يهدف البحث إلى التعريف بحوكمة الشركات و مبادئها و أهميتها و أهدافها, و معرفة دورها في رفع أداء المؤسسات الحكومية و بما أنه ليس هناك اتفاق على مفهوم الحوكمة إلا أنه هناك اتفاق على أن تطبيقها يعزز من كفاءة أداء أي مؤسسة تقوم بتطبيقها و تدعم قدرتها على مواجهة أي أزمة مالية قد تعترضها و برزت أهمية الحوكمة كأداة فعالة للرقابة في المؤسسات الحكومية و ذلك من خلال عدة آليات داخلية و أخرى خارجية.
This research aims at the definition and importance of corporate governance including its principles, objectives, and their role in increasing the performance of state enterprises. As there is no agreement on the concept of governance, there is an agreement that applying governance enhances the performance of an enterprise undertaking and its ability to face any financial crisis may be the importance of governance as an effective tool of control in the governmental corporations through several internal and external mechanisms.
References used
Frank Yu, Corporate Governance and Earnings Management, working paper, Carlson School of Managemnt University of Minnesota, 2004
Haniffa a، R. M., T.E. Cooke, The impact of culture and governance on corporate social reporting،Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 24, 2005
Gruszczynski, M, Corporate governance and financial performance of companies in Poland. International Advances in Economic Research, 12(2), 2006, P 251-259
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of governance
mechanisms to improve performance (financial, institutional and
functional) for government corporations as a whole. In addition to the
role of corporate governance in facing corruption and nepotism as well, it
consistently predicts the long-term or failure in their financial
This research aims to study and analyze the impact of applying automation
system administrative work in the General Organization of Textile
Industries in Syrian Arab Republic to facilitate access to content
from any terminal unit regarding to the powers with the ability to
retrieve files.
This research aims to evaluate performance in the General Commission of kidney
surgical hospitalusing the Balanced Scorecard model, To achieve objectives of the
research a questionnaire was designed and applied to a sample of workers in the
The information systems was very important in any organization,
where the information systems management had to holds the
process for searching the information and understand it, The
importance of information systems was in ability to bring a lot
This research aimed at measuring the impact of applying the
balance score card on the Efficiency of internal audit by applying
such tool in the private banks in Syria “case study of Audi- Syria
Bank (BASY)”.