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دور الصناعة الدوائية في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني و أثر الأزمة على القطاع الدوائي في سورية الحالة العملية: واقع الصيدليات في المحافظات السورية

1310   1   32   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
Kutaini,D; Davila,C., 2010,‟‟ Pharmaceutical Industry in syria”. Journal of Medicine and Life. 3 (3): 348–550
Hamada, Abdullah. 2014. “The Syrian Crisis Repercussions on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Analytical Field Study” Journal of Academic Researches and Studies 6 (10): 72–93
PhRMA. 2012. “PhRMA 2012 Pharmaceutical Industry Profile.” PhRMA
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This research aims to study the real aspects of the Syrian industrial sector through the study of its contribution to the national economy. A Study regarding the size of the industrial contribution to the national economy is presented in this paper , as well as the presenting of an analysis of the contribution of both the public and the private sectors through four key indicators, these are: - The first indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the formation of Syrian domestic production. - The second indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the formation of Syrian GDP (Gross Domestic Product). - The third indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the operation of the labor force. - The fourth indicator : the contribution of the industrial sector to the export. And thus it provides a set of results that reflect both the reality of the industrial sector and its contribution to the national economy. Moreover it provides a set of proposals that could contribute toward overcoming the causes of the sector's low performance, so it can achieve the desired objectives.
The research about the phenomenon of informal economy so as to cover the large number of activities that differ from one country to another was to clarify the concept of the informal economy and standards, and to try to measure the size of the in formal economy in order to clarify the relationship between the informal economy and the export and import movement in Syria. In order to achieve the objectives of the research was descriptive analysis of the phenomenon of informal economy and statistical method for data analysis through SPSS. One of the most important findings of the research there is a strong correlation between the informal economy and exports and imports of Syria.
إن إنتاج الطاقة محليا له دور مضاعف في الاقتصاد أوّله تأمين متطلباته من الخدمات الطاقية المتنوعة، و ثانيا تكوين أحد أهم مصادره التمويلية في حال تحقيق فوائض في ميزان الطاقة. هذا ما انطبق بالفعل على النفط السوري خلال العقود السابقة إذ لعب دوراً استراتيج ياً في الاقتصاد السوري. و لكن تتهدد الصناعة الطاقية في سورية اليوم بفقدان دورها هذا و ذلك نتيجة نهاية حقبة الفائض النفطي. هنا يقوم البحث على دراسة تطورات الصناعة النفطية في سورية و تأثير العجز النفطي على دور هذه الصناعة في التزود الطاقي من جهة، و في دعم توازنات الاقتصاد السوري من جهة أخرى. و من خلال تحليل الإمكانيات التي يتمتع بها الاقتصاد السوري و مصادر الطاقة الكامنة في سورية أمكن وضع استراتيجيات بديلة يمكن تحقيقها من خلال حزمة سياسات و إجراءات متكاملة. و خلص البحث إلى نتيجة مفادها أن نهاية النفط السوري قد تكون بداية للتفكير و العمل على إنشاء صناعة طاقية أكثر تطورا و استدامة في الاقتصاد في حال أحسن إدارة الموارد المتوفرة و استثمرت و استخدمت بالكفاءة المطلوبة.
The Syrian pharmaceutical industry is a real tributary for development in Syria. Like other industries, pharmaceutical industry suffers from subordination to the West, in the sense that it collects pharmaceuticals according to licenses from intern ational companies. Research and development are almost virtually nonexistent in it. On the other hand, the faculties of pharmacy provide planty of contribute with abundance of scientific researches, which can play an important role for the benefit of the companies, cooperate with them, and contribute in providing them with applications of new drugs. The most important results of the search, are the weak interaction between the faculties of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, and the fact that the pharmaceutical companies do not benefit from the results of the research of the faculties of pharmacy, regardless of the conviction of the possibility to benefit from these researches through the development of a mechanism for fruitful cooperation for both parties.

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