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دراسة سلوك المستهلك في مواقع التواصل لزيادة انتشار شركة وعدد زبائنها

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 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة سلوك المستخدمين في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وكيفية الاستفادة من هذا السلوك لزيادة انتشار الشركات وعدد زبائنها. يتم التركيز على تحليل البيانات الموجودة في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مثل تويتر وفيسبوك باستخدام تقنيات الويب الدلالي ونظم استرجاع المعلومات. تهدف الدراسة إلى تطوير خوارزميات لتقييم تعليقات المستخدمين وتصنيفهم ضمن مجالات معينة بناءً على اهتماماتهم. يتم استخدام أدوات مثل NLTK وWordNet وOpen Directory لتسهيل عملية التحليل واستخلاص المعلومات المفيدة. تشمل الدراسة خطوات معالجة النصوص، بناء الفهارس، وتقييم الوزن للكلمات باستخدام تقنيات مثل TF-IDF. كما تتناول الدراسة كيفية استخدام هذه التقنيات في تطبيقات عملية مثل تقييم منتج جديد أو تصنيف المستخدمين بناءً على اهتماماتهم.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة هامة في مجال تحليل سلوك المستخدمين في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، إلا أنها تواجه بعض التحديات. أولاً، تعتمد الدراسة بشكل كبير على أدوات وخوارزميات قد تكون معقدة وتتطلب وقتاً طويلاً لتنفيذها، مما قد يؤثر على سرعة الأداء. ثانياً، تعتمد الدراسة على بيانات مفترضة ولم يتم اختبارها على نطاق واسع من البيانات الحقيقية، مما يجعل النتائج غير مؤكدة بشكل كامل. ثالثاً، تحتاج الدراسة إلى تحسينات في دقة التصنيف والتقييم، حيث أن النتائج الحالية جيدة ولكنها ليست مثالية. على الرغم من هذه التحديات، فإن الدراسة تقدم إطار عمل قوي يمكن تطويره وتحسينه لتحقيق نتائج أفضل.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو دراسة سلوك المستخدمين في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وكيفية الاستفادة منه لزيادة انتشار الشركات وعدد زبائنها.

  2. ما هي الأدوات المستخدمة في تحليل البيانات؟

    تم استخدام أدوات مثل NLTK وWordNet وOpen Directory لتحليل البيانات واستخلاص المعلومات المفيدة.

  3. ما هي التحديات التي تواجه هذه الدراسة؟

    التحديات تشمل تعقيد الأدوات والخوارزميات المستخدمة، الاعتماد على بيانات مفترضة، والحاجة إلى تحسين دقة التصنيف والتقييم.

  4. كيف يمكن تحسين نتائج الدراسة؟

    يمكن تحسين النتائج من خلال اختبار الخوارزميات على نطاق واسع من البيانات الحقيقية، تحسين دقة التصنيف والتقييم، وتطوير أدوات وخوارزميات أكثر كفاءة.

References used
Course Information Retrieval Dr.Bassel Al-Khateeb
rate research

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This study aims to evaluate the consumer purchasing behavior who buys in order to benefit from personal to him and members of his family in the economic crisis behavior and to identify the choices and decisions of purchasing related to consumer goo ds, , and all this in order to identify new patterns Syrian consumer in crisis for actions economic experienced by the local market about five years ago. This was done using a descriptive approach by designing and distributing a questionnaire to a random sample of consumers in the Syrian coast, and the data were analyzed using spss statistical program, the researcher found that the economic crisis in the local market have worked to change the Syrian consumer behavior. The study also showed that this crisis has generated new patterns of behavior purchasing whether to delay and postpone purchases of durable goods, or the emergence of rational behavior of the rationalization of consumer spending and demand for buying used products and products with low quality as a result of reduced purchasing power among Syrian consumers.
With the great development of communication and information technology, and the net spread extensively all over the world. Works’ organizations went towards electronic work environment, and we notice that Syria is trying to keep up with this developm ent and entering electronic work environment by using works’ organizations this environment in spreading their works and products, and of spreading elements which has been used by these organizations was the online advertising. But the effect of this advertising differs by differing of culture of each country and consumers who see this advertising, for what the cultural factors have of great effect on the consumer’s behaviour generally. So this research aims to study the effect of these cultural factors on the consumer’s behaviour towards online advertising and his acceptance the modern technology buy survey study to a group of consumers in the Syrian coast in which they distributed 209 questionnaires. One of the most important results which has been achieved is that the online advertising doesn't agree with value and habits which consumer have, also consumers prefer watching online advertising with the language which they speak with.
The importance of consumer lies in the role that he/she is playing in the companies' and institutions' activities which offer their products and services for him/her. The successful marketing strategies depend on the deep understanding of the dimen sions of consumers' purchasing behavior by marketers. This requires a study of this behavior to know the most effective factors which vary between social, civilization-related, and cultural factors, as well as age, and referential group. For that we intended to prepare this research which aims to clarify important role of different factors in the consumers' behavior and their relation to the purchasing decision, This research has been applied on a sample of consumers in the academic level. A set of conclusions and recommendations has been reached: The importance of watching changes in individual's behavior patterns, the necessity to divide the market according to civilization-related changes and concentrating on utilities which offered by the product concerning quality, price and scientific planning of advertising.
This study aimed to identify or learn some of the demographic variables and their impact on consumer behavior, when buying preserved food in the governorate of Latakia; using descriptive analytical study of the impact. The sample of 210 consumer was selected from among the study society in Lattakia, spread over four districts namely: Saliba, Al Ziraa, Tishreen ave and north sand, in addition to the three regions of: Al-Haffah, jableh and Lattakia rural area; a questionnaire was used across the sample. Analysis of the data showed that the consumer level of education has no impact on his buying behaviour regarding packaging, whereas there as an impact of the consumer level of education on his buying behaviour for the presence of preservatives in preserved food, and there is an impact of home address on consumer buying behaviour for keeping preserved food, there is also an effect of the consumer income on his buying behaviour regarding the interests at the time of purchase (price, quality, or trade name), as well as for the marketplace. Research results showed that 42.4% sample members prefer food preservation by freezing method, about 64.3% consumers checked on presence of preservatives when buying food. As a result of their interest in terms of health, some 63.3% prefer glass containers over other packaging. Also note that the study sample of 46.7% care about product quality from other concerns when buying food. Also, the results showed that about 79% of the study sample, do not exceed 5000 SP for the monthly spending on the preserved food, And nearly 45% of monthly spending on preserved foods is ranging from (10-20%) of the total expenditure on the purchase of food, and of (5-10%) of the monthly income.
This study aims to investigate the impact of e-marketing and its seven elements (7Ps: e-Product, e-Price, e-Place, e-Promotion, e-Process, e-People, e-Physical evidence) in Social Media Marketing at the internet service provider companies (CallU, Hadara, Mada) on gaining the six competitive advantage elements (Quality, Market Domination, Improvement, Cost, Time and Flexibility). Toward that end, the researcher adopted the Exploratory Research approach appropriate to the nature of this study, whereas a questionnaire was designed as a tool for gathering data and information beside observation and monitoring, and hence the questionnaire was offered onto a number of competent arbitrators, and carried the amendments proposed by those arbitrators, and hence then distribute it onto the study sample, represented in the internet service provider companies in Palestine, whereas around 185 questionnaires were distributed, while total number of valid questionnaires for analysis reached around 166 ones, and the researcher used the very suitable statistical methods and techniques through SPSS program.

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