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The Maqamat art grew up and its limits settled down at Al Badeea Maqamat limits(398 AH), and Al Hariri (516 AH). No one contested that. Thus, their methods represented rules and concept which the Andalusian followed. And their imitation became creati on and the manufactured imitation increased suggesting the following of the patterns which were themselves an evidence of superiority. Researchers, almost, haven’t got one opinion about the nature of the narration in the Maqamat and its artistic value. Some of them refused it completely: others confirmed it permanently. We notice that the judgement of the opposers and the confirmers tended to generalization. The Maqama is a literary genre which has its own artistic qualities even though its limits interacted with other literary arts. The essay has its importance because it aims at conceiving the Andalusian Maqama limit, and the narrative elements in it, depending on inducting some of the Andalusian Maqama describing and analyzing it.
In his poem "Torture of AL_ Hallag", AL_Bayati tries to benefit of the narrative techniques since they are not only characteristic of the novel, but of lingual discovers in general, and a system of lingual practice which we can notice in many ling ual genres. Using narrative techniques in poems appears through narrative tyres because a poem maintains its basis of harmony, description , imagination and so on . These techniques in the text tend to more to the dramatic feature, in which, voices and characters vary, and the narrative feature appears to be a standard on which the poet constructs his text, and derives his ideas and visions . He gets benefits of historic events through their existence in order to fulfill creative writing , which in turn, produces real verse which intensities, the narrative in a way that suits the poetic students . Through this , the narrative structures contributes to building the poetic text but do not totally affects them nor appear in a clear from which undermine the poem . This means, it comes through the necessary elements which contribute and fortify the poem's creativity , and elevate it twards a space of beauty which might be more open to other types of discourse .
Saadalla Wannous is considered from the most important seekers for new technical forms in the Arabic Theatre. This appears through his plays that bear a collection of modern technical constituents. His early plays had technical structures that gave them technical and intellectual dimensions. The plays of the nineties were qualified with new tincture in both the structure and the meaning. From the technical constituents that formed this phase in writing the scripts is the narration technique that Wannous entered as a major structure in his drama, one of which is (Yawm Min Zamanina) (A Day from our Time) , in which he used diverse narrative techniquesto contributed in the production of the indicatives and signs and achieved a dramatic integration in the Play building up.
يطمح هذا البحث إلى تقديم قراءة جديدة لرسالة الغفران لأبي العلاء المعري, و يحاول من خلال هذه القراءة استثمار معطيات النقد الأدبي الحديث للكشف عن ذخائر النثر العربي القديم الذي لما تزل الدراسات النقدية تنظر إليه بوصفه محتوى لا بوصفه بناء مترفا بغير إشا رة إلى أن ثمة وعيا مبكرا لدى الأدباء العرب الأقدمين بأهمية الشكل, و إلى أن هذا الأخير مكون من مكونات الدلالة في النص.
This paper aims at studying the narrative functions of the stack Chorus in selected English Renaissance plays: Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, Ben Jonson's Volpone. This study offers a close reading of the spee ches delivered by the Chorus, and shows their narration of the events and their moral commentaries. This emphasizes their didactic significance because they sum up the events, interpret the vague ones and endorse the play's desired message . this paper concludes that Jonson develops the stock Chorus by having recourse to other characters who perform this communicative and didactic role. Here lies Jonson's contribution to this conventional figure.
This research aims to discover the drama and narrative in old Arabic poetry, by studying poesy Ainyat Abi Zhouaib Al Hathaly, which consists of psychological emotional start, the poet narrates in it his tragedy using dialogical dramatic start, followed by narrative presentation tree growing stories: the Zebra and his female, the bull and the dogs, two heroes.

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