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We try through this research to focus on a basic and important issue, which is movement according to Ibn Sina, as we deal in it with his definition of movement, in which he was not limited to the ideas of force and action, but looked at it from anoth er angle, explaining the most important matters that movement requires and is related to, and we try to show the difference Between movement and change so that we can identify the most important categories in which movement occurs without the other ten categories and their connection to the place, and we try to show Ibn Sina’s position on movement in itself in terms of its unity, its abundance, its measures and its contradiction, and how he responded to all the objections related to movement and its provisions.
يبين هذا البحث كيف تعامل ابن خلدون مع ثنائية السياسة والدين اذ اقام تشبيها عضويا ماثل فيه بين تطور الدولة وافراد النوع البشري لذلك نستخلص انواع الدول واشكالها كما وصفها بثلاثة: - طور البداوة - طور الملك والحضارة - طور الاضطمحلال
حول الهوية الشخصية ومشاكلها واراء علم النفس فيها, نص مترجم للد. اريك اولسون والمنشور على موسوعة ستانفورد للفلسفة. ترجمة ايمان معروف
The importance of this research is that it is one of the rare researches that touch on the philosophy of science at the French philosopher Gaston Bachler, And the role played by this philosopher in the development of the science of epistemology thr ough the epistemological concepts that he introduced to this science, Such as the concept of epistemological obstacle and the concept of epistemological estrangement in addition to the concept of temporal regression and the relationship of these concepts with each other, which contributed to the enrichment of the epistemology and its evolution.
The study that we present represents an important work in Western thought. We ask about the contemporary interpretation of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur in the twentieth century. He worked hard to build a unique philosophical style that criticized and discussed all theories and methodsof interpretation, phenomenology, existentialism, Marxism, Freudianism, Nietzscheism, Theories of reading, linguistic analysis, anthropology, theories of culture, psychology, etc. In this way, Paul Ricoeur, in his discussion of the concept of will and kidney, discovers the true meaning of evil symbolism by addressing many concepts and ideas that have to do with evil. From here comes the interpretation and narrowly meditate on the language of recognition of error, which reveals the possibility and difficulty of philosophical interpretation of the symbols of sign, stigmatization and reprimand that were associated with the great legends that tell how evil entered into humanity: such as the myths of cosmology, tragedy, Humanity and morphology, and then led to the approach of thought The understanding is not a pattern of behavior, but rather a pattern of the self itself in its axiom of the demonstrative, structural, and interpretative ones. It is not a pattern of behavior, but rather a pattern of existence on Heidegger and Gadamer's path, His conflicts in the conflict between different interpretations. The structural andsemiological analysis model has also helped to expand the text's arguments, since the text is a linguistic medium that carries the author's mind to the reader, and all that Paul Ricoeur has done is determined by the expansion of the various theories into his important discovery, considering that the symbol calls for thought and pluralism. The suspicion or philosophers of doubt Karl Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, but thinking about the mysteries of the symbol led him to think of metaphor as a metaphor, or a rhetorical image of the name that emerged clearly in the history of long rhetoric in what Paul Ricoeur defined in his book "theory of interpretation", which starts with the sophists, And shows Aristotle and Cicero and Totalitarian, until it is crucial to the critics of the nineteenth century. This has led to the interest of linguistic, structural and existential theories ... to say that there are two modes of interpretation, an interpretation that emphasizes the mythological nature and the interpretation that confronts archeology. Not only did Paul Ricoeur reflect on the rhetorical side, the mythological character and the linguistic analysis only; he tried to discuss the question of truth and lies, Agustin, Greek philosophy, utopian theories, and various doctrines to that the kidney, which conceal the meaning of lies and want to reach the truth, and Paul Ricoeur interested in the concept of ideology by discussing the works of Karl Mannheim, Karl Marx and Louis Althusser discovering this relationship between idea representation and practice.
This research aims to discover the drama and narrative in old Arabic poetry, by studying poesy Ainyat Abi Zhouaib Al Hathaly, which consists of psychological emotional start, the poet narrates in it his tragedy using dialogical dramatic start, followed by narrative presentation tree growing stories: the Zebra and his female, the bull and the dogs, two heroes.
Heidegger's philosophy of art is considered a philosophy that is different from what we are used to with other philosophers. He made art as one of ways to expose the truth, because the quiddity of existence manifests from appearance of the existed and it's openness by the work of art, within a stressful relationship between the world and the earth. The art has to bring them closer, so that man can create a world that contains all possibilities, so he used the instrument to bring for the earth from its obsession and make the world appear. What we want to get to in this research is knowing the basic ideas about Heidegger's philosophy of art, and explaining the concept of aesthetics from his point of view. This was done through our presentation of his philosophy and the subjects that he adopting. "The origin of work of art, the relationship between world and earth, and the concept of truth", and treated by examination using a method that combines phenomenology with ontology to answer the question: "What the quiddity of art is?"
إن واقع السلوك الإنساني قديم قدم حرية الإنسان, لكن الوعي الفلسفي (الرسمي) بهذا السلوك حديث يرجع إلى أواخر القرن الثامن العشر, وقد نجم عن نجاح فلسفة( نيتشه ), بعد أن استعار مفهوم القيمة من الاقتصاديين, أن غدا هذا المفهوم ذائعا في دنيا التأمل الفلسفي و عامة المثقفين. إن فلسفة القيمة مستقلة عن كل فلسفة غيرها, وهي فلسفة شاملة تهم الإنسان أياً كان وأينما كان لأنها تهتم بالقضايا الأساسية التي مازال يطرحها على نفسه, ويحاول الإجابة عنها لعله يجد في ذلك نورا يهديه في مسيرة حياته. فهي تهتم بالموضوعات التي تهتم بها الفلسفة عموماً, ولكن من وجهة نظر قيمية, وتحاول أن تبرز المعنى العميق لهذا الوجود الذي لا يسرنا حتى يصير أجمل في عيوننا وأجلى لعقولنا. وتبعاً لذلك فالاهتمام بها اهتمام بموضوع يتصدر الفكر الفلسفي. إذا كان الكثيرون قد توهموا أن الأخلاق لا تزيد عن كونها مجرد نداء الواجب أو (ما ينبغي أن يكون) وكأن كل مهمة الاخلاق أن تصدر بعض الأوامر والنواهي, وأن تضع بعض القواعد أو الوصايا, فإن من واجبنا أن نقول أن الأخلاق الفلسفية هي تعلمنا كيف نحكم, إنها توجِّه انتباهنا نحو العنصر الإبداعي في الإنسان, فتتحداه طالبةً إليه أن يلاحظ ويحدس ويتكهن بما يجب أن يحدث, إنها تدعوه إلى التصرُّف في كلِّ مناسبةٍ وفقاً لما يستدعيه الموقف الخاص, بحيث يجيء تصرُّفه سلوكاً أصيلاً جديداً ومبتكراً. من خلال هذا البحث عن فلسفة القيم سأسعى للإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية: إشكالية البحث:  ما علاقة القيم بالوجود؟  هل الشر موجود؟ وهل يجب أن نبغضه؟
Feuerbach tried to make the power of love a kind of power that cannot be matched with any other power as love defeats all his opponents even if God is one of them. Love is always victorious. That's what made the concept of love in Feuerbach’s ideas a distinguished and unprecedented concept comparing to all concepts handled by those philosophers before him. This kind of love dominates the body and soul together and it is inseparable from our body, may not live outside our soul, it is the basis of the body and the essence of the spirit. Feuerbach wanted to make love a link between a mankind and another so there is no love if one existence and the other is absent. Feuerbach doesn’t limit himself at this point but goes on to ignore the existence of human being without being in love or loved by other person. That who does not love does not exist, even religion has neither benefit nor importance if it is not based on love because love is the reason and core in other words love is the reason behind the existence of religion.
The impact of Spinoza's criticism of the religious phenomenon along with its relation to human beingshas been greatly evident on theintellectual climate of modern philosophy in general, and the Study of the philosophy of religion that emerged with Kant later in particular.Thus, we can assert that the philosophical trend of Spinoza has paved the wayfor Kant’s researches to go on in this direction.Consequently, his researches have been influenced by the achievements of the intellectual and cultural environment that prevailed at that time; from Bruno and Descartes to Copernicus and Galileo walked libertarian direction of mental ahead in the criticism of the principles underlying philosophical and natural thought in the sixteenth and seventeenth century، but none of those have had the intellectual courage to put religion into criticism. Especially, withina religious environment that has been dominated by exceptional religiosityin order to face the expected danger of philosophers and thinkers. Within this atmosphere of exceptional religiosity, Spinoza has logically criticized all sacred things of his time such as: the Holy Bible, the nature of God, the relationship between faith and reason, the concept of miracle, prophecy, and the afterlife. He has raised many doubts aboutthe whole religious phenomenon calling for conducting many researches and teststhat might lay bare the hidden truth that religion claimed to have and being the everlasting salvation for human kind.By doing so, he has created a novel philosophical trend that has been known today as the philosophy of religion.

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