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We present a series of programming assignments, adaptable to a range of experience levels from advanced undergraduate to PhD, to teach students design and implementation of modern NLP systems. These assignments build from the ground up and emphasize full-stack understanding of machine learning models: initially, students implement inference and gradient computation by hand, then use PyTorch to build nearly state-of-the-art neural networks using current best practices. Topics are chosen to cover a wide range of modeling and inference techniques that one might encounter, ranging from linear models suitable for industry applications to state-of-the-art deep learning models used in NLP research. The assignments are customizable, with constrained options to guide less experienced students or open-ended options giving advanced students freedom to explore. All of them can be deployed in a fully autogradable fashion, and have collectively been tested on over 300 students across several semesters.
When humans judge the affective content of texts, they also implicitly assess the correctness of such judgment, that is, their confidence. We hypothesize that people's (in)confidence that they performed well in an annotation task leads to (dis)agreem ents among each other. If this is true, confidence may serve as a diagnostic tool for systematic differences in annotations. To probe our assumption, we conduct a study on a subset of the Corpus of Contemporary American English, in which we ask raters to distinguish neutral sentences from emotion-bearing ones, while scoring the confidence of their answers. Confidence turns out to approximate inter-annotator disagreements. Further, we find that confidence is correlated to emotion intensity: perceiving stronger affect in text prompts annotators to more certain classification performances. This insight is relevant for modelling studies of intensity, as it opens the question wether automatic regressors or classifiers actually predict intensity, or rather human's self-perceived confidence.
This search aims to introduce the voronoi diagram, its history and its characteristics of space wayfinding, occupation analysis and space evolution. In addition to introducing the most important applications in architecture : urban planning , arch itectural design, landscape and even construction, and the benefits in terms of the effective and orderly division of the land and integration with nature and achieve tectonic. The search turns into studying the Voronoi diagram applications on facades by analyzing and comparing a range of contemporary architectural projects adopted Voronoi in designing facades, and is reached through the comparative study of Voronoi applications on facades to the standards in terms of function, form, construction and sustainability. Research concludes with a set of recommendations.
The present research aims to recognize the educational supervision situation in the Syrian Arab Republic through knowing its aims, methods , missions and the difficulties that limit its affectivity . It also shows some contemporary trends of educat ional supervision . To achieve these aims , a questionare was prepared to see the educational supervision situation . The most important points in this questionnaire were : The educational supervision aims , its ways methods , missions, and problems . The researcher used the analytical descriptive method , where a questionnaire consists of 40 points were applied on 139 teachers and 31 educational supervisors . The results showed : 1 – There are no differences of statistic denotation among the teachers and supervisors in the aims and methods of the educational supervision . 2 – There are differences of statistic denotation among teachers opinions and supervisors in the difficulties which limit the supervisal affectivity.
plants plays an important function in alive environment and generally in architecture, and it has an important function in the formation of constructional spaces that the constructional masses appears in their real scales and it is interrelated wi th natural elements that addresses the sharp architectural lines and the harsh texture. Plants and trees have important functions in all social economic environmental aspects, in addition to their great function in controlling sunshine and changing many hard climatic conditions, and they have a great function in dilution the global warming which has become a global phenomenon that the whole world is seeking to solve.
The Study focuses on the contemporary planning applications in shaping the urban structure of the residential areas in general and the spatial formation in particular, according to a schematic structure that depends on classification of these space s by kind, function of these special formation and their distinguished characteristics. The study focuses on the gradual scales of the formed spaces within the urban residential structure according to their functions, starting with the external courtyards surrounded by residential buildings whose construction in open space differs from the one in closed space, according to the predominant climatic conditions, then we move to the spaces of motorcar streets and pedestrians roads that have the dynamic and vitality characteristic by the multiplicity of uses, the functions, and the changes of its design structure. Spaces surrounding the public and service buildings form some special distinctive structural points especially when they complement each other with the surrounding buildings in architecture and volume. The formation of aesthetic-visual image in the urban spaces and the visual recognition mechanism divides the urban spaces into three principal types and discusses the relationship between shapes, volumes and colors of the building that form the space and visual sensation with the homogeneity and extension of space. Then the research studies various samples of the urban residential structure of Lattakia city and the spatial formation by performing general classifications of the urban spaces forming this structure according to the type and function of each. Then, we conclude the advantages and disadvantages of the schematic solution and understand the reasons of the negative aspect to be avoided in future.
Modern Arabic architecture has been facing important challenges imposed in many fields by changes occurring internationally and in the West, especially in terms of architecture. The effect of these changes on the visual appearance of the city has bee n clearly evident, with everything this entails in terms of formation and architectural samples. This was due to a group of internal and external effects which contributed to accelerating the spread of intellectual theoretical movements and new architectural philosophies which differed in how they responded to local data. This really problematic trend in modern Arabic architecture became apparent and manifested itself by achieving balance and integration between originality and tradition on the one hand, and modernism and contemporariness on the other. The number of frames available to the Arabic architect became more numerous, to include rejection, advocacy and reformation, and this was reflected in the architectural formations which became multiple and were characterized by pluralism. This led to the loss of their local identity and to a contradiction between their visual and formative modes. A number of Arab architects became aware of this problem at the end of the 20th century, so they analyzed its causes and its transformative mechanism. Attempts were started to find logical and rational solutions to guarantee harmony between technical and scientific development on the one hand, and a sense of belonging to the place on the other.
Housing is an important element of architectural surrounding, that appears to be an outcome of the interaction of a number of factors whether regarding its age, model, location, and area. So any building is valued by its aesthetic historic value as well as its capacity to satisfy the needs and comfort of its inhabitants. The research presents an analytical study of the reality of contemporary housing and its changes in the city of Latakia during the period 1921-2014, to register the most important transformations that have occurred as a result of political, economic and social conditions on the architectural level (housing) and urban level (residential complexes). The research has sum up a set of architectural aspects that have changed in the design of buildings in Latakia , along with the most important reasons causing this change.
Cities begun in developing countries, by the earlier sixties of the 20th century, to grow according to the world pattern away from local and locative Affiliation. Also architectural modern international designs started to spread among its repeated shapes and designs. Such a thing led to important issues that affected places where it was found and presented more issues such as the separation between western adapted patterns and national values, and the issue of development of the Phenomenon of Globalization architecture which is only interested in upholding formalism aspects. Modern regionalism formed in the last few years a solution of the growing debate in the developing countries about the situation of the architecture and urbanism, in an attempt by the architects and planners to provide the affiliation and alignment with the place, and in order to cope with the concept of nowhere in modern architecture using sequenced data to provide meaning and spirit to the place. Accordingly, to reconsider the possibility of making use of the location data of the building such as building materials, techniques, climate and nature, as well as cultural, civilized and community heritage, including its content of the customs and traditions and re-interpreted within the concept of modernity, the concept that has gained a strong and comprehensive presence in the first half of the twentieth century and that was in the aim of finding authentic formulas within modernity.

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