هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى كشف الفروق بين المسنين المقيمين في دور رعاية المسـنين
و المسنين المقيمين مع أسرهم في درجة معاناتهم للقلق، حسب متغيرات مكان الإقامـة
و العمر و الجنس. و قد تكونت عينة الدراسة من 436 مسناً و مسـنة مـنهم 222 مـن
الذكور و 214 من الإناث، و قد كانت عينة المسنين المقيمين في دور رعاية المسـنين
150 مسناً و مسنة و المقيمين مع أسرهم 286 مسنا و مسنة، مـن محافظـات دمشـق
و ريفها و حمص و اللاذقية في الجمهورية العربية السورية.
This study aims at finding out the differences between the elderly
residing infirmaries and those staying with their Families concerning their
suffering of anxiety according to the factors of the place of residence, age
and gender. The study deals with 436 elderlies; these include 222 males
and 214 females. The elderlies in the infirmaries are 150 and those with
their Families are 286 as taken from the governorates of Damascus, Rural
Damascus, Homs and Lattakia.
References used
أحمد، سهير كامل ( 1998 ): دراسات في سيكولوجية المسنين، مركز الإسكندرية للكتاب، الإسكندرية.
الأحمد، أمل ( 2001 ): بحوث ودراسات في علم النفس، مؤسسة الرسالة للطباعة، دمشق.
إسماعيل، عزت سيد ( 1983 ): الشيخوخة أسبابها، مضاعفاتها، وكالة المطبوعات، الكويت.
Depression is considered to be one of the most common mental disorders among the
elderly, especially among those with chronic physical diseases in particular Diabetes.
Therefore research problem was defined by the following question: What is the
This research aimed to know the level of a sense of loneliness among the elderly
residents in social care homes, and to know the differences in the degree of loneliness
between males and females, as it aimed to detect the differences in the sense o
This study aimed to identify the Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD) and its
relationship with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) among pupils in Basic education
stage Depending on the sample of (30) pupils from the pupils of Basic education in the
The study aims to determine the effect of a group counseling
(Rogers), accompanied with biofeedback and relaxation training in
reducing the degree of stress caused by the teaching profession and some
other variables ,trait anxiety, self-concept, blood pressure, and heart rate.
This study aimed to identify social anxiety and its relationship
with self-esteem of pupils in the first stage of basic education in
the city of Homs, and know the difference of sexes in their
performance on each of the social anxiety scale and th