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The research aimed to identify the level of creative thinking skills (fluency, flexibility, originality, whole degree) among basic fourth class students in Latakia, in the light of gender. To achieve this purpose, the researcher used Torrance test of creative thinking-vocabulary form (A). The sample consisted of (255) students (125 males and130 females)selected by using random sampling method, from several schools in Latakia, The results showed weakness in the level of creative thinking among basic fourth class students. The average of degrees were(the whole degree95.21, fluency 46.85, flexibility 28.27,and originality 20.08), The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in each skill of creative thinking (fluency, originality, and whole degree) due to gender, but there were statistically significant differences in degree of flexibility in favor of females. In the light of the findings, the study suggested merging the skills of creative thinking in curriculum, and teaching these skills independently, fasten training session to teachers to habituation them on development of creative thinking during the class teaching, and setting up tests to measure creative thinking skills codified in Syrian environment, and conducting new researches focusing on creative thinking (from where measuring and development him) in different school levels, with using other variables.
يعالج هذا البحث موضوع حركات السياحة في محافظة اللاذقية – سورية، و تعد اللاذقية هدفًا للزيارة على مدار العام و خصوصًا في فصل الصيف. و هي غنية بتراثها و تاريخها و شواطئها و جمالها الطبيعي و اكتساء معظم سهولها و جبالها بالأشجار و الغابات الكثيفة، إضافة إلى ارتباطها و صلاتها بكبريات المدن السورية.
تعد شجرة الزيتون من أقدم الأشجار التي عرفها الإنسان السوري و مارس زراعتها من آلاف السنين، و قد تطورت هذه الزراعة تطورًا كبيرًا مذ ذلك الوقت. تتأثر زراعة الزيتون بمجموعة من العوامل يأتي في مقدمتها الظروف البيئية الطبيعية ممثلة بالشروط المناخية ( ال حرارة، الأمطار، الرياح، الرطوبة، الضباب، البرد و الصقيع) و التربة و أنوعها، إلى جانب العوامل البشرية ممثلة بإعداد الأرض و الري و التسميد و عمليات خدمة الأشجار.
يقوم نظام المعالجة الحالي للمخلفات الصلبة في محافظة اللاذقية (معمل البصة لتحويل المخلفات إلى محسنات تربة) على ثلاث مراحل: فيزيائية و بيولوجية (تهوية طبيعية) و نهائيـة (إنضـاج). يهـدف البحث إلى تقويم هذا النظام بواقعه الفعلي حيث يشمل تحديد التركيب ا لنـوعي و الكثافـة و الرطوبـة النسبية للقمامة الخام في معمل التسميد، هذا بالإضافة إلى تحديد تغير درجة الحرارة و نسبة الإشباع بالأوكسجين الهوائي خلال عملية المعالجة البيولوجية للقمامة، إذ تم إجراء التحاليـل النوعيـة فـي فترتين مختارتين من العام (2001-2000) ، و قد كانت النتائج محققة للشروط الصحية و ذلك عند إطالة فترة التخمير من الحالة الواقعية بالشكل الأعظمي (8 أيام) إلى حالة بحثية (18 يومـاً). كمـا يعمـل البحث على تحديد التركيب الحبي للسماد النهائي، و قد كانت النتائج الحاصلة هنا مهمـة مـن حيـث ارتفاع نسبة المواد الخاملة في السماد الناعم بنوعيه (أبعاد حبيباته 10-20 ملم و أقل مـن 10 ملـم) مما يقلل من صلاحية استخدام السماد النهائي للأغراض الزراعية، و هذا يؤكد أيضاً علـى ضـرورة إجراء فرز للمواد الأولية القابلة للاسترجاع (بلاستيك، معادن، منسوجات، زجاج) و للمـواد الخاملـة (رمل، طين، حجارة، عظام....) من المخلفات الخام قبل إخضاعها للمعالجة البيولوجية.
20 antibiotics were monitored for their sales for six months, through official prescriptions in six drug stores throughout Lattakia. Percent proportions of sale for each antibiotic were reported. These statistical data were correlated with laborat ory studies on screening these antibiotics on different bacterial strains that collected from different laboratories and hospitals of Lattakia. The purpose of this continuous study is to undertake an assessment of levels of antibiotic resistance by local isolated bacteria, and to determine the factors influencing the offspring of that resistance. 1430 medical prescriptions were reported, 965 of them (i.e.: 67, 48%) contained one or more antibiotic. In addition, there were 340 cases of nonofficial sales of some distinct antibiotics. 275 of bacterial strains were isolated from clinical specimens (mostly were as urogenital, pharyngeal, wounds, and burns infections). These strains distributed as follow: 183 (i.e.: 66, 54%), were Enterobacteriaceae strains.
