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Functional foods are similar to conventional food and demonstrate beneficial effects beyond their nutritional value. These effects are attributed to the presence of functional ingredients. Functional ingredients can either be found naturally in a c ertain food or added to it. There’s a number of functional food products available in the market. For example, natural functional juices containing polyphenols. The aim of this study is to determine total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in some local functional juices. Total phenolic content was determined according to Folin- Ciocalteu method. The highest in content was mulberry juice, while the lowest was red grape juice. The best conditions for eliminating ascorbic acid were also determined which were heating for 30 min at 75°C. Antioxidant activity was subsequently determined using potassium ferricyanide. The highest in phenolic content among the studied juices were the highest in antioxidant activity. Thus a strong correlation was found between total phenolic content and antioxidant activity.
This study was investigated at the laboratories of Horticultural department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University to measure the changes in oxidative and antioxidative parameters during tomato fruit growth. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and lipi d peroxidation (MDA) contents were analysed as indicators of oxidative processes. Results showed that H2O2 content decreased during fruit growth phase and slightly increased during ripening, meanwhile MDA content was found to increase only at the end of fruit ripening. The activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, APX, CAT) were modified during fruit growth. Activities of SOD, APX increased during fruit growth phase, meanwhile CAT activity increased during fruit maturation. The level of ascorbate increased during fruit growth. These changes in antioxidant metabolites and enzymes establish that the antioxidant system plays an important role in the both phases of tomato fruit growth.
Four varieties of grape raisins where made in traditional way and investigated for their chemical composition, mineral elements and total antioxidanst capacity. Results reveals that there were significant differences in the average percentage of m oisture and carbohydrate between varieties, whereas the protein, fat and ashes percentages were not significant. Results of minerals analysis showed that blue raisins had the highest amount of Calcium, phosphorous and potassium with a level of 66 mg, 193 mg and 989 mg in 100 g raisins respectively. In addition, the total polyphenol contents by Folin- Ciocalteau assay were higher in blue (257 mg) and red raisins (213mg) when compared to the others varieties and vitamin C was 45mg/100g and 34 mg/100g in blue and red raisins respectively. The antioxidant activity of raisins was assessed by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay. The amount of raisins needed to scavenge 50% of DPPH radical (EC50) was similar for all varieties ranging from about 4.18 mg to 6.41 mg. Total antioxidants capacity were in descending order blue >red > white > green raisins. Therefore, the consumption of raisins is considered to contribute the intake of antioxidants and minerals in Syrian diet .
This paper describes a study of the influence of extraction system (centrifugation and pressure system) on the chemical composition and sensory quality of Dan virgin olive oils produced in Syria. Analysis of the effect of the extraction system on the values of analytical determination revealed statistically significant differences (P≤0.05) in a few parameters only, mainly in antioxidant content and oxidative stability. The results appear to confirm the influence of the extraction system on the quality of Dan virgin olive oils.
نفذت هذه الرسالة خلال موسم قطاف الزيتون 2009/2010 على صنف الزيتون الصوراني المزروع في ادلب وتم اختيار موقع واحد يصم 120 شجرة متجانسة لعمر حوالي 35 سنة .
نفذ هذا البحث في قسم علوم الاغذية - كلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق هدف البحث إل دراسة تاثير طرائق التجفيف وتاثير المعاملات الأولية في بعض المؤشرات الكيمائيةوبعض مضادات الاكسدة لشرائح التفاح الطازجة والمجففة
حفظت ثمار العناب بطريقة التجميد والتجفيف الطبيعي لمدة (0-3-9-12 )شهرا وقورنت التغيرات في فيتامين C والفينولات الكلية والنشاط المضاد للاكسدة
تم في هذا البحث تقدير كمية الفينولات الكلية والفلافونيدات وقياس النشاط المضاد للأكسدة للمستخلص المائي والكحولي في أوراق الزعتر البري والأجزاء الهوائية للحرمل والنجمة والفراسيون والشيح وثمار الزعرور الاروني والبطم الأطلسي
نفذ البحث خلال الفترة 2013-2016 م في كلية الزراعة بجامعة دمشق , بهدف دراسة تأثير المعاملة ببعض المواد الكيميائية والطبيعية ( 1- ميثيل سكلو بروبان , ونتروبروسيد الصوديوم , الشيتوزان , وأمينوفينل علايسين , والميثيل جاسمونات , وفيتامين E ) في القدرة الت خزينية لثمار البندورة ( الهجين Tala ) وصفاتها البيوكيميائية ( نسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة TSS ونسبة الحموضة القاتلة للمعايرة TA ) والفيزيائية ( الصلابة ونسبة الفقد بالوزن والفقد المطلق ومؤشرات اللون ) ومعايير الأكسدة ومضادات الأكسدة .

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