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We describe Machine-Aided Script Curator (MASC), a system for human-machine collaborative script authoring. Scripts produced with MASC include (1) English descriptions of sub-events that comprise a larger, complex event; (2) event types for each of t hose events; (3) a record of entities expected to participate in multiple sub-events; and (4) temporal sequencing between the sub-events. MASC automates portions of the script creation process with suggestions for event types, links to Wikidata, and sub-events that may have been forgotten. We illustrate how these automations are useful to the script writer with a few case-study scripts.
The public administration powers means, the legal means that the administration has in the stage of executing the contract which would make the contract achieve the purpose for which it was concluded. When the public administration contracts with an individual and becomes a helper, it does not waive nor may it waive, the rights and privileges of public authority, Enjoy them as functions exercised under common law.
This study is concerned with disclosure of the whereabouts of the ideal recipient in the famous Umayyad opposites between Farazdaq and Greer and Akhtal.
Transferring of electronic transport records is characterized by activating its functional equivalent provided by UNCITRAL model law on electronic commerce, but some issues may appear related to the burden of proof primarly and finding supplementar y rules to govern legal institutions developed by the various rules which organize the electronic transferring steps which was adopted by the Syrian Maritime trade law , which expanded the explanatory authority of the trial courts and courts of law hearing the cases to develop the optimum theories of proof by adapting classical institutions of proof provided by law of evidence to face electronic proof needs and its functional equivalents used with modern electronic commerce experience . Also the judicial discretion was expanded to distinguish the elements of legal institutions developed in the electronic transferring from those in the non-negotiable electronic documents in order to find the legal rules which govern commitmentsarising from this way of transfer which left for the court the authority in many situations to evaluatethiscommitmentslimits and effects, so studying this authority limits and legal background was necessary .
God Ra one of the ancient Egyptian Gods how was believed to rule all the world light and radiance. In later Egyptian dynastic times and for his historical status, Ra was merged with number of the major Egyptian Gods such as God Amon-Ra. and also duri ng the Eighteenth Dynasty he reappeared in God Aten. What made Akhenaton during the sixth year of his reign to declare Ra as the only God for Egypt and the whole world. All of this coincided with the religious and political internal and external circumstances, an increase of the priests of Amon authorities and the loss of the Egyptian empire in Syria and Nubia. The research will introduce God Aten, his origin and name, religiously and linguistically. His appearance and development and his relationship with the God Ra. Then we move to his Oneness and his political role as well as his religious activity that was distinguished in construction of temples and the high status of his priests during the reign of Akhenaten.
The public administrationenjoys in the exercise of its functions exhibition, many of the privileges which the discretionary power, which constitutes the spirit and essence of public administration, where the effectiveness of the administrative syst em requires grant administration, this power in order to take into account the varying and changing conditions in order to achieve the common good. And exhibits legislator while giving management the authority of certain one of two methods: it is either to determine the conditions and controls that management should follow when direct competence, authority shall be restricted in this case, and their work is limited to the application of the law to cases that meet the requirements of this application. Or be left to the management discretion to decide voluntarily, so have the power to estimate the time and how to engage in appropriate terms of reference and powers directly without restrictions. It is useful to say here that the judicial control over the administration's actions were not all on one level, but it is expanding and narrowing according corner which operates the judge supervision, vimta administrative judge supervision and wide in the field of restricted Chiefs of the administrative decision, while supervision narrowed somewhat in the field of Staff discretion, discretion order not to turn into a bad action threatens the rights and freedoms of individuals, it has expanded the administrative control of the elimination of appropriate management decisions scale, through the adoption of advanced theories represented in my theory wrong Albin and the balance between the benefits and damages.
ألقى قانون العمل السوري التزاماً على العامل بالخضوع للتعديلات التي يدخلها صاحب العمل على العمل الذي يقوم به، و أعطى للأخير حق مساءلة العامل في حال إخلاله بهذا الالتزام. إلا أن المشرع لم يترك حق التعديل المؤقّت و الدائم لمحض إرادة صاحب العمل، بل حدد ل ه قيوداً و ضوابط، بغية حماية العامل بقواعد قانونية تسعى لمناصرته، و لو على النطاق التشريعي.
The President of the United States of America has a veto, power which means that he can veto a bill passed by the Congress, preventing it from becoming law unless each house then re-passes the bill by a two-thirds majority. The veto power vested i n the President by Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution has proved to be an effective tool for the Chief Executive in his dealings with Congress. The most important of all the checks and balances of the United States of America Constitution is, of course, the presidential veto.

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