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This study aims to reveal the Argumentative Dimension and mechanism of its formation in the poetic text and deliberative about the pragmatics laws that govern the poet's awareness and affect its Social ،as well as showing the impact of Psychologic al ،culture and cultural context to the argument text may see beginning a way from any effort argumentative differentiated in the descriptive pictorial and if its variety orbital guidance clirsc loses attributes of which was strongly borne when the ،the collective consciousness who had an idea and his art mentors of this awareness ،old poet even if they tried to break free from the cullet.
The research presents is an attempt to study the Techniques and tactics of speech which convince the receiver of its notions and ideas so that he takes them for granted then it applies them to a historical text which is "the speech of Abullah Ibn Y ehia, Head of Ibadyyeh when ruling Yemen". the research also attempts to make a compromise clarifying both sides of the saying : the theoretical and the practical alongside the tacticse utilized in persuasion. The orator\ speaker begins with emotional usages emanated from tribal thoughts that both the receiver and the sender embrace taking them from Islamic law principles which evoke fear in the Muslim receiver as they are ready-made arguments. Then they display emotional mental ones that refrain from grabbing the attention of the receiver but make him aware of the disappearance of classes' differences with the sender. This happens in instructional strategies that enabled him to have an impact upon the receiver knowing his intentions and aim via some data of pragmatic linguistics which rely on argumentation, verbal acts and subtle expressionistic styles deployed in this same context. This pragmatic might be the best when it comes to studying his speech, analyzing it, then unraveling its tools of persuasion taking into account that is a science that studies language in context.
نقوم في هذا المقال بتحليل مكونات الإقناع في الإعلان المكتوب (في المجلات), منتهجين لدراسة من أربع خطوات: في الفصل الأول نقوم بطرح عموميات حول مفهوم الإعلان و مكوناته المختلفة, و في الفصل الثاني نقوم بطرح تحليلين: الأول خطابي للنص الإعلاني’ والآخر بل اغي للنص الإعلاني معددين الصور البلاغية التي قد تستخدم في النص الإعلاني مع شرح بسيط لبعض منها. و في الفصل الثالث ننهي مقالنا بتحليل الصورة الإعلانية بطريقة بلاغية و نتطرق أخيرا لذكر المكونات السيميائية للصورة الإعلانية. مع الإشارة إلى أننا استندنا في بحثنا على مراجع قديمة لعدم توفر مراجع أحدث في مكتبة جامعة تشرين.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا