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مشروع بحثي يشرح فيه عملية البحث عن عمل ووظيفة والطر والأساليب والوسائل التي تساعدك في البحث مع بعض النصائح والتوصيات للعمل فيها او تجنبها اثناء بحث الخريج الجامعي عن فرصة عمل او وظيفة
The research presents a review and analysis of the architectural perspective on this issues with a view to making recommendations that will help produce a sense of intimacy and closeness between personnel working in administrative buildings in order to positively impact their efficiency and productivity. To support this, the researcher will present a critical and analytical study of the central administration building of Al-Baath University, since it can be considered as design product of an administrative buildings that is worthy of a profound descriptive, analytical and critical study. Finally, the research presents results and recommendations that provide employees of the administrative buildings with friendly environment that affects positively their efficiency and products.
This study deals with writing paper since the early beginning until present time; the first symbolic writing attempts depicted on cave walls, stones, clay tablets, papyrus, bones, animal skin, wood, textiles (like silk) up to the modern paper indu stry that was first invented in China, and then spreading all over Europe by the Arabs after unfolding its manufacturing secrets. The research also explores the development of paper industry throughout history and the various materials, especially wood, used in processing it, and covers the names the various types, employments of paper, and finally the importance of building paper factories to meet the various social and economic demands.
اعتنى اللغويون و النحويون و البلاغيون بالعملية التواصلية منذ القدم, فقد صبوا جل اهتمامهم على القوانين المتصرفة في التركيب, و تحاول هذه الدراسة تبيان التكامل بين الدرسين النحوي و البلاغي و احتياج بقية العلوم إليهما, و الإفصاح عن المعالم الوظيفية عند النحاة و البلاغيين.
Poetry is concerned with the means and techniques that characterize poetic speech from ordinary speech. It expresses poetry in an intensive manner and with several techniques that perform an aesthetic function in the way of building technology on t he one hand and its consistency with the entire text on the other hand, as well as adding to the meaning of exaggeration and influence. The first part dealt with the concept of poeticism, the second dealt with the characteristics of poetic language, and the second part dealt with the language of poeticism. Section III talks about the changes of the concept and its causes.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا