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The study that we present represents an important work in Western thought. We ask about the contemporary interpretation of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur in the twentieth century. He worked hard to build a unique philosophical style that criticized and discussed all theories and methodsof interpretation, phenomenology, existentialism, Marxism, Freudianism, Nietzscheism, Theories of reading, linguistic analysis, anthropology, theories of culture, psychology, etc. In this way, Paul Ricoeur, in his discussion of the concept of will and kidney, discovers the true meaning of evil symbolism by addressing many concepts and ideas that have to do with evil. From here comes the interpretation and narrowly meditate on the language of recognition of error, which reveals the possibility and difficulty of philosophical interpretation of the symbols of sign, stigmatization and reprimand that were associated with the great legends that tell how evil entered into humanity: such as the myths of cosmology, tragedy, Humanity and morphology, and then led to the approach of thought The understanding is not a pattern of behavior, but rather a pattern of the self itself in its axiom of the demonstrative, structural, and interpretative ones. It is not a pattern of behavior, but rather a pattern of existence on Heidegger and Gadamer's path, His conflicts in the conflict between different interpretations. The structural andsemiological analysis model has also helped to expand the text's arguments, since the text is a linguistic medium that carries the author's mind to the reader, and all that Paul Ricoeur has done is determined by the expansion of the various theories into his important discovery, considering that the symbol calls for thought and pluralism. The suspicion or philosophers of doubt Karl Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, but thinking about the mysteries of the symbol led him to think of metaphor as a metaphor, or a rhetorical image of the name that emerged clearly in the history of long rhetoric in what Paul Ricoeur defined in his book "theory of interpretation", which starts with the sophists, And shows Aristotle and Cicero and Totalitarian, until it is crucial to the critics of the nineteenth century. This has led to the interest of linguistic, structural and existential theories ... to say that there are two modes of interpretation, an interpretation that emphasizes the mythological nature and the interpretation that confronts archeology. Not only did Paul Ricoeur reflect on the rhetorical side, the mythological character and the linguistic analysis only; he tried to discuss the question of truth and lies, Agustin, Greek philosophy, utopian theories, and various doctrines to that the kidney, which conceal the meaning of lies and want to reach the truth, and Paul Ricoeur interested in the concept of ideology by discussing the works of Karl Mannheim, Karl Marx and Louis Althusser discovering this relationship between idea representation and practice.
أصبح الإبهام سمة لازمة من سمات الحداثة الشّعريّة، و لكن لابدّ من التّفريق بين الغموض و الإبهام، فالأول: محببٌ في الشعر، و يدفع المتلقي إلى المزيد من الجهد و العمل للوصول إلى إحدى دلالات القصيدة المعاصرة، و الثاني: استغلاق عن الفهم، و عدم قدرة المت لقي على التواصل و هذا يعني أن الإبهام قيمة سلبية في الشّعر، يسلب الأخير جماليته و اثارته، و يحرم المتلقي من لذة الكشف عن دلالات القصيدة. و لعل من أهم أسباب الإبهام: الانزياح الشّديد عن درجة الصّفر في الكتابة، و غموض الرّمز الشّعريّ ، و استخدام الأساطير الأجنبيّة، و غموض الرؤيا و تراكم الصّور، و اللغة التّجريبيّة، و الفقر الّدلالي، و القصد إلى الإبهام، و غياب النقد.
Housing is an important element of architectural surrounding, that appears to be an outcome of the interaction of a number of factors whether regarding its age, model, location, and area. So any building is valued by its aesthetic historic value as well as its capacity to satisfy the needs and comfort of its inhabitants. The research presents an analytical study of the reality of contemporary housing and its changes in the city of Latakia during the period 1921-2014, to register the most important transformations that have occurred as a result of political, economic and social conditions on the architectural level (housing) and urban level (residential complexes). The research has sum up a set of architectural aspects that have changed in the design of buildings in Latakia , along with the most important reasons causing this change.
