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This study was conducted in 2013 in Kassab and Alraboa locations that is located in the province of Latakia, where carried out with the aim of rounds field inventory and characterization of types of local apples deployed in this locations. Was to d etermine which of five local types for apples are: Brobory and Sokary and Cherkhoshy and Malaky and JbakJian, and the outcome of the analysis of variance at the level / 5% / virtual studied for recipes of (17) characters for the leaves, blossoms, fruit and seed. These types showed clear differences formality between each other, in addition to the significant differences in terms of the content of total sugar, acidity, total soluble solids and the percentage of vitamin C, by calculating the degree of similarity between these types have found a higher degree of similarity was between the types Cherkhoshy and Jbak Jian(41.17)% , and the least was between Malaky and Sokary and between Sokary and Jbak Jian(5.88)% .
The natural resources that are available in a region are considered to be the starting point and the basis for the development of the tourism industry and this for the region advancement this economically and service and socially, and to show the p otentials of any area touristically we must perform a touring assessment of its natural resources, from here came the importance of this research which dealt with performing a touring assessment of natural resources in Alhaffeh area that is characterized by uniqueness of its resources and excellence at the province level, the assessment was performed using GIS program to reach the desired results.
This research aims to study the reality of education in Syria because it is very important to achieve human development, analyze the quantity achievements and the population growth, in addition to qualitative achievements, when we support the education that will be affect on the human development.
The response of barley variety Furat9 (tow-rowed), has been noted for three doses of Gamma radiation (10, 15, and 20 Kr). The objective of the research, to evaluate and characterize the quantitative and qualitative traits, to identify and calculate the proportion of the total and relative changes, to determine the best doses of Gamma rays, and to study the relationship among the traits in the second generation.
An assessment of nine vicia faba genotypes (flip84-59fb, AGUADOLCE LB 1266 SML, FLIP84-14FB, GIZE.461, REINA BLANCA, autochthon, Spanish, and Cypriotes) was achieved, during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 seasons, in Al_Bassa farm, near Lattakia city. Su perior genotypes will be adopted as a high yield improved varieties in that area, however, the other genotypes (possessing genetic characteristics, superior of local genotypes), will be used in future breeding programs. The results indicated a significant differences between studied characteristics of the genotypes, as Spanish genotype recorded the best pod length (17.16cm), having high degree of inheritance (68.24), followed by filp84-59fb genotype (15.1 cm), with weight seeds per pod (33.6 g), having high degree of inheritance (68.45), followed by the Cypriot genotype, by seed weight (14.66 g), number of pod (4.6), having low degree of inheritance (23.53), followed by Cyprian autochtone genotype, and Aguadolce.lb1266,and filip84 - 14fb number of pod (3.6). The Cypriot genotype was the best, in terms of pod weight (23:43 g), having high degree of inheritance (76.45) followed by Spanish (20.63g), and seed weight (3.93g), having medium degree of inheritance (54.82), followed by style filip84-59fb (3.73 g), and 100-seed weight (4.1g), having high degree of inheritance (97.49), followed by Aguadolce genotypes (285 g). The SML genotype is the best among premature genotypes in terms of flowering (46 days) and maturity (148 days), followed by Cypriot in terms of flowering (51 days) and flip84- 59fb in terms of maturity (155 days)
Recently, the methods and theories of the structural and technicalevaluation for cracked buildings have been developed because of different reasons (Natural disasters, wars, the oldness… etc.) That was due to urgent need for right evaluation proces s, understand the structural and function status of the building and make the right decision. The research includes the clarification of the importance of building structural evaluation in addition to the basis and criteria of cracked buildings classification regarding their structural and technical status. The structural and technical evaluation for concrete building is considered as nonrepetitive unique process, which has its particularity due to its link with large group of indicators ( concrete natural and structure- structural system - the natural and intensity of failures and cracks …etc.) Therefore, the evaluation process based on groups of measurements, tests and views. The personal experience of the engineer has an important role at evaluation process. The research includes the preparation of scientific methodology to evolution process and designing structural and technical evaluation software to evaluate cracked buildings and limit the personal and mood role of the engineer during evaluation process. In addition to that, the software will include applications from the real situations.
ميزة هذه الطريقة أنها مخصصة لإجراء عملية تصحيح أوراق الامتحان بمساعدة الحاسوب. و هذه الميزة ذات عدة أبعاد في العملية التدريسية فهي أولا تعفي المدرس من عناء التصحيح، و ثانيًا تطمئن الطالب إلى قلة حدوث الخطأ في التصحيح أو التحيز، و ثالثا تريح المؤسسة التعليمية من المشاكل الطلابية و الشكاوى. و قبل أن يعمد المدرس إلى اتباع هذه الطريقة يلزمه أن يتبصر بحيثياتها المختلفة و عواقبها المحتملة. هذا البحث يحوي سردًا تفصيلا متعمقًا لأهم الجوانب الرئيسية و الحساسة في هذه الطريقة بدءًا من وضع الأسئلة مرورًا بالعملية الامتحانية و انتهاء باستنتاج مبادئ وضع الأسئلة من جديد للامتحان القادم.
The teacher is the cornerstone of the teaching process since he/she is one of the elements of teaching. This research aims at studying the characteristics of the future teacher and his new roles in the light of quality system requirements and thei r implementation in the educational field, the age of technology and knowledge.It also aims at recognizing the status of teacher preparation programmes in the Faculty of Education, Damascus University according to its outcome measurement in vocational, academic, cultural and social preparation. It also aims at preparing an inventory to evaluate teacher preparation programmes according to the international quality assurance which includes aims, content, instructional administration, the teaching staff ,teaching methods, infrastructure and instructional technology.
20 local and introduced varieties of pear grown in Sweida during 2007 to 2010 were assessed in terms of flowering time, maturity time, accurate morphological characterization for shoots, leaves, flowers and fruits and fruit chemical analysis (tota l soluble solids, total sugar and tetratable acidity) as well as to determine firmness of fruit flesh and tree yield. Results showed that flowering time was at mid April in most varieties, and the varieties were divided into three groups according to their mature date: early varieties maturated during July, mid varieties maturated during August and late varieties maturated during September. However, A variety of Conference was required artificial ripening.
Considered inadequate maternity care during pregnancy and delivery largely responsible for the big annual losses for each of the parturient mothers and their newborns. So this study aimed to assess the midwives knowledge regarding the management of s econd stage of labor, and to find out the association between their knowledge and personal data during second stage of labor. This descriptive study was conducted in three hospitals at lattakia city, on a sample of 160 midwife. Results of the study showed that the level of midwives information to the second stage of labor was average, and the study of the impact of personal data on the level of midwives information about the second stage of labor show a statistically significant relationship between age and the level of Midwives Information, and between educational level and the level of their knowledge. The study also showed that There were no statistically significant differences between the experience and the level of information midwives relationship. The study recommends that; installing in-service educational program for Midwives to upgrade the techniques necessary to assess, evaluate and improve the quality of care rendered to laboring women, and to put an emphasis on conducting training course for the Midwives in order to change their malpractices and updating their knowledge with regular supervision on their performance.

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