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New words are regularly introduced to communities, yet not all of these words persist in a community's lexicon. Among the many factors contributing to lexical change, we focus on the understudied effect of social networks. We conduct a large-scale an alysis of over 80k neologisms in 4420 online communities across a decade. Using Poisson regression and survival analysis, our study demonstrates that the community's network structure plays a significant role in lexical change. Apart from overall size, properties including dense connections, the lack of local clusters, and more external contacts promote lexical innovation and retention. Unlike offline communities, these topic-based communities do not experience strong lexical leveling despite increased contact but accommodate more niche words. Our work provides support for the sociolinguistic hypothesis that lexical change is partially shaped by the structure of the underlying network but also uncovers findings specific to online communities.
This study aims to investigate the impact of e-marketing and its seven elements (7Ps: e-Product, e-Price, e-Place, e-Promotion, e-Process, e-People, e-Physical evidence) in Social Media Marketing at the internet service provider companies (CallU, Hadara, Mada) on gaining the six competitive advantage elements (Quality, Market Domination, Improvement, Cost, Time and Flexibility). Toward that end, the researcher adopted the Exploratory Research approach appropriate to the nature of this study, whereas a questionnaire was designed as a tool for gathering data and information beside observation and monitoring, and hence the questionnaire was offered onto a number of competent arbitrators, and carried the amendments proposed by those arbitrators, and hence then distribute it onto the study sample, represented in the internet service provider companies in Palestine, whereas around 185 questionnaires were distributed, while total number of valid questionnaires for analysis reached around 166 ones, and the researcher used the very suitable statistical methods and techniques through SPSS program.
This research presents literature review on using Artificial intelligence and Data Mining techniques in Anti Money Laundering systems. We compare many methodologies used in different research papers with the purpose of shedding some light on real life applications using Artificial intelligence

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