تلعب النباتات دورا هاماً في البيئة الحية و في العمارة بشكل عام، و لها دور هام في
تشكيل الفراغات العمرانية حيث تظهر الكتل البنائية بمقياسها الحقيقي مترابطة بالعناصر
الطبيعية التي تعالج حدة الخطوط المعمارية و قسوة ملمسها.
للنباتات و الأشجار تأثير هام على جميع النواحي البيئية و الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية
بالإضافة لدورها الكبير في التحكم في الإشعاع الشمسي و تغيير بعض الظروف المناخية
القاسية، و لها دورا كبيرا في تخفيف ظاهرة الانحباس الحراري الذي أصبح ظاهرة عالمية
يسعى المجتمع الدولي لحلها.
plants plays an important function in alive environment and
generally in architecture, and it has an important function in the
formation of constructional spaces that the constructional masses
appears in their real scales and it is interrelated with natural
elements that addresses the sharp architectural lines and the harsh
Plants and trees have important functions in all social economic
environmental aspects, in addition to their great function in
controlling sunshine and changing many hard climatic conditions,
and they have a great function in dilution the global warming which
has become a global phenomenon that the whole world is seeking to
References used
Adams,Robert;Adams, Marina; Willens, Alan; and Willens, Ann,1979- Dry land, Man and Plants., St. Martin’s Press, Inc., New York
Carpenter, Philip; Walker, Theodore; and Lanphear, Frederick,1975- Plants in the Landscape. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco
Clark, Kenneth and Paylore, Patricia,1980 Desert Housing, The University of Arizona, Office of Arid Lands Studies, Tucson, Arizona
The problem of energy conservation is classified as the challenge of the
age. As the population increases, energy consumption increases, and
modern designs don't provide solutions to stop depletion of resources.
The main goal of environmental desi
This research aims to study that applications, and know their new
developed techniques and the aim of their application in several
climatic areas. All that for getting the advantage of their
applications to achieve healthy and natural ventilation
During the past few decades , the urban boundaries of many Arab cities expanded, and their residential areas expanded due to increasing in the population density and the expansion of economic activity, in addition to prevailing building system, and d
Modern Arabic architecture has been facing important challenges imposed in many fields by changes occurring internationally and in the West, especially in terms of architecture. The effect of these changes on the visual appearance of the city has bee
In the summer of ١٩٩٨ at the Kearney Agric. Center-University of
California, two experiments were carried out to evaluate solarization methods
for disinfestation of nursery soil from soil born fungi and nematodes. On
rototilled sandy loam soil, ٢m