هدف البحث إلى إجراء مقارنة تفصيليَّة بين تعليم اللغة العربيَّة للناطقين بلغاتٍ أُخرى
للأغراض الخاصَّة و تعليمها للأغراض العامَّة (أغراض الحياة)، و تناولت الدِّراسة شرحاً
لأبرز المفاهيم و المُصطلحات المُتداولة في هذا المجال بهدف ضمان وضوح دلالاتها
بالنِّسبة للدارسين في ميدان تعليم اللغة العربيَّة للناطقين بلغاتٍ أُخرى.
The research aims at conducting a detailec comparison between
teaching Arabic to Speakers of other languages for specific purposes
and daily life usage.The study also showed an explanation of the
most prominent concepts and common terminology in this field in
order to ensure the clarity of their implications for scholars in the
field of teaching Arabic to speakers of other languages.
References used
STREVENS, P. (1988), ESP after twenty years: a re- appraisal, In ESP: state of the Art , Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center, p. 1-2
LIGHTBOWN, P. M. (1985). “Great Expectations: Second Language Acquisition Research and Class-room Teaching”, Applied Linguistics, No. 6,p. 173-89
تهدف هذه الدراسة الى القاء الضوء على واقع تعليم اللغة الفرنسية في مدارس مدينة اللاذقية والتعرف على الاسباب التي تجعل من تعليم وتعلم اللغة الفرنسية ضعيفا. ولتحقيق ذلك تم اعداد استبانة تم توزيعها على 360 طالب من مختلف مدارس مدينة اللاذقية. وقد حرصنا ع
The study aimed to identify the training needs of Arabic language teachers and to
investigate the effect of each of the gender variables and the years of experience in
assessing these needs by applying a questionnaire consisting of (16) words to th
According to the importance of professional preparation of libraries and information, specialists in the field of improve the profession. The researcher conducted this study to recognize the reality of libraries and information education in Damascus
This research aims defining the problems critical thinking related to
each of the following themes: (teacher, classroom environment,
curriculum content, teaching techniques, calendar, school
environment) from a sample of teachers of the first cycl
Psychological resilience refers to the individual’s tendency to remain steadfast and composed in time of adversity and pressure in addition to his ability to be actively compatible and to cope positively with traumatic states and pressures.