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This research aims at present to detective the correlation between psychological security the and Achievement Motivation, as well as to detect differences between the average scores students at the scale of psychological security and a measure of Ach ievement Motivation among faculty members according to the (academic specialization) among the students of the Damascus university. To achieve this goal has been to use the following tools: Questionnaire to measure the psychological security of the preparation of researcher, And a questionnaire to measure the phenomenon of Achievement Motivation of the preparation of Jdid(2009). The study sample consists of (581) male and female students from Damascus university. The most important findings of Search: 1- There were correlation statistically significant between the scores of students on the scale of psychological security and grades on a scale of Achievement Motivation. 2- There weren't differences between the mean scores of students on thescale of psychological security due to the academic specialization variable. 3- There were differences between the mean scores of students on the scale of Achievement Motivation due to the academic specialization variable favor application college.
This research aims at present to detective the correlation between Irrational Beliefs the and Decision-Making, as well as to detect differences between the average scores students at the scale of Irrational Beliefs and a measure of Decision-Making among faculty members according to the (scholastic year) among the students of the Damascus university. To achieve this goal has been to use the following tools: Questionnaire to measure the Irrational Beliefs of the preparation of Ratibe (2001), And a questionnaire to measure Decision-Making of the preparation of researcher. The study sample consists of (341) male and female students from Damascus university. The most important findings of Search: - There were correlation statistically negative significant between the scores of students on the scale of Irrational Beliefs and grades on a scale of Decision-Making. -There were differences between the mean scores of students on the scale of Irrational Beliefs due to the variable scholastic year favor first year. - There were differences between the mean scores of students on the scale of Decision-Making due to the variable scholastic year favor four year
The current research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between psychological security and self-confidence among a sample of students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus, according to the variables of gender (male, female), and a course of study (psychology, psychological counseling, modern education) among a sample search.
This study aims at examining the relationship of fluid intelligence, as measured by the standard progressive matrices test (SPM PlUS) with some personality traits as measured by personal Eysenk scale of the personality, within a sample of students at the University of Damascus composed of 498 students, including 205 males and 293 females, and from theoretical and practical disciplines .
The research aims to determine the degree of availability of legal، political and social values of citizenship in the science curricula of the meeting from the perspective of the University of Damascus، "students Department of Sociology،" and follow the search descriptive analytical method، using a questionnaire as a research tool، applied to a sample of 135 students، and by 5% of the original community.
The current research aims at detecting the relationship between aggressive behavior and emotional regulation in a sample of students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Damascus, and trying to know significance of differences between Gender s in the performance of the research sample on the scale of aggressive behavior and emotional regulation, and the sample content (150) students, who we a measured in aggressive behavior and emotional regulation.
The goal of the current research is to study the future anxiety among a sample of Damascus University students in light of some variables (sex, college, economic situation and social situation), the researcher used the future anxiety scale that wa s prepared by Nahid Massoud (2005), and the sample consisted of (372) students including (271) students in the Education Faculty and (101) students in the civil Engineering Faculty.
The purpose of the research is to identify the correlation between selfaffirmation and decision-making, and to find out the differences between the average grade of university students and the members of the research sample on the scale of self-affirmation and decision making according to the gender variable and the academic specialization.

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