaching a different new form of energy is called the "Renewal Green energy
sources" that can secure the sufficient energy without being worried of getting
demolished by the time. Simultaneously, contributes considerably in protecting the
global environment. These sources are:
Geothermal energy, solar energy, Oceans energy, Wind energy, Water energy,
Biomass energy Being an essential part of the world, Syria will inevitably suffer in
the future from the lack of energy problem eventually.
References used
ACEEE (2007): The Twin Pillars of Sustainable Energy- Synergies between Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology and Policy Report, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, USA
Authority for Electricity Regulation (2008): Study on renewable Energy Resources, final report, Oman, May
Bird, Lori & Blair Swezey (2005): Green Power Marketing in the United States: a status report, (8th ed.), National Renewable energy Laboratory, Technical report, October
This study evaluates the energetic and environmental performances
of a group of renewable energy technologies widely used in the
residential sector, by applying them to a typical housing unit that
resembles to some extent our local housing units.
Most robotic industries depend on using (servo motors) and (stepper
motors) orcontinuous current motors (DC motors) for movement
transition, which increases the cost and complicates the robot’s
controlling process, as well as its driving circuits.
With the great development of communication and information technology, and the net spread extensively all over the world. Works’ organizations went towards electronic work environment, and we notice that Syria is trying to keep up with this developm
The importance of consumer lies in the role that he/she is playing in the companies'
and institutions' activities which offer their products and services for him/her. The
successful marketing strategies depend on the deep understanding of the dimen
This research includes designing and executing of an applied model for converting
the energy of the offshore sea waves into electrical power. The model runs according to
oscillating water column system (OWC) using air turbine, which rotates by the