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the abundance of intellectual and creative process. Find question arises: Are intellectual increasing productivity within a specific time affect the quality of ideas? Where most people believe that this relationship is inverse proportion when in fa ct it is a direct proportion of any relationship the greater the quantity and speed of ideas have also increased the quality and how the college of ideas. It then Researcher provides many examples of famous scientists recorded books creativity and immortalized the date their name through the ages, where they used methods of exploration intellectual for the selection of the most appropriate of a series of ideas generated have, possess it on the classification of the first type of thinker «John Enobern» which class people rated arbitrator eloquent into three types: those who make the events, and those who they see, and those who are wondering: 'What's going on? And researcher moves to the conditions and the basic components of productivity intellectual of fluency, flexibility, originality and intellectual vision of the subject in all its aspects and in different ways, explaining the need to move away from the way of thinking unilateral, or so-called intellectual stagnation stressing that by listing the many historical experiences and realism. The researcher adopted historical and descriptive and analytical in this research, combining stylistic induction and deduction (conclusion), and using the objectivity in the way away from the self-offering a* This research was prepared in the context of a student's master's thesis Ehab.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى وضع برنامج تدريبي لتنمية كفايات تعليم التفكير الإبداعي لدى الطالبات المعلمات بكلية رياض الأطفال. وقد صيغت مشكلة البحث في التساؤلات الآتية: 1. ما أسس ومبادئ بناء البرنامج المقترح لتنمية كفايات تعليم التفكير الإبداعي لدى الطالبات ا لمعلمات في كلية رياض الأطفال؟ 2. ما فاعلية البرنامج المقترح في تنمية كفايات تعليم التفكير الإبداعي لدى الطالبات المعلمات في كلية رياض الأطفال؟ 3. ما فاعلية البرنامج المقترح في تنمية التفكير الإبداعي لدى أطفال الطالبات المعلمات في كلية رياض الأطفال؟ وتم استخدام كل من المنهجين الوصفي والتجريبي. كما استخدم التصميم التجريبي ذو المجموعة الواحدة. وتكونت عينة البحث من عينة مختارة بطريقة عشوائية قوامها (20) طالبة من الطالبات المعلمات الفرقة الثالثة في كلية رياض الأطفال - جامعة الإسكندرية؛ وكذلك عينة مختارة بطريقة عشوائية قوامها (70) طفلاً من أطفال الروضة بالمستوى الثاني. اشتملت أدوات البحث على اختبار تحصيلي في الجانب النظري من البرنامج؛ بطاقة ملاحظة كفايات تعليم التفكير الإبداعي في الجانب العملي من البرنامج؛ اختبار التفكير الإبداعي لطفل الروضة. وكانت أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث: فاعلية البرنامج المقترح في تنمية كفايات تعليم التفكير الإبداعي لدى الطالبات المعلمات بكلية رياض الأطفال؛ وكذلك فاعلية البرنامج في تنمية قدرات التفكير الإبداعي (الطلاقة ، والمرونة ، والأصالة) لدى أطفال الطالبات المعلمات بالروضة في مجالات الأنشطة المختلفة (نشاط قصصي، نشاط فني، نشاط حركي، نشاط موسيقي). ويوصي البحث بإعادة تنظيم محتوى برنامج إعداد معلمة رياض الأطفال في ضوء قائمة كفايات تعليم التفكير الإبداعي؛ والاستعانة بمنظور "جاردنر" لتعدد الذكاءات في تصميم التدريس باستخدام المدخل الاختياري والإلزامي معاً.
The research aimed to identify the level of creative thinking skills (fluency, flexibility, originality, whole degree) among basic fourth class students in Latakia, in the light of gender. To achieve this purpose, the researcher used Torrance test of creative thinking-vocabulary form (A). The sample consisted of (255) students (125 males and130 females)selected by using random sampling method, from several schools in Latakia, The results showed weakness in the level of creative thinking among basic fourth class students. The average of degrees were(the whole degree95.21, fluency 46.85, flexibility 28.27,and originality 20.08), The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in each skill of creative thinking (fluency, originality, and whole degree) due to gender, but there were statistically significant differences in degree of flexibility in favor of females. In the light of the findings, the study suggested merging the skills of creative thinking in curriculum, and teaching these skills independently, fasten training session to teachers to habituation them on development of creative thinking during the class teaching, and setting up tests to measure creative thinking skills codified in Syrian environment, and conducting new researches focusing on creative thinking (from where measuring and development him) in different school levels, with using other variables.
The research aims to identify the impact of the use of scaffolding strategy in the development of achievement and creative thinking among students of primary third grade in science. Search and adopted the experimental method, as applied some of the lessons the students according to the educational scaffolding strategy.
The study also aims at detecting the differences between children in the level of creative thinking according to gender, Kindergarten type and Kindergarten place. , And the availability of some of the overall quality standards in kindergartens.
The research aims to identify thedegree of using creative thinking skills in teaching social studies subjects by class teachers in the governorate of Hama and knowledge of the differences in teachers' answers on the search tool depending on the variables (sex, years of teaching experience).
The present study aimed to detect the degree of exercise The Arabic language teachers for creative thinking skills in the Directorate of Education for the North Eastern Badia region. The study's sample consisted of (200) The Arabic language teacher s for sixth and seven grades. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used a questionnaire composed of (63) items. The results of the study showed that the degree of exercise The Arabic language teachers for creative thinking skills development of the student was moderate on the instrument total score, and in the fields of freedom of expression, the positive perspective towards creativity, teaching methods, methods of evaluation, the class environment, and creativity stimulation. Results of the study also pointed to the lack of a statistically significant degree in exercise The Arabic language teachers in the Directorate of Education for the North Eastern Badia region for creative thinking skills development differences depending on the variable: gender, experience, and qualifications of all fields of study. Accordingly, the study concluded that a number of recommendations related.

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