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تعليم اللغة العربيَّة للناطقين بلغات أخرى بين الأغراض الخاصَّة و أغراض الحياة من وجهة نظر مُعلِّميها

632   2   11   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims at conducting a detailec comparison between teaching Arabic to Speakers of other languages for specific purposes and daily life usage.The study also showed an explanation of the most prominent concepts and common terminology in this field in order to ensure the clarity of their implications for scholars in the field of teaching Arabic to speakers of other languages.

References used
STREVENS, P. (1988), ESP after twenty years: a re- appraisal, In ESP: state of the Art , Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center, p. 1-2
LIGHTBOWN, P. M. (1985). “Great Expectations: Second Language Acquisition Research and Class-room Teaching”, Applied Linguistics, No. 6,p. 173-89
rate research

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تهدف هذه الدراسة الى القاء الضوء على واقع تعليم اللغة الفرنسية في مدارس مدينة اللاذقية والتعرف على الاسباب التي تجعل من تعليم وتعلم اللغة الفرنسية ضعيفا. ولتحقيق ذلك تم اعداد استبانة تم توزيعها على 360 طالب من مختلف مدارس مدينة اللاذقية. وقد حرصنا ع لى تنويع التوزع الجغرافي للمدارس بهدف معرفة ما اذا كان هناك فروق في الاجابات تابعة للوسط الاجتماعي والثقافي للطلبة. يقتصر البحث الحالي على اراء الطلبة فقط علما بانه تم استطلاع اراء المدرسين والموجهين التربويين والنتائج ستعرض في وقت لاحق. بعد التحليل الاحصائي لاستبانات الطلاب توصلت الدراسة الى نتائج من بينها ان الطلبة واعون لمسالة الحفظ البصم دون فهم لأنه يؤثر سلبيا على تعلم اللغة الفرنسية بشكل عام. وان التعليم المتأخر للفرنسية الذي يبدأ من الصف السابع يكبح الرغبة في تعلمها خاصة مقابل اللغة الانكليزية. هذا بالإضافة الى ان عدم استخدام التقنيات الحديثة في التعليم لا يشجع على هذا التعلم. ستقدم المقترحات والتوصيات التي من شانها ان تساعد في تجاوز هذه المشكلات.
The study aimed to identify the training needs of Arabic language teachers and to investigate the effect of each of the gender variables and the years of experience in assessing these needs by applying a questionnaire consisting of (16) words to th e sample of (50) teachers and And the use of appropriate statistical programs. The results of the study showed that the degree of appreciation of the training needs of the teachers of the Arabic language for non-native speakers was high, Showed no statistically significant differences in the degree of appreciation of the study sample individuals training needs due to the variables of the sex of the teacher and the number of years of experience differences.
According to the importance of professional preparation of libraries and information, specialists in the field of improve the profession. The researcher conducted this study to recognize the reality of libraries and information education in Damascus University, which involves first-level university degree and high-level university degree (diploma- master-doctorate). The study contains the emergence and evolution of libraries and information education, recognizes study system and time period required to get the certificates, recognizes courses and analyze them, recognizes teachers and facilities and gives suggestions to develop libraries and information education. To achieve goals of study, the researcher used case study method as the best method in this situation. Data have been collected by a survey distributed to higher education students. Results came to adopt models to build, analyze, and evaluate courses and also to recognize the most important points of strength and weakness in libraries and information education in Damascus University. In addition of satisfaction degree of higher education students about the whole specialization.
This research aims defining the problems critical thinking related to each of the following themes: (teacher, classroom environment, curriculum content, teaching techniques, calendar, school environment) from a sample of teachers of the first cycl e of basic education schools look numbered (125) teachers and a teacher in the city of protoplasm. Where the use of a questionnaire included the education problems of critical thinking in each of the previous hubs, have reached research is to identify a range of problems including: asylum teacher to orders and instructions in dealing with students, double the rehabilitation of teacher training, lack of interest in school administration by providing guide instructs the teacher to how teach critical thinking, not to employ modern technologies in educational activities, fit the calendar with methods that focus on conservation and memorization techniques.
Psychological resilience refers to the individual’s tendency to remain steadfast and composed in time of adversity and pressure in addition to his ability to be actively compatible and to cope positively with traumatic states and pressures. Conseque ntly, this is conducive to fastness in recovery and overstepping traumatic states. It also leads to the previous normal functional state, and therefore to considering the traumatic or pressing state an opportunity to empower and fortify one’s self against traumatic states and pressures in the future. The “Meaning of Life,” as an idiom, is considered one of the concepts that has attracted the interest of researchers in the field of mental health. For the human being, the meaning of life relates to its value, his self-contentment and his self-appreciation in the sense that his life revolves around and within the role that he finds himself best in acting. Frankl(1974) asserts that the meaning of life, love and identity follows the traumatic experiences that the individual encounters through his life. Bad situations are considered an opportunity for the individual to grow. To achieve this, one must have faith in the future, and without faith, there is no meaning for life or reason for living. The flow state represents the crucial factor in constituting the meaning and goal of life, and making sense and value out of it. Hence, this state pushes those who cope up with it to be creative; nay, to the highest degrees of human creativeness. This paper attempts to link the previous variables with the resilience of the Syrian Arab Army by approaching methodologically the elements of this research paper. This methodological approach depends on analyzing the literature of the subject matter by collecting and coordinating the theoretical writings and research studies in this domain, then analyzing them in order to illustrate their underlying implications, and therefore easing the task to know the secret of psychological resilience, flow, and meaning of life within the context of positive psychology. In order to excavate for this secret, one must look for the nature of these variable and its limitations, and applying them on the resilience of the Syrian Arab Army. Thus, the current paper relies on a description and explanation emanating from building a base of concepts, and the methodology here is closer to qualitative research.
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