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Reengineering as Approach of organizational Business Processes Changement (A field study at the banks in Lattakia)

إعادة هندسة العمليات الإدارية "الهندرة" كمدخل للتغيير التنظيمي "دراسة ميدانية على المصارف العاملة في مدينة اللاذقية"

2722   4   68   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to shed light on the different aspects of business processes re-engineering style as a method of organizational change; its importance , its elements, its benefits, and its types. This study also aims to recognize business processes reengineering in Lattakia banks through studying different factors that affect the business process reengineering, such as the reconstruction of organizational structures, the capabilities of high technology, and the improvement of the total quality criteria.

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة موضوع إعادة هندسة العمليات الإدارية (الهندرة) كمدخل للتغيير التنظيمي، مع التركيز على المصارف العاملة في مدينة اللاذقية. تهدف الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على أهمية الهندرة، عناصرها، فوائدها، أنواعها، ومبادئها، بالإضافة إلى العوامل الحاسمة لنجاحها. كما تسعى إلى دراسة تأثير بعض العوامل مثل بناء الهياكل التنظيمية، القدرات التكنولوجية العالية، وتحسين معايير الجودة الشاملة على نجاح الهندرة في المصارف. اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي واستخدام الاستبانة لجمع البيانات من 80 موظفًا في المصارف العامة باللاذقية. توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود علاقة بين الهندرة وإعادة بناء الهياكل التنظيمية، القدرات التكنولوجية، وتحسين إدارة الجودة الشاملة في المصارف المدروسة. أوصت الدراسة بضرورة فهم متطلبات العملاء، إعادة بناء الهياكل التنظيمية، الاستفادة من التكنولوجيا، وتحقيق معايير الجودة الشاملة لتحسين العمليات والخدمات المصرفية.
Critical review
تعد الدراسة شاملة ومهمة في مجال إعادة هندسة العمليات الإدارية، إلا أنها تفتقر إلى بعض الجوانب التي قد تعزز من قوتها. على سبيل المثال، كان من الممكن أن تشمل الدراسة مقارنة بين المصارف العامة والخاصة لمعرفة الفروقات في تطبيق الهندرة. كما أن الاعتماد على الاستبانة فقط قد لا يكون كافيًا للحصول على صورة شاملة، وكان من الممكن استخدام مقابلات أو دراسات حالة للحصول على بيانات أكثر عمقًا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم تتناول الدراسة بشكل كافٍ التحديات التي قد تواجه تطبيق الهندرة في المصارف وكيفية التغلب عليها.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة؟

    تهدف الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على أهمية إعادة هندسة العمليات الإدارية (الهندرة)، عناصرها، فوائدها، وأنواعها، بالإضافة إلى دراسة تأثير بعض العوامل مثل بناء الهياكل التنظيمية، القدرات التكنولوجية العالية، وتحسين معايير الجودة الشاملة على نجاح الهندرة في المصارف العامة باللاذقية.

  2. ما هي المنهجية المستخدمة في الدراسة؟

    اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي واستخدام الاستبانة لجمع البيانات من 80 موظفًا في المصارف العامة باللاذقية.

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود علاقة بين الهندرة وإعادة بناء الهياكل التنظيمية، القدرات التكنولوجية، وتحسين إدارة الجودة الشاملة في المصارف المدروسة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    أوصت الدراسة بضرورة فهم متطلبات العملاء، إعادة بناء الهياكل التنظيمية بما يتوافق مع أسس الهندرة، الاستفادة من التكنولوجيا لتكوين عمليات فعالة، وتحقيق معايير الجودة الشاملة لتحسين العمليات والخدمات المصرفية.

References used
AREI,et.,2012 - Effects of Business Process Re engineering : BPR for Local Government Information Systems
K0RAEIE,A., 2000 – Business Process Reengineering and Information System Renovation Projects: Problems and Assessment . ( Phi ) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics
MEGGINSOH , L., et al , 1989 – Management Concepts and - Applications . New York, Harper & Row publishers
rate research

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This research deals with a study evaluating opportunities to apply the Business Process Reengineering as an input to simplify administrative procedures at the Land Bank branch in Tartous, where research attempts to show the importance of Reengineer ing as one of modern management topics that must be supported and support by the management, and characterization of the current administrative processes and procedures and work to visualize a proposed administrative processes after application Reengineering up to the steps's work helps to simplify AlajraratAladrah, was the preview intentional use were questionnaire distributed to the employees in the bank, and the study concluded that there was support and support by the management of the possibility of applying the re-engineering entrance and simplify After application procedures Reengineering positively reflected on the staff performance and customer satisfaction.
This research deals with the study of basic administrative dimensions influencing the adoption of Reengineering in Industrial Bank in Tartous, where the address search of the importance of Reengineering as one of modern management topics that must be supported and support by the management, and tries to show the relationship between information technology and Reengineering, and the statement of the reality of training and development of skills workers Will help start Reengineering, has been used as the preview intentionality researcher, where it was 50 a questionnaire distributed to the employees in the bank, and the study concluded that the administration's belief of the importance of curriculum re-engineering and trust the final results and the reality of information technology helps to start re-engineering, and training goals You should be more pronounced.
The study examines the reality of the re-engineering of the administrative processes in the commercial bank Tartous branch through identifying the factors of its success, namely information technology, human resource qualification, organizational factor, and their role in improving the banking service and thus achieving customer satisfaction. The study concluded that: The success factors of the re-engineering of the administrative processes (the organizational factor, the development and training of employees skills, information technology) contribute greatly to improving the banking service in the branch of the bank The Syrian Commercial Bank in Tartous.
This research aims at determining the degree of application of kindergarten principals in lattkia city of the principles of Business Processes Re-engineering and the elements of administrative creativity from the point of teachers view, and studyin g whether there is a statistic relationship between the degree of application of kindergarten principals in lattkia city of the principles of Business Processes Re-engineering and the elements of administrative creativity from the point of teachers view. In order to achieve the goals of this research, a questionnaire was built and distributed over (180) kindergarten teachers through Lattkia city.
The research aims to identify the role of organizational culture in reducing resistance to change of the employees through a study of the relationship between the dimensions of the organizational culture, and the reasons of resistance change by emp loyees working in Lattakia City Council. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to (343) employees in Lattakia City Council, (315) questionnaire were complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of (91.84%). Relying on multiple regression, the following results were reached: 1. There is a strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements after the containment and interdependence of (empowerment, staff development, teamwork and participation), and a reeducation of the resistance of workers to change, wherever after containment and coherence elements are available, there is a decline in the causes resistance of workers to change. 2. There is strong inverse relationship that is statistically significant between the elements after the consistency and uniformity of working (core values, agreement, coordination and integration), and a reduction of resistance workers to change, i.e. when elements after consistency and homogeneity are availed, they lead to a decline in the causes of workers resistance to change. 3. There is strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements of the human aspects (respect and appreciation, justice, encouragement achievement, and social welfare), and the reeducation of workers resistance to change, i.e., whenever there are elements of the human aspects, there is a decline of the causes of workers resistance to change. 4. There is strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements after the organizational climate of (administrative practices, rewards, communications, and surveillance system), and the reduction of workers resistance to change, i.e., wherever after the organizational climate elements are available, there is a decline in the causes of workers resistance to change.
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