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في يومنا هذا يوجد العديد من الشركات التي تعمل على تخزين بيانات مستخدميها بشكل موزع بالاعتماد على عدة أنظمة تخزين , لكن مع ازدياد عدد المستخدمين وزيادة حجم البيانات الخاصة بهم كانت هذه الشركات أمام مشكلة كبيرة تتعلق بتأمين المساحة اللازمة لذلك كان لاب د من تحسين تقنيات التخزين بحيث تحقق الأهداف المرجوَة وذلك بالاعتماد على توزيع البيانات على عناقيد من الخوادم ذات المواصفات العالية والمحمّل عليها نظم عالية الأداء.
The study was conducted on winter date (15th of Febraury), during 2015 and 2016 seasons, to study the effect of spraying calcium chloride CaCl2 concentrations (2, 4, and 6%), on the manufacture traits assigned in randomized completely block design (RCBD) with four replicates.
The research aims to recognize theimpact oflogistic activities in improving services Establishments.Particularly of Tartousport In Syria's current circumstances. And that is, how the workers in Tartous Port envision it. The researchdepended on the descriptive, analytic method and it used a questionnaire for 200Employees who work for the general company of Tatous Port. The research incloses the impact oflogistics activities (Transport,Warehousing, Supplying, Use of information Technology) in improving of services establishments in: (Speed of sesponse, Interest, Tangibility, Reliabitity, Safety). The most important findings of the research are: -. The transport level of Tartous Port was weak, but the stowage levels wareacceptable. – The Supply Systems wasacceptable. In light of these results the researcher suggests some of recommendations which can contribute, if applied, in improving the quality of PortService.
نفذ البحث خلال الفترة 2013-2016 م في كلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق , بهدف دراسة تأثير المعاملة ببعض المواد الكيميائية والطبيعية ( 1- ميثيل سكلو بروبان , ونتروبروسيد الصوديوم , الشيتوزان , وأمينوفينل علايسين , والميثيل جاسمونات , وفيتامين E ) في القدرة الت خزينية لثمار البندورة ( الهجين Tala ) وصفاتها البيوكيميائية ( نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة TSS ونسبة الحموضة القاتلة للمعايرة TA ) والفيزيائية ( الصلابة ونسبة الفقد بالوزن والفقد المطلق ومؤشرات اللون ) ومعايير الأكسدة ومضادات الأكسدة .
تبحث هذه الدراسة في تأثير المعاملة في مرحلة ما بعد القطاف بالغمر بمحاليل كلوريد الكالسيوم خلال التخزين المبرد على جودة ثمار الكيوي وقدرتها التخزينية
The research seeks to enhance the role of the central marketing to added value marketing benefits in restaurants, the role of storage in general, and refrigerators cooling rooms in particular in achieving temporal benefits of the products and the b alance between the flow of materials and supplies necessary for the continuity of the production process. theresearch was conducted on a sample thate represented about 50 Restaurant in Latakia province, and reached the results thate the central marketing has an important role in raising the level of culture and health for marketing services.
In this research, the quantity of vitamin C which extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables was evaluate by using titration method with 6-2 Dichloro phenol andovinol, and studying the effect of conservation and different temperatures (30, 60, 90) °C which used in cooking on content of vitamin C for some samples. Also this search included studying of the effect of iron ions on content tomato, orange and lemon of vitamin C. The results showed that the concentration of vitamin c in studied samples: parsley, red pepper, green pepper, lemon, orange and tomato was (8, 22, 36, 144, 175, 133) mg/100g respectively. Losing of the vitamin was (66%, 65%) when we save the leaves and stalk of parsley for 24 hours respectively, when exposure the parsley leaves to the temperatures (30, 60, 90) c° the losing percentage was (24 %, 41%, 62 %), While the losing was (79%, 65%, 39%) when injected each of tomatoes, oranges, lemons with dissoluble of iron.
We study in this research proposing and testing a new optimal algorithm in performance and speed is suitable for caching of web objects with dynamic content through studying the conventional classic algorithms that are common in caching web pages and studying how they can deal with caching web pages that have dynamic contents due to their great importance and spread in web sites and what they cause of overload on web servers to get a new algorithm that performs an optimal performance in dialing with this type of web pages.
Vitamin C concentration was studied in samples of infant formula from 5 companies (referenced A-E) using the 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol titration (AOAC, 2006) method. Results revealed that ascorbic acid content in formulas D and C was the closest to its recommended daily intake (RDI) and to the concentrations which are mentioned on the label of the samples. Storage conditions at room temperature or in the refrigerator did not affect ascorbic acid levels. In comparison to vitamin C concentrations in milk dissolved in tap water, its levels decreased when water was warm (40°C) or hot (100°C), and its concentrations further declined in dissolved form kept for two hours after preparation.
The aim of this research is to study the most important physical, chemical and microbial changes in several kinds of infant milk available in local markets. The milk samples were studied in conditions similar to those used by mothers when they prep are infant milk bottles at their houses. The results showed that moisture content increased in all samples from approximately 1% to 3.2-4.4% after storage for 9 days. Acidity increased considerably from 0.14% to 0.2%. The results showed that peroxide value passed the allowable limits (0.25) and reached about (0.47) in samples stored for 9 days at room temperature. However, the value for samples stored in the refrigerator ranged between (0.25-0.29). The free acidity number of fat for all samples specially the refrigerated ones was within the natural limits (<0.5). Chromatographic analyses showed apparent differences in fatty acid percentages between the kinds of milk. The rate of lenoleic acid (C 18-2 ) decreased during storage in all samples and in all conditions. Soluble nitrogen increased in all samples at the end of storage and the highest value was 0.49% in Nido milk samples. The solubility of milk samples was checked during storage and was found to decrease very little ( 1%). The total count of aerobic bacteria showed that all samples conform to the Syrian standards (No. 197, 1996) during the first six days of storage, but they passed the upper limits at the end of storage. However, all samples were free of pathogenic microbes .

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