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This study aims to investigate the impact of e-marketing and its seven elements (7Ps: e-Product, e-Price, e-Place, e-Promotion, e-Process, e-People, e-Physical evidence) in Social Media Marketing at the internet service provider companies (CallU, Hadara, Mada) on gaining the six competitive advantage elements (Quality, Market Domination, Improvement, Cost, Time and Flexibility). Toward that end, the researcher adopted the Exploratory Research approach appropriate to the nature of this study, whereas a questionnaire was designed as a tool for gathering data and information beside observation and monitoring, and hence the questionnaire was offered onto a number of competent arbitrators, and carried the amendments proposed by those arbitrators, and hence then distribute it onto the study sample, represented in the internet service provider companies in Palestine, whereas around 185 questionnaires were distributed, while total number of valid questionnaires for analysis reached around 166 ones, and the researcher used the very suitable statistical methods and techniques through SPSS program.
MRI is a medical imaging method that does not use harmful or ionizing radiation so it is safe and can be used to measure the proportions of iron that accumulate in the organs of the human body, especially the heart and liver
This study aimed to identify the level of belief in school justice and its relation with the level of social and psychological skills and academic achievement among students of primary and secondary government schools in Tulkarm region. For this purp ose the researchers used a scale of belief in school justice consists of (24) items distributed equally into three domains: School administration justice, laws and regulations justice, and teachers' justice. The study sample consisted of (425) male and female students. Results showed that students' estimates of the level of belief in school justice was medium in general, and on the total scale and sub-domains of the scale, results showed no statistically significant of differences in the level of belief in school justice among students primary and secondary due to sex variable. On the other hand, results showed a statistically significant differences in the level of belief in school justice among students of primary and secondary education due to the level of education variable, and on the total scale of the school justice, and laws and regulations and teacher's justice domains. while results showed that there is no statistically significant differences on the domain of school of administration justice. There is a statistically significant positive correlation between the belief in school justice level among primary and secondary students and the level of social, psychological and academic achievement of them, on the total and sub-domains of the scale.

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