This research tries to analyze the political and external criticism of science and its achievements according to Habermas. Moreover, it tries to deal with the negative results of science in our contemporary human lives, especially its disability t o achieve the goals of justice, freedom and equality. Not only has science helped man to control nature, but it also has become a tool to economically and politically enslave man and control him. The research also tries to analyze Habermas' project which calls for criticizing positivist sciences and exploring the possibility of establishing new sciences based on communicating with others and understanding them to replace the current materialistic, instrumental and monodimensional sciences. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the existing sciences which have changed man from an end to means in order to achieve as much benefit as possible, which has turned his mind, morals and freedom into a product.
Being a hybrid, hyphenated literature, Arab-American Literature, which attempts to articulate the identity of its producer, exhibits wide ranging references to its Arabic and Islamic background. Surveying a vast corpus of Arab-American writings, t he present paper demonstrates the overwhelming presence of Arabic and Islamic culture in such writings, discussing its various textual forms and, thus, confirming the Arabic component of Arab-American identity.
تحتل اليوم المتاحف الأثرية مكاناً مهماً في المجتمع المعاصر، و هي أكثر نشاطاً إِذ تطبقُ وسائل الإعلام و التقنيات الحديثة في عروضها المتحفية أكثر فأكثر. و منذ سنوات قليلة ازدادت أهمية عرض التراث الأثري في المتاحف و تنوعت طرائق عرضها. تتميز الآثار في الوقت الحاضر أنها في أوج انتشارها في المتاحف، فقد احتلت أولويات نشاطات و فعاليات المتاحف، و كان ذلك نتيجة مباشرة لتطور التنقيبات الأثرية، فقد أنشئت متاحف جديدة، كما وسعت و جددت المتاحف القديمة و أصبحت طرائق العرض المتحفي في تطور مستمر لتتلاءم مع التقنيات الحديثة و متطلبات المجتمعات المعاصرة.
نفذت هذه الرسالة خلال موسم قطاف الزيتون 2009/2010 على صنف الزيتون الصوراني المزروع في ادلب وتم اختيار موقع واحد يصم 120 شجرة متجانسة لعمر حوالي 35 سنة .
Slavery was found in many parts of the world, and was practiced by nations and civilizations throughout history, and it was on various patterns and was practiced in different forms and formed fixed values in certain periods of human history and was s tipulated by laws and others referred to it in writing or tradition, as its concept developed and methods of dealing with it differed. However, in all ages, it remained in reality, representing the injustice of man to his fellow man.
The history of modern Europe, which is an extension of modern European history, is one of the main axes in the study of the history of the contemporary world. This history is a fundamental nucleus for understanding contemporary world history and the reflection of historical events and European economic, social and intellectual developments on the majority of the world. The purpose of this study is to shed light on an important historical period in the history of Europe because of the lack of an Arab library to study an academy that defines the basic features of contemporary European history. The book covers a period of time beginning with the French Revolution of 1789 - the important turning point in the history of the world in general and in European history in particular - ending at the end of the Second World War in 1945, which is important for its coverage and extension to the world's most important Which continue to affect the development of world historical events today. The studied phase is one of the richest historical stages in international events and developments, because the world today is still living its results.
تشغل مفردة السيادة حيزاً واسعاً من مساحات البحث و النقاش و الجدل في أوساط البحث القانونية و السياسية و الفكرية و القضائية في شتى بقاع العالم ارتباطاً بالمتغيرات و التحولات الكبرى التي اجتاحت البشرية خلال العقدين الماضيين بحيث أفضت إلى بروز مفاهيم و م فردات جديدة من قبل النظام العالمي الجديد. و قد امتد هذا التغير ليصيب مبدأ السيادة و ما صاحب ذلك من تغيير مفهومها التقليدي إلى مفهوم معاصر يتكيف مع واقع النظام الدولي الجديد.

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