تكمن أهمية هذا البحث في كونه من الأبحاث النادرة التي تتطرق إلى فلسفة العلم عند الفيلسوف الفرنسي غاستون باشلار و الدور الذي لعبه هذا الفيلسوف في تطوير علم الابستمولوجيا من خلال المفاهيم الإبستمولوجية التي أدخلها إلى هذا العلم، كمفهوم العقبة الإبستمولوجية و مفهوم القطيعة الإبستمولوجية إضافة إلى مفهوم التراجع الزمني و علاقة هذه المفاهيم مع بعضها البعض و التي ساهمت في إغناء الابستمولوجيا و تطورها.
The importance of this research is that it is one of the rare researches that touch on
the philosophy of science at the French philosopher Gaston Bachler, And the role played
by this philosopher in the development of the science of epistemology through the
epistemological concepts that he introduced to this science, Such as the concept of
epistemological obstacle and the concept of epistemological estrangement in addition to
the concept of temporal regression and the relationship of these concepts with each other,
which contributed to the enrichment of the epistemology and its evolution.
References used
صلاح ، قنصوه : فلسفة العلم ، دار التنوير ،بيروت ، ط2, 1983.
محمد ، عابد الجابري : مدخل إلى فلسفة العلوم ، دار الطليعة ، بيروت, 1982.
محمد ، وقيدي : ما هي الإبستمولوجية ، دار الحداثة ، بيروت, 1983.
This research highlights on an important and fundamental issue of the 20th century's most
important philosophers, "Gaston Bachelard", which is the analytical approach to scientific
knowledge of this philosopher and the role played by "Gaston Bachel
This research deals with structure of power and its concept in Farabi's political
philosophy, by analyzing his basic thesis of Utopia, and analyzing the relation between
governor and the parish, and explaining the political connections that control
Epistemology as a modern science that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, ,
Especially after the earthquake of the basic physical and chemical sciences motivated by
revolutionary theories such as relativism, suspicion, quantum and other w
Studies and research about rhetoric have varied concerning the definition of rhetoric,
but most of them look at rhetoric from on side only. Rhetoric was classified as being a kind
of research concerned with the art of persuasion in its techniques,
Research and technological innovation has contributed over the last
decade to improve the performance of the specified elements for
construction, such as, walls, ceilings, windows and construction
equipment like, ventilation and cooling equipments