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The Impact of Financing Decisions on Profitability "An Applied Study on Textile Industry companies"

أثر القرار التمويلي في الربحية "دراسة تطبيقية على شركات صناعة النسيج في سورية"

1748   1   47   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Financial
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The purpose of this research is to study the impact of the financing decision (FD) on profitability in the textile industry companies in the Syrian coast during the period (2000- 2016), which are three companies not listed on the Damascus Stock Exchange. The financing decision was measured in terms of ratio of total debt to total assets (TD), Profitability was measured by return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on capital (ROC). A series of annual financial statements of the three companies were used during the period reviewed (Panel Data). In order to estimate the models of the study, the unit root test was applied to test the stability of the studied variables. After confirming their stability, the regression models were estimated using the normal lower squares method. The study reached several results, the most important of which is that the debt has a negative impact on profitability in different ratios used to measure both debt and profitability.

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Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل تأثير القرارات التمويلية على ربحية شركات صناعة النسيج في الساحل السوري خلال الفترة 2000-2016. تم اختيار ثلاث شركات غير مدرجة في سوق دمشق للأوراق المالية كعينة للدراسة. تم قياس القرارات التمويلية بنسبة الديون الإجمالية إلى إجمالي الأصول (TD)، بينما تم قياس الربحية باستخدام معدل العائد على الأصول (ROA)، معدل العائد على حقوق الملكية (ROE)، ومعدل العائد على رأس المال (ROC). استخدمت الدراسة بيانات مالية سنوية وتم تقدير نماذج الانحدار باستخدام طريقة المربعات الصغرى العادية بعد التأكد من استقرارية المتغيرات. أظهرت النتائج أن للديون تأثير سلبي على الربحية بمختلف مقاييسها. كما تبين أن الأزمة السورية لم يكن لها تأثير كبير على نتائج الدراسة. توصي الدراسة بإعادة النظر في الهياكل التمويلية للشركات لتحسين الربحية والاعتماد على مصادر تمويل داخلية بدلاً من الخارجية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لأنها تسلط الضوء على تأثير القرارات التمويلية على ربحية قطاع حيوي في الاقتصاد السوري. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، اقتصرت الدراسة على ثلاث شركات فقط، مما قد يحد من تعميم النتائج على القطاع بأكمله. ثانياً، لم تأخذ الدراسة في الاعتبار تأثير العوامل الخارجية الأخرى مثل التغيرات في أسعار المواد الخام أو السياسات الحكومية التي قد تؤثر على الربحية. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت شركات من محافظات أخرى أو شركات خاصة. وأخيراً، كان من المفيد استخدام تقنيات إحصائية متقدمة أخرى لتحليل البيانات بشكل أكثر دقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من هذه الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو دراسة تأثير القرارات التمويلية على ربحية شركات صناعة النسيج في الساحل السوري خلال الفترة 2000-2016.

  2. ما هي المقاييس المستخدمة لقياس الربحية في هذه الدراسة؟

    تم قياس الربحية باستخدام معدل العائد على الأصول (ROA)، معدل العائد على حقوق الملكية (ROE)، ومعدل العائد على رأس المال (ROC).

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    توصلت الدراسة إلى أن للديون تأثير سلبي على الربحية بمختلف مقاييسها، وأن الأزمة السورية لم يكن لها تأثير كبير على نتائج الدراسة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لتحسين ربحية الشركات؟

    توصي الدراسة بإعادة النظر في الهياكل التمويلية للشركات لتحسين الربحية والاعتماد على مصادر تمويل داخلية بدلاً من الخارجية.

References used
Abbas, A.; Bashir, Z.; Manzoor, S.; and Akram, M. N. (2013). Determinants of Firm’s Financial Performance: An Empirical Study on Textile Sector of Pakistan. Business and Economic Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 76-86
Adhikari, N. (2015). Determinants of Systematic Risk for Companies Listed on Nepal Stock Exchange. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: C Finance, Vol. 15, Issue 5, pp. 74-83
Ahmad, W.; Ahmed, T.; and Shabbir, G. (2015). Determinants of Textile Firms’ Profitability in Pakistan. Forman Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 11, pp. 87-101
rate research

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This research aims to identify the factors affecting the profitability of insurance companies operating in Syria, a contribution to assist the management of those companies to create the appropriate environment to ensure these companies to sustain and success in achieving their objectives and achieving the desired economic development. To achieve the purpose of the study, data was collected from insurance companies operating in Syria, two companies were excluded from the study, Oqaila Takaful Insurance Company because of its commitment to the principles of Islamic law, and the General Syrian Insurance Corporation because of the lack of of its financial data. The study period spanned from 2009 to 2013. For the purpose of the study data analysis was used a Panel Data model namely the pooled regression. The data were analyzed based on Eviews7. Results of the study showed that both the political crisis and investments positively affect the profitability of the company, while the leverage negatively affect the profitability of insurance companies, the company's size and liquidity, did not show an effect on the profitability of insurance companies.
This study tries to see if there is a possible relationship between liquidity, solvency as well as administrative efficiency and profitability ratios of private insurance companies during the period (2009-2013).The study tries to do so, using methods of statistical and financial analysis, particularly SPSS statistical software. Annual changes are calculated for each of the ratios studied, in addition to the average rate of change or growth during the period studied. The relationship between each of the ratios studied (liquidity, solvency, and administrative efficiency) and profitability is also analyzed to see the effect of each of these ratios on profitability, using simple regression. The most influential figure affecting profitability is then determined using multiple regression. The study concluds that the relationship between the ratio of liquidity and profitability of the insurance companies is an inverse relationship, very durable and statistically significant. The relationship between the ratio of the solvency and profitability of insurance companies is a positive relationship, very tough and statistically significant, while the relationship between ratio of administrative efficiency and profitability of insurance companies is a positive relationship, very strong and statistically significant. The solvency ratio is the most influential in the insurance companies. This confirms that the nature of the work in insurance companies is based on the principle of return and risk. The study recommends encouraging scientific research in the field of insurance, and the adoption of global studies related to insurance. It suggests work in coordination with universities and institutes to hold specialized seminars, meetings and distribute pamphlets to spread awareness of insurance. It also recommends that insurance companies work to diversify their investments and abandon conservative policies. The research also recommends activation of the partnership between the insurance companies and local banks as a way to contribute to achieving economic and social development.
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Liquidity is considered to be one of the most important subject in the banking sector because it’s the key to maintain a secure financial position and it’s the main mean to gain the customer and depositor trust, and meet any obligation that might c ome up. In this paper we study effect of the liquidity and risk on the Syrian private bank’s profitability and the nature of this effect, to achieve this object we choose ten financial ratios for a sample of ten commercial banks between 2008 – 2014. The data have been basically collected from the financial statements of the studied banks. To analyze the research data we use one of the Panel Data Models which is the Fixed Effects Model. The data have been analyzed by using EViews 7. We conclude that the liquidity ratio have a significant negative effect on the bank’s profitability. liquidity risk have a significant positive effect on the profitability ratio .

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