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The study was performed over the years (2014٬2015) in Barshin Research Station- General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research on the trees age of 15 in grafted with Golden Delicious Cultivar on two rootstocks, strong: seeds ( Malus domest ica) and half strong (vegetative Malling-Merton "MM111"). The study focused on the effect of the original on the concentration of each of the elements (N-P) in the leaves and branches of the Golden delicious Cultivar grafted on those rootstocks.
The advancement of small and medium enterprises sector(SMEs), activating its developmental role in general, and its role in employment in particular, is considered an important goal for most countries of the world, whereas many economists believe that the development of SMEs, and encouraging its establishment is one of the most important tributaries of the economic and social development. This research clarifies the concept of SMEs in Syria, its economic importance and studies its contribution in the national economy in Syria.
This study was conducted to determine some heavy minerals in different types of canned meat sold in the domestic market. Most of those cans were imported and processed in different countries and they have different brands. The chosen samples after ashing were prepared by using concentrated extra pure Nitric and Hydrochloric acids .The ratios of the minerals )pb , Cd , Ni , Zn , Cu , Mn , Fe ( were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry , and the content was expressed as (p.p.m) wet weight. It was observed that the levels of Lead, Iron, and Cadimum, in all different samples were higher than the permitted limlts according to the Syrian Standards . The Cu level in both , tuna and sardine was within the permitted limits, but it was higher in the chicken Lunchoen. The level of Zinc was within the permitted limits according to the Syrian standards. The highest ratio of Lead was observed in the sardine imported from Morocco which was 8.765 p.p.m and in the Lunchoen processed in Syria which was 5.18 p.p.m ,and both ratios are much higher than the permitted limits according to the Syrian Standards.
Given the economic importance of tobacco in the Syrian coast, which is one of the most important agricultural crops which contribute to raising the level of economic life. In this research we focused on studying the varieties of tobacco produced in the Syrian coast by studying the quantities produced of each item and the costs and revenues of the production and profitability of production and its role in agricultural GDP during the period (2000-2011), which gives a clear picture of the impact on economic development, through applying multiple regression to examining the contribution of various tobacco varieties produced on the Syrian coast agricultural GDP, and is based on data collected from the General Organization for tobacco and cigarettes company in the governorate of Latakia. One of the most important findings: 1. Type Verginia achieved higher profitability during the period (2000-2011), while the lowest type Zegreen profit achieved during the same period. 2. - Shak Elbent followed by Verginia and Tanbak are considered the most important types and the most contributable to the Agricultural Domestic Product (ADP). 3- There is no impact of the profitability of Basma and Prilep and Gernata and Zegreen and Berly types produced in the Syrian coast on the Agricultural Domestic Product (ADP).
The Theme Of this research mainly focuses on the effects of foreign trade liberalization on the trade balance for agricultural sector in Syria , after conducting an analytical study of the reality of this sector . And that’s due to its importance and its Stature in the national economy, and its effective role in production , labor , and drive economic growth , especially that the Syrian economy is classified in the agricultural economies. As the new economic trend, and regional conventions between Syria and other parties , and its accompanying procedures followed in order to cope with the foreign trade liberalization data and open markets , may significantly effected the agricultural sector. Where although it contributed to increase the size and rate of growth of Syrian agricultural trade, but this increase is caused by an increase in the volume of agricultural imports that exceeded the volume of agricultural exportrs, and that led to a defict in its balance, after it has achieved larg surpluses for long period. It was concluded from the study, that the process of foreign trade liberalization carried in some of its aspects, negative effects on the Syrian agricultural sector, inparticular the defict of its trare balance, instead of being great motivation , to take its pioneering role in economy.
Shadow economy is considered the most important economic problem which is still of concern to researchers for it is linked to all economic variables. It is found in all States with different economic patterns. But it is more widespread in developing economies includes a recipe for lawful activities and other illegal .And it exists in all economic levels and affect all social strata and in all ages. Despite its characterization as a phenomenon, it cannot be overlooked as a reality. Depending on that, this research tried to clarify the concept of the shadow economy, and identify its components. As well as, this research shows the most important macroeconomic indicators in Syria and the impact of economic variables on the shadow economy.
The inflation is considered a great challenge to the economy of the most countries in the world, and that is because of its negative effects of the economic growth rate. This study investigates the impact of cost of production on the inflation in Syr ian Arab Republic during the period (1996-2010) by using modern standard ways. The results of this study showed that the reasons for increasing the inflation rate in Syrian economy are domestic intermediate goods and intermediate imported goods. Regression analysis has been used to estimate the effects of the output of the real wage and the cost of production on GDP implicit price deflator. It has been concluded that the cost of production affects the implicit price deflator at significance level less than 0.05.
The purpose of this research is to explain the impact of money supply on inflation in the Syrian economy by using cointegration and causality test as a method during (1996 – 2010). The results of this research has showed that there is no causality relation runs from the money supply into inflation indicator. In addition, here is no long run effect between the Consumer price index and the inflation in Syria as Johansson’s Co-integration Test has showed.
This research aims to study the real aspects of the Syrian industrial sector through the study of its contribution to the national economy. A Study regarding the size of the industrial contribution to the national economy is presented in this paper , as well as the presenting of an analysis of the contribution of both the public and the private sectors through four key indicators, these are: - The first indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the formation of Syrian domestic production. - The second indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the formation of Syrian GDP (Gross Domestic Product). - The third indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the operation of the labor force. - The fourth indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the export. And thus it provides a set of results that reflect both the reality of the industrial sector and its contribution to the national economy. Moreover it provides a set of proposals that could contribute toward overcoming the causes of the sector's low performance, so it can achieve the desired objectives.
This research highlight the business activities and the role of small and mediumsized enterprises SME's in the national economy, and expectancy role of this sector is increasing economic activity, securing jobs and increasing gross domestic product GDP in general. It also focuses on the most important characteristics and features of the sector of SME's in Syria. In addition to review of the main weaknesses facing the national economy in general and this sector, in particular, which contributed to the derivation of many suggestions contribute to the advancement and development of business environment and SME's and to the promotion and support its role in national economy.

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