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This paper explores how technology, particularly digital tools and artificial intelligence, are impacting multilingual communication and language transfer processes. Information and communication technologies are enabling novel interaction patterns, with computers transitioning from pure media to actual language generators, and profoundly reshaping the industry of language services, as the relevance of language data and assisting engines continues to rise. Since these changes deeply affect communication and languages models overall, they need to be addressed not only from the perspective of information technology or by business-driven companies, but also in the field of translation and interpreting studies, in a broader debate among scholars and practitioners, and when preparing educational programs for the training of specialised language professionals. Special focus is devoted to some of the latest advancements in automatic speech recognition and spoken translation, and how their applications in interpreting may push the boundaries of new augmented' real-world use cases. Hence, this work---at the intersection of theoretical investigation, professional practice, and instructional design---aims at offering an introductory overview of the current landscape and envisaging potential paths for forthcoming scenarios.
The purpose of this research is to study the impact of the financing decision (FD) on profitability in the textile industry companies in the Syrian coast during the period (2000- 2016), which are three companies not listed on the Damascus Stock Exc hange. The financing decision was measured in terms of ratio of total debt to total assets (TD), Profitability was measured by return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on capital (ROC). A series of annual financial statements of the three companies were used during the period reviewed (Panel Data). In order to estimate the models of the study, the unit root test was applied to test the stability of the studied variables. After confirming their stability, the regression models were estimated using the normal lower squares method. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the debt has a negative impact on profitability in different ratios used to measure both debt and profitability.
The objective of the current research is to improve the technical specifications of clothing by applying the automation of design and production processes, and to demonstrate the role of applying HOQ to determine the technical specifications according to the customers' requirements.
The reflection of the reality of the Arab world in the present age makes us discover that there is an intellectual crisis that has spread in the body of the nation as well. That the seeds of Western colonialism grew and penetrated among the Arab so cieties Arab countries, and the Arab countries, although militarily independent from the Western colonial countries, they still suffer from intellectual colonization, which led to divisions and fighting and violence in their societies, which led to its cultural and intellectual invasion by Western society. I spoke about the culture, its concept and its role in society and its importance to the people in general and young people in particular and how they became the subject of conflict and conflict between societies and I referred to the concept of culture industry and the impact of globalization on the fragmentation of cultural identity. Then I spoke about cultural invasion and its objectives, Arab and I pointed to the role of the media in the cultural invasion, especially the Internet and its role in the dissemination of the Western cultural model and ways to address it through education and media attention and concluded my talk to focus on the internal environment of society and development The framework is characterized by freedom of expression and thinking so that we can make use of the energies of young people and their qualifications and the face of foreign domination.
Uncontrolled disposal of produced water from oil and gas industry in the environment involves the environmental hazard like contamination soil by NORM and increase the radiation exposure to terrestrial gamma radiation by workers and public. the st udy aims to measure radiation levels in the drainage zone and vicinity in the field of crude oil storage tanks in the site of Syrian company for oil transport in Banyas. Terrestrial gamma radiation dose was measured, the values ranged between 0.02 – 0.24 μSv.h-1. The radioactivity concentrations of NORM were determined for Ra226, Th232, K40 by gamma spectroscopy using HPGe detector in surface soil samples taken from three sites, two of them recorded the highest rate of radiation dose, while the third recorded the rate of radiation background. The Ra226, K40, Th232highestconcentrations in the soil samples were found to be 210, 213 and 55.9, respectively. Radiation indexes were estimated. The present results were compared with results published in different countries.
The Syrian pharmaceutical industry is a real tributary for development in Syria. Like other industries, pharmaceutical industry suffers from subordination to the West, in the sense that it collects pharmaceuticals according to licenses from intern ational companies. Research and development are almost virtually nonexistent in it. On the other hand, the faculties of pharmacy provide planty of contribute with abundance of scientific researches, which can play an important role for the benefit of the companies, cooperate with them, and contribute in providing them with applications of new drugs. The most important results of the search, are the weak interaction between the faculties of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, and the fact that the pharmaceutical companies do not benefit from the results of the research of the faculties of pharmacy, regardless of the conviction of the possibility to benefit from these researches through the development of a mechanism for fruitful cooperation for both parties.
A comprehensive literature review was carried out in order to identify potential factors that have an influence on project performance. Based on this review, a formal questionnaire survey was developed and sent to a carefully selected focus group of construction experts from within the Syrian construction industry.
The aim of research is to calculate the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by the cement industry (Tartous Cement Company as a case study), depending on the standards and principles set by the World Resources Institute protocol (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development Protocol (WBCSD 2011), in addition to standards and guidelines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007).
Industry Occupies a great importance in national economy , and increases the prestige importance in light of the international arena' variables directly linked to the exchange of international trade and the relationship of states to each other and the impacts on the balance of trade for these countries , and in this context, Syria has held a number of bilateral agreements and entering into blocs regional economic and achieve the desired results of these agreements has taken several steps over the harmonization of legislation with the requirements of the global economy and the issuance of new legislation to adapt its trade with global trade rules , but the initial results were not of the level of ambition , despite the availability of economic possibilities and opportunities untapped , so Syria were not the winner of all the agreements struck with the states and other blocs , including the Free Trade Area of the Greater Arab , that there was a defect is it not real understanding of the policies put forward for these countries means that there is a lack of understanding of the objectives of these conglomerates , or that there is a defect in the mechanisms follow-up and application by the competent organs and their application ?
Economic growth and high competition have put a strong pressure on construction companies to improve their productivity and performance. Many studies on performance measurement have been carried out at the project level. Recently, the demand for perf ormance evaluation at the company level has increased. This paper aims to identify a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A List of 20 potential performance indicators has been identified according to Balance Score Card (BSC) through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. We have obtained the required information about the relative importance of the indicators through interviews with six experts in the construction industry to determine the size of the relative importance of each indicator, on the grounds that a large number of performance indicators are difficult to measure and control. We have adopted the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify fewer and more effective performance indicators. And we have used Expert Choice software to analyze expert answers. As a result, we have obtained 9 important indicators which can be directly used as indicators to measure and identify performance projects or as indicators within an integrated system, for performance measurement and tracking helps in improving the performance of construction projects in Syria.

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