أجريت الدراسة على عدد من المعادن الثقيلة في أنواع مختلفة من معلبات اللحوم المتوفرة في السوق المحلية و معظم هذه المعلبات مستوردة من عدة مصادر ( مصنعة في بلدان مختلفة ), و ذات ماركات تجارية مختلفة .
تم أخذ العينات, و إجراء عملية الترميد عليها, و بعد القيام بالترميد ,حضرّت العينات باستخدام حمض الآزوت المركز و حمض كلور الماء المركز فائقي النقاوة .
و أجري تحديد لنسب عناصر الكادميوم Cd, النيكل Ni, الرصاص pb, الحديد Fe, الزنك Zn, النحاس Cu و المنغنيز Mn في العينات المأخوذة باستخدام جهاز الامتصاص الذري , و تم التعبير عن المحتوى من العناصر الثقيلة بالأجزاء في المليون ( ppm ) من الوزن الرطب. بينت النتائج بأنّ نسبة الرصاص , و الحديد , و الكادميوم , في جميع العينات باختلاف أنواعها و مصادرها , أعلى من المسموح به في المواصفة القياسية السورية . و كانت نسبة النحاس في معلبات الطون و السردين ضمن الحدود المسموح بها, و في معلبات المرتديلا أعلى من المسموح به ,أما نسبة الزنك فهي ضمن الحدود المسموح بها في المواصفة القياسية السورية و العالمية. كانت أعلى نسبة للرصاص في عينات السردين المصنعة في المغرب, حيث وصلت إلى 8.765 ppm, و في المرتديلا السورية 5.18 ppm و بطبيعة الحال هذه النسب أعلى بكثير من الحد المسموح به في المواصفة القياسية السورية .
This study was conducted to determine some heavy minerals in different types of
canned meat sold in the domestic market. Most of those cans were imported and processed
in different countries and they have different brands. The chosen samples after ashing were
prepared by using concentrated extra pure Nitric and Hydrochloric acids .The ratios of the
minerals )pb , Cd , Ni , Zn , Cu , Mn , Fe ( were determined by Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometry , and the content was expressed as (p.p.m) wet weight. It was observed
that the levels of Lead, Iron, and Cadimum, in all different samples were higher than the
permitted limlts according to the Syrian Standards . The Cu level in both , tuna and sardine
was within the permitted limits, but it was higher in the chicken Lunchoen. The level of
Zinc was within the permitted limits according to the Syrian standards. The highest ratio of
Lead was observed in the sardine imported from Morocco which was 8.765 p.p.m and in
the Lunchoen processed in Syria which was 5.18 p.p.m ,and both ratios are much higher
than the permitted limits according to the Syrian Standards.
References used
ASHRAF W. . Levels of selected heavy metals in tuna fish. Arabian J. Sci. Eng. (2006), 31-89
BAKIRCIOGLU, D., KURTULUS, Y. B., and UCAR, G.. Determination of some trace metal levels in cheese samples packed in plastic and tin containers by ICP-OES after dry, wet and microwave digestion. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, (2011), 202- 207
BOADI N.O., TWUMASI S.K., BADU M. and OSEI I. . Heavy metal contamination in canned fish marketed in Ghana. American journal of scientific and industrial research..2.6. (2011), 877-882
This study has been conducted to identify the levels of heavy
metals (lead, cadmium, nickel, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, and
zinc) in the following spices: Nutmeg, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger,
cardamom, nigella sativa, black pepper, cumin, coriander, curry,
and mixed spices.
This study was conducted to identify the levels of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, copper, iron, zinc) in the following processed local and imported meat: Sardine (canned full), Tuna (canned chunks), Hammour (frozen full), Euphrates Fis
The study focused in this research to determine the trace of some heavy metal
elements (Copper Cu, Cadmium Cd, Lead Pb) in some types of marine macroalgae
scattered on the shore of the city of Banias during 2014, using atomic absorption
The concentrations of Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) in samples of some spices
available at some local markets in Syria were determined, after nitric digestion, using
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The study showed differences in metal concentrations
This study deals with the determination of the quantity of solid dust particles deposed
on the leafs of some trees along Syrian coast and the concentration of some heavy metals
in it (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, Co, Mn) .Some sites near to human and in