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The purpose of this research is to study the impact of the financing decision (FD) on profitability in the textile industry companies in the Syrian coast during the period (2000- 2016), which are three companies not listed on the Damascus Stock Exc hange. The financing decision was measured in terms of ratio of total debt to total assets (TD), Profitability was measured by return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on capital (ROC). A series of annual financial statements of the three companies were used during the period reviewed (Panel Data). In order to estimate the models of the study, the unit root test was applied to test the stability of the studied variables. After confirming their stability, the regression models were estimated using the normal lower squares method. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the debt has a negative impact on profitability in different ratios used to measure both debt and profitability.
يتوجه هذا البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على الدور الهام للصناعة الدوائية في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني. كما يهدف إلى دراسة واقع الصناعة الدوائية السورية بعد خمس سنوات و نصف من الأزمة, و إلى القيام بدراسة تحليلية.
The Syrian pharmaceutical industry is a real tributary for development in Syria. Like other industries, pharmaceutical industry suffers from subordination to the West, in the sense that it collects pharmaceuticals according to licenses from intern ational companies. Research and development are almost virtually nonexistent in it. On the other hand, the faculties of pharmacy provide planty of contribute with abundance of scientific researches, which can play an important role for the benefit of the companies, cooperate with them, and contribute in providing them with applications of new drugs. The most important results of the search, are the weak interaction between the faculties of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, and the fact that the pharmaceutical companies do not benefit from the results of the research of the faculties of pharmacy, regardless of the conviction of the possibility to benefit from these researches through the development of a mechanism for fruitful cooperation for both parties.
Industry Occupies a great importance in national economy , and increases the prestige importance in light of the international arena' variables directly linked to the exchange of international trade and the relationship of states to each other and the impacts on the balance of trade for these countries , and in this context, Syria has held a number of bilateral agreements and entering into blocs regional economic and achieve the desired results of these agreements has taken several steps over the harmonization of legislation with the requirements of the global economy and the issuance of new legislation to adapt its trade with global trade rules , but the initial results were not of the level of ambition , despite the availability of economic possibilities and opportunities untapped , so Syria were not the winner of all the agreements struck with the states and other blocs , including the Free Trade Area of the Greater Arab , that there was a defect is it not real understanding of the policies put forward for these countries means that there is a lack of understanding of the objectives of these conglomerates , or that there is a defect in the mechanisms follow-up and application by the competent organs and their application ?
إن إنتاج الطاقة محليا له دور مضاعف في الاقتصاد أوّله تأمين متطلباته من الخدمات الطاقية المتنوعة، و ثانيا تكوين أحد أهم مصادره التمويلية في حال تحقيق فوائض في ميزان الطاقة. هذا ما انطبق بالفعل على النفط السوري خلال العقود السابقة إذ لعب دوراً استراتيج ياً في الاقتصاد السوري. و لكن تتهدد الصناعة الطاقية في سورية اليوم بفقدان دورها هذا و ذلك نتيجة نهاية حقبة الفائض النفطي. هنا يقوم البحث على دراسة تطورات الصناعة النفطية في سورية و تأثير العجز النفطي على دور هذه الصناعة في التزود الطاقي من جهة، و في دعم توازنات الاقتصاد السوري من جهة أخرى. و من خلال تحليل الإمكانيات التي يتمتع بها الاقتصاد السوري و مصادر الطاقة الكامنة في سورية أمكن وضع استراتيجيات بديلة يمكن تحقيقها من خلال حزمة سياسات و إجراءات متكاملة. و خلص البحث إلى نتيجة مفادها أن نهاية النفط السوري قد تكون بداية للتفكير و العمل على إنشاء صناعة طاقية أكثر تطورا و استدامة في الاقتصاد في حال أحسن إدارة الموارد المتوفرة و استثمرت و استخدمت بالكفاءة المطلوبة.
Industry is considered the main support of economical development in all around the world ، while Extractive industry in particular considered the main supporter of economical development in countries of Arabian peninsula since all elements of its are available. This study depend on uses some of statistics indexes to demonstrate the importance of industry in comparison with the other economical activity in the country of territory such as the rate size of industry، rate of density of industry and rate of industrial importance. This study shows that there are differences between industrial size and its density in Saudi Arabia. However، the existence of oil lead to take the first rank in industrial importance، United Arab of Emirates was taken the second rank، but Yemen and Oman were taken the last rank. For that reason the other countries of the territory should care of the industrial side and take the benefit from industrial countries experiences.
This paper aimed to measure the impact of changes in weighted average interest rate on the activities of the Syrian banking industry, which is represented by deposit management and credit policies, and to examine to what extent that activities res ponds to weighted average interest rate. To achieve the objectives of the study the data has been collected from some Syrian commercial banks during 2005-2010. Two patterns of slight regression have been used, the first to assess the relationship between the weighted average interest rate and deposit indices and the second to examine the relation between deposit indices and credits indices.
This research tries to clarify the effects resulted from the development planning which has regional and local range on the place and the tourist environmental and economic attribute in Jordan using al-kerak governorate as an example and concentra ting on al- kerak district in privet as the governorate is given the most development planning in the governorate in addition it has many environmental tourist economic attribute which are going to be lost misused and deceleration in its environment al situation because of that development plans .
This study deals with writing paper since the early beginning until present time; the first symbolic writing attempts depicted on cave walls, stones, clay tablets, papyrus, bones, animal skin, wood, textiles (like silk) up to the modern paper indu stry that was first invented in China, and then spreading all over Europe by the Arabs after unfolding its manufacturing secrets. The research also explores the development of paper industry throughout history and the various materials, especially wood, used in processing it, and covers the names the various types, employments of paper, and finally the importance of building paper factories to meet the various social and economic demands.

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