Food security including its economic, technical and social dimensions is considered to be one of the issues that received wide attention, this food security issue is closely related to the agricultural sector, therefore agricultural sector occupies a very important position in the economics of countries, especially developing countries, including Syria. the agricultural sector has achieved a great success in Syria during its ongoing development, but recently many local and international changes has appeared. These changes had a lot of challenges that must be treated with suitable mechanisms . So This research aims to show the reality of plant and animal production in Latakia, and to acknowledge the most important human and natural components ingredients that are available in agricultural sector, this research aims to find out obstacles and problems that agricultural sector suffers from, and to find perfect solutions for them. It also aims to discover the best way to increase Agricultural Productions in latakia. and that contributes to achieving the agricultural development in Syria providing people of Syria , the food security In addition to economic one .especially in this crisis that gripped Syria.
New sciences have greatly contributed in improving analysis processes and subsequently lead to better understanding of the future. The more knowledge and information are available, the better planning process will be. Furthermore, better data lead s to better decision-making. This is the basis of Geographic Information System (GIS). Due to its great ability in processing and analyzing extensive and various amount of spatial data, GIS has solved many obstacles in the research field since it was first launched. GIS plays an important role in the field of tourism planning as it contributes in developing new applications that serve modern touristic. In this research paper, GIS will be used to build an effective system that will improve touristic planning in Lattakia governorate. A spatial database will be created, that includes the most prominent touristic places in the city, such as restaurants, hotels, religious and historical sites.etc. Each of the touristic attractions will be evaluated, and then a tool , created in GIS environment, will be used for weighting roads network, in order to determine the touristic weight for each path in roads network.
The objective of this study is to assess the reality of the professional commitment of the employees in the private commercial banks in lattakia Governorate, The researchers identified three types of functional commitment, which included both Affec tive commitment, Continuance commitment, and Normative commitment. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to a random sample of 77 workers. Each questionnaire included 24 phrases that measured the three types of commitment. They calculated the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure the stability of the scale, The t-test was used for one sample to test the hypotheses, The researchers found results showing high degrees of functional commitment of all three types, but at varying degrees, where the mean of the responses on the expressions that measured the three types of commitment was Greater than the mean neutrality of the scale.
Regional planning is currently one of the pillars of the state and a measure of its development, because planning works to show the current or the future problems, and puts the appropriate solutions. So there is no doubt that the population is the main goal of any planning process by ensuring the various requirements of life for the increasing number of them year after year. Finding adequate housing is therefore one of the first steps in the planning process. The problem of population growth is one of the most prominent problems facing countries at present time. This is evident in city centers, which results in many problems such as informal housing. In this study, we had a spatial study to determine the best location for establishing a new city in order to accommodate the increasing number of population within the Lattakia Governorate (Syrian Arab Republic), and we also achieved a population study in order to determine the future population growth. Geographic information systems (GIS) have proven its efficiency in spatial and descriptive data management and analysis, so they have been relied upon to determine the appropriate places for urban expansion based on a set of criteria collected from a range of research that affect the selection process of these areas, through spatial analysis tools within the GIS software to reach the appropriate areas of expansion to accommodate the expected population growth.
The purpose of this research is to deduce the basis for calculating the cost of honey bee products since the actual costing of various levels on accurate basis is the right starting point for achieving all the goals of the cost systems. Because the actual cost is the basis of planning, control and reduction of that cost. Lack of information to properly determine product cost may cause choosing unhealthy competitive strategies, and make bad decisions, whether it related to product pricing or product selection. The research objective was reached through an analytical study of previous studies that discussed the economic feasibility of honey bee production projects in a variety of environments. In addition, a field study was carried out on the working beekeeping firms in Lattakia governorate during the period between the month of 11/2017 and the end of the month 8/2018. A number of conclusions were reached on the determinants of the cost of honey bee products, including the need to rely on the variable cost approach in preparing the list of honey product costs, the adoption of the production season as a period for the preparation of this list and a number of conclusions regarding the basis for calculating the depreciation of the assets of the honeybees and classified it as fixed cost which must included in the income statement for the financial cycle which ends at the end of the production seasons on 31/10 of each year.

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