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Unemployment is considered one of the most risky economic problems that faces the developing countries including Syria due to overpopulation, decreased investment growth, and capitals lack. Jeopardy of unemployment forwards as its negative conse quences overwhelm life all paces economic, social, political, and demographical …etc. As there are many solutions, small enterprise seems to be among the most realistic and reasonable out costing ones in comparison with the big projects that require huge capitals, advanced technology, and highly professional work mass. Furthermore, they are difficulty competent with their counterparts in the developed countries where there is no economic laboratory else than reality.
The researchers adopted the survey methodology to explore the views of a random sample of the staff of human resources from companies that depend on e-recruitment systems and listed on the stock market for identifying the relationships between var iables, and interpreting and presenting the reality of the problem under study by offering a number of research questions that concentrate on the most important attributes of the online recruitment website, the techniques used, the constraints faded in this method of recruitment and the most highlighted results of applying it.
This study aimed to investigate the impact of Human Resource Management Practices on the Employees performance in jude ҆s company ,these 7 Practices are (Planning, analysis and job design, polarization and recruitment, training, performance appraisal, motivation, participation in decision-making) and its impact on employees performance.
The study aimed to determine the degree of availability of employment of strategic planning in the development of educational guidance in the provinces of Homs, Homs requirements. I have been using descriptive analytical method, it has reached the study sample (84) directed and targeted educational. The construction and development of the study tool, a questionnaire, has included 47 items distributed on four areas: the possession of the educational-oriented skills of strategic planning, and a clear and appropriate organizational structure of educational guidance, the availability of the necessary resources and facilities, and an educational administration graduate believes in strategic planning.
Children are the most damaged group affected by crimes of terrorism, suffering numerous forms of aggression. Due to the terrorism which has violently disrupted Syria previously, the phenomenon of recruiting children into combat and related actions mo tivated the law to release the Legal Decree n. /11/ for the year 2013 which criminalizes the recruitment and employment of children in combat. The publication of this law has developed a new contradictory situation where it has made the recruited child both a victim and a criminal at the same time. Therefore, the child is considered a victim in the recruitment and deployment of combat which aims to polytheism them in the fighting actions, while at the same time the child is also considered as being responsible for the crimes that he ventured to do during his recruitment period. This presents an unacceptable contrast within the law. The subject of this study is to identify the children which have been recruited by the armed terrorist groups, and to show the features displayed which distinguish such children from other children who are involved in criminal activity with the aim of defining the legal position for these recruited children and their responsibility towards the crimes that they have committed during their recruitment period.

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